It's an AH Reunion.

If you don't want people peeking in, don't have windows. Or at least don't have windows down low enough to peek in.
One of the listings in the area I want to move to has windows above head height in all the bedrooms. Strange, very strange.
True, true. Even better the bedroom in the basement has no windows at all. Of course, if you turned off the lights you'd have to operate strictly by touch. Not that there's any downside to that.
Not me. What I want is about 2,000 sq ft on 1/4-1/2 acre all on one floor. My knees are fine now but in twenty years I don't want to have to climb stairs to go to bed. And my MIL is 89 so when she comes to visit she's not climbing stairs, either.
Not me. What I want is about 2,000 sq ft on 1/4-1/2 acre all on one floor. My knees are fine now but in twenty years I don't want to have to climb stairs to go to bed. And my MIL is 89 so when she comes to visit she's not climbing stairs, either.

Well, that's a bummer. Here I was planning a trip west. :rolleyes:
I'll still be west. I'm going to Portland, OR about next Mar/Apr. Right now, I'm trying to get the house ready to sell.
Yeah, well the cubette used to sleep with a loaded 12 ga. trap gun on the trundle bed under her own when the Nightstalker was terrorizing L.A. Anyone found coming through her window at night would be found there the next morning.:eek:
I wouldn't know what to do with a dungeon. HM was a sexy, loving but plain vanilla woman.

Nothing wrong with that.

Yeah, well the cubette used to sleep with a loaded 12 ga. trap gun on the trundle bed under her own when the Nightstalker was terrorizing L.A. Anyone found coming through her window at night would be found there the next morning.:eek:

I found out I don't need a gun to defend myself. It's quite empowering.
Yeah, well the cubette used to sleep with a loaded 12 ga. trap gun on the trundle bed under her own when the Nightstalker was terrorizing L.A. Anyone found coming through her window at night would be found there the next morning.:eek:

The most I'm worried about around here is the neighbor whose dog got loose. Well, and any meth heads . . . and maybe the escaped convicts from western ny looking for higher ground. Shucks. (Goes to check the shotgun ammo.)
Heck, when correctly viewed everything is a weapon. Learned a bunch of them in Basic . . .

A rattail comb, a can of hairspray, a nail file, kabob skewers, a screw driver, fire place poker, kitchen knife, a broken table leg--even a spoon, to gouge out an eye. Hell, you can use a pillow, a plastic bag, a toilet bowl. The human body is frail and the ways to die infinite.
I'm not sure I want to spend much time at this reunion. It seems to be getting rather violent.