Two girls

Mick was the first of us to move, pushing herself up to her feet, but I quickly followed her, getting to my feet and watching as she gathered my clothes and handed them to me without saying anything. She didn't make eye contact, and what I could see of her face was expressionless, leaving me even more unsure of what to do or so. As she turned her back to me and started back into the kitchen I found myself standing there, a million questions on my tongue, none managing to make it past my lips.

Finally I gave up on asking anything and focused on putting my clothes back on. I was just pulling my tank top down over my breasts and my stomach when Mick offered to let me use the shower upstairs. Her voice is cold and I can't help but wonder if she's just done with me or if she's as freaked out by what happened as I am. Either way, she doesn't seem to want to talk about it.

"Uh, no, but thanks," I finally said, doing my best to sound happy, or at least nonchalant as I step into the kitchen with her. "I should probably get going..." my voice trailed off, my mind going blank as I tried to think of somewhere I needed to be. I pause behind her for a second, one last attempt to think of something I should say, something that would explain how I was feeling, but truth is I don't know what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it.

Giving up I murmur a goodbye and start for the door.
I feel like a bastard when i hear Chloe's goodbye behind me. Great, now i was feeling guilty. I resist the urge to turn around and apologise. Instead i hear the front door close behind her as she leave the house. I slump forward on the counter. Putting my forehead against the surface.

This was not my day. It did not make me feel better that i knew that i was to blame. I had probably hurt Chloe. I had been a coward and i hated it. This was a new situation for me. I had always known how to deal with the women i fucked. They were somehow separate from my life. Chloe i had to see everyday at school.

With a sigh i raise myself up and pick up my t-shirt from the floor. I put it on and start making dinner for my mom, so it is ready when she get home from work.

Two hours later

I fall down on my bed fully clothed. I am totally exhausted. My thoughts had been totally occupied by Chloe and the feel of her hands on me, that i had hardly been able to eat. I dreaded that i would see her in school the next day. Even though i was very tired, sleep was hard to come by.

When it did come i dreamt very erotic dreams.
As I drove toward home I found myself searching desperately for some explanation for my actions, some excuse for why I had allowed myself to be so easily coerced, but the truth I had to face was, Mick hadn't seduced me. If anything I had been the one pushing things. I was attracted to her and I couldn't deny that fact anymore than I could deny what had happened. It was crazy, what we'd done, but it had happened.

More than that, it had happened and I had enjoyed it, I'd loved it, actually. Just thinking about her hand in my panties, her body so close, made me tingle, my cheeks growing red and hot. And the sound of her breathing so close to my ear, the look on her face when she'd climaxed...when I'd made her climax...fuck, that was hot!

By the time I reached my house I was not only okay with what had happened, I was considering whether it might happen again. That is, if Mick was interested in me. Which wasn't exactly a certainty considering how she'd acted after it was over. Unfortunately, when I walked into my house and saw my family I suddenly felt as though everyone was looking at me. Like they knew what I'd just done, which was obviously ridiculous. I was obviously being paranoid, but knowing that didn't make me feel better.

I finally gave up on trying to interact with my family members and rushed upstairs to my room. After an hour on Facebook and Twitter and another hour studying, I decided to take a shower, hoping that might help me feel...clean. The warm water and soft soap didn't have the intended effect though. As soon as I started rubbing the soap over my body I started thinking about Mick and I, about her offer to let me shower at her place. In my delusional mind I imagined that I accepted her offer and she joined me in the shower...

That thread of my imagination ended with me fingering myself in the shower and curling up in the bed a short time later with a smile on my face.
The next morning

I awoke after a disturbing night of wet dreams. It did not feel like i had a full nights sleep. More like i had run a marathon. I was covered in sweat and was horny as hell. What was wrong with me? Chloe wasn't the first girl i had fucked, and i was behaving like a virgin. At least my body did.

I took a shower and a quick breakfast before i decided to walk to school. Hopefully the walk would help clear my mind and make me cooler. I sort of dreaded facing Chloe again. That was a first to me. A big reason why screwing with school mates was a bad idea.

Arriving at the school grounds my first agenda was to check the parking lot. To my relief i couldn't see Chloe's car. I was about twenty minutes early though. I made my way inside the main building and went to the rest room. I admitted to myself that i was hiding. With a sigh i take up a cigarette from my jeans pocket. I light it and draw in a deep breath. Leaning back against the wall i smile slightly at how cowardly was behaving i.

My head snapped around a little too quickly in response to the shouted slur, and immediately I felt my cheeks flush red. Glancing around at the throng of teenagers milling around me, I couldn't tell who had shouted the word, but whoever it was didn't appear to be talking to me. Of course they weren't talking to me. It wasn't like anyone could have known what happened between myself and Mic the previous afternoon. Besides, just because I had one sexual experience with a girl didn't make me a dyke...or lesbian.

Walking a little faster I slipped into the school and was quickly greeted by a small group of friends. It felt good to see them, comforting. Well, at first. But as we started talking I felt myself growing paranoid. Did they know what had happened? Could they tell just by looking at me.

I seriously needed to get a grip.

The bathroom. It was the only refuge nearby and I excused myself and rushed in, only to be greeted by a small cloud of cigarette smoke and the sight of Mic leaning against the wall.

"Oh, hi."