Lol Today!

On UK Monday

All the men that essentially kissed tRump's rump so deeply, that they were swallowed up, sucked into his anal passage, have lost track of where they are. They spoke out, but they are firmly positioned in tRump's interior.

Steve Bell is less than subtle...

"Deep Treasonous Treacheryinside myOwn Arsehole!" - tRump

On the UK Tuesday

The false gold toilet seat and lid, have returned to the top of tRump's head. The lid is in Up position. tRump is aiming a gun muzzle, down into the toilet bowl that is the inside of his skull. Woodward's latest book is quoting the people that have surrounded tRump. The quotes have installed the disembodied voices of these tRump picks, into tRump's consciousness. Shhhh, tRump is hunting traitors. He will kill them all. (tRump has demonstrated a willingness to order assassinations and to order mass murder.)

His aides come to his rescue. The flushing mechanism will do the trick.
(Sarah Huckabee) Sanders appeared on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday to lobby for the Senate to vote on Kavanaugh, who has become embroiled in allegations of sexual misconduct. Sanders claimed that previous nominees didn’t have a problem getting votes shortly after their hearings.

“The president wants this process to come to a vote because that’s what’s supposed to happen,” she said. “In every single one of these instances where someone is nominated, they go before, they have a hearing and then the senators vote on it.”
New anti-Ted Cruz ad calls him a wuss for refusing to ‘kick Trump’s ass’ after he attacked the Cruz family

The ad features actor Sonny Carl Davis that starred in the Richard Linklater film “Bernie,” which features an epic scene explaining the cultural geography of Texas, the Dallas Morning News wrote.

“I mean, come on,” Davis said of Cruz as his “Bernie” character. “If somebody called my wife a dog, and said my daddy was in on the Kennedy assassination, I wouldn’t be kissing their ass. You stick a finger in their chest and give ’em a few choice words. Or you drag their ass out by the woodshed and kick their ass. Come on. Ted.”

In an interview, Dallas lawyer and Democratic donor Marc Stanley told the paper that it hones in on something people in Texas understand about Cruz.

“Sonny’s character really captures what most Texans understand about Cruz: he’s a spineless liar who puts his own ambition ahead of doing his job for the people of Texas,” he said.
