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What do Americans normally do, again?

Be kinky in public. Make sense?

Although frankly the mayor of Toronto is taking kinkiness in public to brand new levels. Does anybody else feel sorry for Canadians everywhere? :D
Wouldn't you feel sorry for Canadians during winter anyway?
I would stay but VV has asked me over for a Horlicks and nibbles. Is that ok with you guys?
I would stay but VV has asked me over for a Horlicks and nibbles. Is that ok with you guys?

If you really wanna lick whores why wouldn't you just stay around here? Aren't there plenty of us whores around to be licked here? :confused:

If the answer is yes, tough, but I spy a Vavavavoom anyone mind if I just *pouncehug*?
Seeeeee!!! :mad: Isn't this just a perfect example of what licking whores can do to a thread? :eek:

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