Guardians of the North

The day was again beautiful and they set out just after dawn. Aravir made small talk with Moira for the first few hours as they rode, talking about the weather, his country and the countryside.

As the day progressed though he moved slightly ahead of the caravan and drew her with him. He motioned the guards to remain a little behind, just out of earshot and began talking to his wife.

"My dear I have some delicate matters to discuss with you. I hope you will forgive me if I talk out of line but I think we must discuss the issue of children." Aravir blushed a little in embarrassment and fidgeted a little in his saddle before turning to look at her and giving her a charming smile. "Moira, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to start a family with you, and if I could I would love to start it right now," he continued giving her a cheeky grin," But we are going off to war and although I hope it will not take too long, who knows how the winds will blow. I do not want you to be carrying our child while traveling all over your kingdom, and I am afraid you must accompany us."

He looked at her in worry and hoped she understood that what he was going to propose was not because he did not love her but because he did. "I wish for us to continue with our 'Lesson's'," he grinned, "However we both know what that can lead to. However I know that certain potions and powders can be taken by both a male and female to help prevent a female becoming pregnant."

He looked down and then back at her. "Do I want this, NO. Would I prefer to start a family with my wife and have children running around our ankles, Of course. However I think this is the best course of action until this war is won. Of course if you have any better ideas or objections I am always willing to listen," he told her.
As they had ridden ahead of the army, Moira was pleased to be able to have some time alone with him. She knew that any time alone would become harder as they entered her father’s kingdom, especially when a battle was upon them. Her pleasure, though, turned to disbelief at the words he had spoken. Preventing children was something she had no knowledge of, neither did she feel the desire to know about it now.

Her mind was whirling with thoughts as he watched her, and she wasn’t sure what it was he was seeing on her face. Confusion? Disbelief? Shock? How could he know of these things? Of course, she understood exactly what he was saying about the burden of bearing children while they were to be fighting, but she still couldn’t believe that he had mentioned it.

She didn’t know if she had objections or a better idea because it wasn’t something she had thought of until her dream last night.

The sun was still high as they rode and she was silent for a long time before she quietly cleared her throat and said, “I’m at a loss for words because it is not something I’ve considered. I never anticipated that the war would take long. Or thought of bearing a child on the battlefield until of late.” She stopped to gather her thoughts once more, before continuing.

“What if I already am with child?”

Moira saw the shock on his face. Apparently, he hadn’t thought of this either. Would this be such a bad thing? Would the war continue or would it be finished by the end of summer. If she were already with child, it wouldn’t be born until the snow covered the land, and they wouldn’t be battling then, would they? Aravir understood war better than she; there was much she didn’t know, much that she had been sheltered from. It almost made her angry.
Moira's comments left Aravir reeling himself. Could she already be with child? Of course he knew it was possible, but surely it would not happen so soon? Shaking his head he chided himself. How stupid was he. Of course she could be. If it was going to happen it happened, no matter if it was the first time a couple laid together or the one hundredth. The chances were the same each time.

He should have thought on this before setting out. Still he did not regret a single one of his actions and if she was with child then so be it.

As for her understanding of war, he could not understand how a person of the royal family could not know just how long battles could take,or how long wars could indeed last. After all they had already been fighting this one for years. Maybe they had kept the truth from her.

"Moira my love, I think you might have a romantic notion of what we are going to be doing. You might be thinking that my men and I will ride into your Kingdom, sweep from one end to the other in a matter of weeks, winning victory after victory and rid your lands of your enemies."

He smiled at her then shook his head. "I am afraid that only happens in books and songs dearest. In truth it would take almost two months to move an army our size from the borders of our kingdom to the most threatened of yours. It will be shortened however if we can get provisions easily. However we will also be fighting battles on the way so that will add time. In total my dear it could be almost six months before we are finished fighting, and that is if everything goes well."

He looked at her and saw the shock on her face this time. "You can see why I have brought this delicate topic up. Do I want a child with you? More than anything in the world. If that means we have a child on the battlefield then so be it," he smiled at her. "I just want you to know all the facts my love."
Moira pondered what he had said about sweeping in and riding the land of enemies within a short matter of weeks. Yes, she did think it would be easy to do such a thing. Weren’t they bringing more men to fight? Wouldn’t it be easier with fresh soldiers to fight against enemies who are battle worn after years of fighting? But, what he had said about distance and the size of the contingent that were scattered for miles behind them made sense, now that she had time to think about it.

