care to chat?

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I have voted twice now, bringing you to 45. Does that count towards the 30 voting message posts on here or does it have to be 30 different people posting?

Well I was going with 30 different... But maybe I'll post a teaser for you helpers :)

Guys! You can vote daily!!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee

Well crap, I didn't realize that! I would have been voting every day this whole time if I knew that. lol.

You're up to 51 votes now. :)
Well I was going with 30 different... But maybe I'll post a teaser for you helpers :)

I remembered I have another Facebook account (made a long time ago for a game because if you screwed up and wanted to start over, you couldn't necessitating the need for another account to try again) and used it to vote as well so you're up to 52 now, I believe.

How do we see what the overall leader/top 10 are at so we know how much you have to catch up?
Super Bowl halftime. I miss Beyoncé.

I thought Bruno Mars and the Chilli Peppers did a good show. That said, Beyonce is a hell of a lot sexier than Mars or any member of the Chilli Peppers!
Hey guys :)

Thanks everyone for voting. My work place got involved, so this had best go viral :)
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