“Aravir, things have happened so quickly from the time that I arrived to petition for help from your father. I had not envisioned marriage or riding to battle myself.” She said as she looked over at him sitting tall on his horse. “I am aware that war takes time, but it’s never involved me and I’ve not given it much thought – not like a man would.” She blushed.

She hated being reminded that she had thought as a woman would. He must think that all that passed through her mind was clothing and jewelry and hair fashion, and he would be far from the mark. Still, he was right that there were things she had not considered, but most of that was his fault, was it not?

“Most of my thoughts have been toward the lessons that we’ve been learning, both with a sword and without.” She said with a saucy grin. “However, one of those thoughts was not that I would conceive, and I’m not opposed to that. But, I’m not sure how I feel about stopping such a thing, even as we battle. I would be afraid to start something now, in case I am already with child.” She really didn’t want to tell him that they would have to wait for perhaps two more weeks to see whether or not she was. With all the time he had spent with women, she was hoping that it might simply be understood.
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Aravir nodded. He supposed some of the blame was on himself as well. He had not taken the time to explain just how long he thought this War might drag on with her, or what his plans might be. On the one hand he had set her up as the General of the army, yet on the other he had not even kept her informed of what their plans might be or even given her a basic grounding in the knowledge of tactics and management of an army.

As to her concerns about their other problem well she was right. For them to start something now could be dangerous. He knew to what she was referring and until she knew for sure he guessed there was no point being worried over it. If she did become pregnant they would deal with it together.

"Well then my love, I suggest we continue our lessons until we know for certain," he grinned at her. "However perhaps we can add some more. While we ride it would also be my pleasure to teach you the basics of commanding an army if you so wish. I assure you it is not glamorous though. It is normally one headache after another and truth to tell I would rather just be a normal soldier. However if you would care to learn?" he asked smiling.
Moira’s eyes widened as she listened to his speak of her commanding an army! Commanding her generals from within the castle walls was one thing, but to be leading them and commanding an army – being the general - was unheard of. Why were these things just now amazing her? Why didn’t she think of these things when he had made the proposal at the beginning?

Still, it didn’t frighten her to think of. She sat taller in the saddle gathering her thoughts before she spoke. They needed to focus on what was at hand, things that they knew and could react to, and not worry about things that might be in the future, whether a day, or nine months.

“Aravir, I’m beginning to think that there will never be a time when we aren’t learning a lesson, or relearning one, or making up our own when we bed.” She grinned at him, knowing how right she was on this point. “But, you’re correct. I have no idea how to command an army, though I have watched my father with the generals these past few years. It was never expected that I would be leading men into a battle. Since things have changed, I need to know. You are a great general, and I would be honored to learn from you how to lead them now, and to have you at my side as we return to my kingdom as victors. I will need you every bit as much then as we will face the traitors inside the castle walls.”

Moira watched him from the corner of her eye, her mind thinking back to how it had felt in his strong arms last night. She knew that she would find no better man to fight alongside her, and she meant to learn well and make him proud.
Aravir nodded. So be it. For now they would forget that which they could not control and focus on that which they could. "Very well my dear, let us worry about our night time lessons another time," he grinned at her and winked. "For now we shall concentrate on the more boring yet needful tasks. We will turn you into a General fit to command any army in the lands, and survive any challenge at home as well. When we do face those traitors I will be honored to stand at your side as you kick them all out of your lands, or put them to the sword," he smiled and bowed in his saddle.

He let that sink in in silence for a little while before clearing his throat and then looking at her. "Very well then let the lessons begin. First, a good Commander always listens to his Generals but makes up his," he looked over at her and smiled nodding his head, "Or her mind. They have the final say in any decisions made so must appear confident. If it goes wrong it is their fault, as well as if it goes right so never let your Generals push you into a decision. They will be happy to share in the Glory, but quick to place all the blame on you should things go bad."

He looked over at her and saw her listening intently. He would have to revise some of his plans for their travels. He just hoped he had remembered to pack his old Castle and Soldiers set. Besides being a good game to teach strategy with, it could be used to pose battle problems. He remembered his old trainer doing the same thing and smiled.

"Point two,..." For the next little while until lunch Aravir discussed small points with her about the craft of being a Commander of an army. Most of it was about learning to process what was told to you by your Generals and learning to read a battlefield. However he also told her all the other things she had to consider. Her supply train, The speed of her army, the terrain they were fighting in and the types of armies they would fight compared to her own. Medical needs, Resupply of food, weapons, even personnel. Rest days, pay.

As they stopped for their midday meal he saw her mind was awhirl with all the information he had poured into it. "Don't worry Moira. There are always people there to help you with these things. However as the Commander it is your job to keep an eye on them to make sure they are doing their job well. Now let us have a nice lunch and you can ask me anything you want."
Throughout the morning, Moira had payed close attention to what Aravir was telling her. She only knew a few things from her father from watching him, but it was never expected that she alone would rule the kingdom one day, so she never assumed that she alone would bear the burden of being a Commander of them. Still, the information he was imparting to her was of the utmost necessity, especially as they were on their way to do the very things he was telling her of.

As they supped on their midday meal, she pondered what sort of questions she would have. There were only a few that came to mind. She pulled two apples from the bag that had been prepared for them and handed one to him before she spoke.

“Will they take commands from a mere princess? After all, I am not the queen, and these troops are your troops, Aravir.” His mouth was full of apple, so she continued before he had a chance to speak. “I understand that when we get to my father’s kingdom that the soldier’s there will follow my order’s as they’ll be given to their generals. My couriers were sent ahead to inform them that I was sending more troops, and one was sent directly to my father from Sir Niall that we would be joining them on the battlefield. Since you are my husband, you will help me with these things, won’t you?”

So much for being a princess and running the castle. No. Moira did things in a big way - the bigger the better. What better way to run a castle than to command an army?
Aravir nodded as he chewed then swallowed his bite of apple. He could see why she would be worried. Most would just see her as a figurehead, a puppet, and would look to him to give the actual orders. However he did not want that. Oh he would guide her, and for the first few battles she would have to lean very heavily on her Generals, but with his training she would soon be able to stand on her own two feet.

"My troops will do as I command Moira. If I say that they are to follow your orders, then that is what they will do. You must also understand that I will not put them in danger, so I will be teaching you all that I know quickly. It may seem that for the first few battles you may not be doing much, but I want you to watch and learn all that you can. Soon you will lead these men without having to rely on me or the Generals so much."

He smiled at her cheekily and gave a wink. "Besides you ask if these men would follow you. Moira my dear, Do you not know that already you have captured most of my Generals hearts. They have been trying to get me married for years now and suddenly you have come along and not only done that, but proven to be my match. They would follow you anywhere just for that. By the time we are finished with you, you will be a commander the likes this world has never seen." Still smiling he took another bite of his apple and swallowed.

"Of course they will only know the half of it. After all I get to teach you all the really fun lessons by myself," he chuckled.
Moira was already blushing at his words about having captured the hearts of his generals when he mentioned their lessons, and her face deepened another shade of red. She looked away at first, hoping he didn’t see, but then she couldn’t help laughing.

Turning back to Aravir, she quipped, “I’m not sure which one will be more exhausting – learning to command, or learning to make love to you.” Once she realized that she had said her thoughts aloud, she blushed all over again. What was it about him that made her happy and blushing with embarrassment at time same time?

When she was with him, she felt like she could say anything that came to mind, she felt relaxed and encouraged to be herself. Even though it had only been a short while since they had met, she knew there was nothing that she could say or do that he would become angry over. At least, she hadn’t discovered that one thing yet.

She also knew this… that he was right. She needed to not only be able to depend on him, but to lead the Army herself, if one day she became Queen it would be expected. Once again, her thoughts went to her father and his health, and wondered if she would see him again.

Groaning inwardly, she knew that she would one day have to explain to Aravir that, unless she had her father’s blessing in her marriage, she would never be the Queen of Valgaard, and he would never be king. Her father would need to live long enough to receive them back in the castle and give his blessing to them, and she hoped that by that time they would have proven themselves worthy enough to be the leaders of the kingdom.

Glancing quickly at Aravir, she wondered if he would mind not being king.
Aravir smiled at her and started to approach her with naughty thoughts on his mind when of course they were interrupted by the army getting ready to resume it's journey. Sighing he was able to at least give her a proper kiss, before cleaning up the remnants of their meal and once again mounting their horses to resume their trek towards the border.

Again during the ride he described the duties of a commander and tested her on the things he had talked about. For the most part he kept the conversation not too much like a lecture but gave her small puzzles to solve. It was the way his instructor had taught him as well. if you talked to long at someone they tended to stop listening at some point. It was just human nature. However make them think for themselves and they took the lesson to heart a lot better.

It was a few hours before nightfall when they spotted the border town of Glorendelf. It was a major city of course being the gateway between the two kingdoms and each had their own castles and Garrisons stationed here.

Aravir marched his troops in and through the city to the Castle and in it's gates. The commander met him in front of the doors and smiled as the men peeled off to march towards the barracks and the wagons headed towards the storerooms to resupply.

"Welcome My Prince and princess. All has been prepared just as you ordered. A feast has been laid on for you and your men and travel permits have been attained for your journey tomorrow."

Aravir nodded as he dismounted and helped Moira down from her horse.

"Thank you Commander Jarred. I hope this is not too much of a bother for you," he replied smiling.

"No bother at all Sir," Jarred replied then stepped back and bowed as he gestured them inside. "Your room is ready and baths have been prepared so you can freshen up before dinner. If you will follow the servant she will show you the way."
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Aravir was doing a fine job teaching Moira. She was a quick learner and was able to think through many of the puzzles he had put to her. There was much to learn and she was even more impressed by his ability to learn these things at a much earlier age. They worked together right up until they saw the city, and then Aravir began to attend to his duties, leading them all into the castle.

Moira was glad that they had a room that was already prepared upon their arrival. She vaguely remembered staying here on her way to Nordenheim, but so much had happened in that time that much of her journey had been put from her mind. All she could think about was how much closer to home she was.

She had dismounted and was ready to stretch her weary body before she realized how improper that would be with so many around. Following Aravir and the servant to the room, she walked tenderly without saying a word to anyone and entered the room ready to push the servants out and lock the door so that she could finally rub her sore bottom.

This time she didn’t bother undressing behind the screen, she stood in front of the fire and let each piece fall to the floor, unmindful of the eyes that watched her every movement. Once she had finished with her clothing, she began to unpin her long blond hair letting it fall down her back before pulling it over her shoulder and combing through it with her fingers.

“Do you mind, Aravir…” she started as she turned towards him, naked and unashamed. She saw that he was looking at her, and realized that he had been watching her the entire time. This time she did not blush. “I was hoping that I could bathe first, and wash the dust from my hair. I know that I won’t have these opportunities again once we are engaged in battle…” her voice trailed off as she continued watching him.

Then, she smiled and crooked her finger, an invitation to join her.
Aravir had been watching her undress. Already she was comfortable enough in his presence to do so without having to use the screen, or was she just so exhausted that she had forgotten him?

Then she had turned around naked and caught sight of him and he was expecting her to blush or at least try to hide herself a little. Instead she smiled and actually beckoned him forward to join her.

Smiling himself it took him no more than ten seconds to get himself naked and stand before her, taking her in his arms and kissing her tenderly.

"Ah my dear Moira. You do not know how much it pleases me that you wish for me to join you. In you I have found my perfect match."

Kissing her again he began to explore her body with his hands when he remembered something.

Frowning he raised his head. "Damn, the banquet. We may have to postpone our own festivities until later my dear...unless."

Smiling mischievously, Aravir moved to the purpose built bathing room. It had a large stone tub built into the floor with cauldrons of hot and cold water on either side.

Filling it up halfway with warm water, Aravir brought over Soap, cloths, a hairbrush and towels, then sunk into the water. Then he held out his hand for Moira to join him. It would be a bit of a squeeze but a lot roomier than the bath they had shared previously.

"Would my Lady care to sit on her private throne while her husband does her hair," he chuckled as his obvious erection waved in the water. "I could wash her back too. We can Fulfill several needs at once and still make it in time for the banquet," he chuckled.
Moira laughed at his words, but inside she was wondering where she had learned to be so brazen as to invite him to come to her bath. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t already shared one, and he was her husband, after all… still, it was so unlike her. This didn’t mean she regretted it for one moment, though, and she made her way over to where Aravir was soaking in the water.

Stepping down into the bath, she settled on his lap and took up a cloth and a bar of soap.
While she was getting it soaped, she teased, “I’m not so sure if there is time for the throne. You know that all will wait for us, and I don’t want anyone going hungry because we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves.”

Then, she leaned back using the cloth to wash herself, starting with her breasts. Moira knew what the movement would do to him, but she made sure to wiggle provocatively as she moved her hand from one breast to the other.
Aravir groaned in mock disappointment as Moira told him of her plan to make him wait until after the banquet for their "Fun" activities, then groaned in a more painful way when she began to grind herself against him while washing herself.

Just where had that sweet little innocent woman gone who he had first married back in his own Kingdom under a week ago. She would never have teased him this way.

Smiling he picked up his own washcloth and began to wash her back. Actually he was very proud of his wife's actions, even as his manhood strained between her legs,his shaft rubbing between her lips as she wiggled while washing herself.

Leaning forward he kissed her neck, then her ear before gently whispering in it. "You may be winning now my beautiful wife, but tonight after the meal I assure you, you will pay for what you are doing. Just be thankful that you do not need to ride your horse tomorrow for I fear you might not be able to sit down too well then."
In any other moment, Moira would have thrown her head back and laughed at his words and the teasing that she was doing...but, in teasing him, she had begun to become aroused and that only made what he said all the more enticing.

Leaning back against his chest, she turned her face up to his and smiled. 'Maybe I won't be the only one thankful that there is no riding tomorrow, and that we can perhaps lie abed long after the roosters have crowed.'

Not too long ago, Moira would have scoffed at anyone who would have told her that she would enjoy her husband this way. Without the benefit of seeing a relationship between a man and wife, for her mother had died while she was till an infant, Moira assumed that a woman had a duty to oblige her husband in the marital bed. And the bath. And the side of the road. Blushing at these thoughts, Moira admitted to herself that she enjoyed their intimacies as much as Aravir did. Maybe more, or maybe more to come, as he continued to promise to teach and to learn.

How much more is there? And how much of it does he already know? How many others has he lain with?

Those questions were like cold water, and she continued to bathe without the benefit of teasing him.
Aravir had chuckled and kissed his wife then watched as the warmth had faded from her eyes. He didn't understand. What had he done? One second they had been lovingly teasing each other and the next it was almost like someone had poured cold water into the bath.

In fact he could actually feel himself shrinking and yet he was at a loss to pinpoint exactly what had happened.

As he continued to wash both himself and her, he tried to puzzle it out in his mind, but for the life of him he could not see what had happened to cause the mood to change. Well then there was only one way to find out and that was to tackle it head on.

Grasping her hands he held her still. "Moira my love, while I admit going to dinner in this state may be better for the both of us, I will not be satisfied until I know exactly what I did wrong. I am only a poor male so you will have to forgive me. I know I did something to upset you and I am truly sorry for it, however with my limited brain I am unable to come up with exactly what I did." He smiled at her and kissed her neck. "I don't want you mad at me my love. Please tell me what I did wrong so I can never do it again."
She could hear the concern in his voice and, truly, it bothered her that she had caused it. Her thoughts had turned in a way that she had never thought they could, and she wasn’t at all pleased with the feelings that she was having at the moment. Moira knew exactly what they were. Jealousy.

How she could possibly be jealous of something, of someone, who had been a part of her husband’s life long before they’d met was beyond her, but it was there, nonetheless. It was bad enough admitting it to herself, but she really didn’t want to share it with him. How could she not, though, when it had come between them like a rock in the middle of their bed?

Stirring gently, she moved to look at him. He was so handsome leaning against the tub with a cloth in his hand washing them both. Her heart filled with love for him, and she wondered if that same feeling could be seen on her face.

“Aravir, you are unlike anyone I’ve ever known. When I became your wife, I didn’t know that my feelings for you would develop into something that could remotely be considered joyful, let alone would cause me to be jealous of the arms of a lover you’d had long before we met.” She let her words sink in before she continued. “I hope that I don’t become a shrew as the days gone by, but I will say that I hope that I will never have to share you. I’ve come to care for you very much, and I want to be the only one who splashes water on you in the tub, or falls asleep in your arms after screaming your name. I fear that the lessons you are teaching in the stable may cause harm to another who tries to take you to her bed.”

Moira was blushing, but she had spoken her heart and there was no harm in that.
Ahh now Aravir knew what the problem was. His wife was jealous of the women he had bedded previously. Was that really fair? No. Was it understandable? Yes. His wife had been pure when he had taken her to the wedding chamber and yet he had not been. In this instance he actually thought that was a good thing but there was no need to rub his wife's nose in it.

"My dear, while I can not undo the past, I can assure you of the future. I have found the woman for me and you are her. Never again shall there be another in my bed except you, no other woman shall scream my name, and only you will ever splash me in the tub," he chuckled. "I would not like to be the cause of a lady having to face you at the end of a sword anyway," he smiled as he grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

Then he got a cheeky grin on his face. "You know I just might hold you to that promise of falling asleep after screaming my name later tonight wife. However we need to get ready for dinner or no one will be eating tonight."

He kissed her one more time then stepped from the tub and grabbed one of the towels wrapping it around himself before holding the other one out in invitation to her to step out.
Aravir spoke with conviction, even though he spoke quickly. She blushed in her embarrassment at being jealous of things that happened before he had met her, let alone, taken her to bed. She reached for the towel that he offered and stepped from the tub on the other side.

“I know you’re right about how one cannot undo the past. If that were possible, I would undo these last few minutes and be far happier. I’m sorry, Aravir, that my sullen jealousy ruined a moment when we could have… could… have.” She couldn’t say the words; which ones would she say? Could have coupled? Could have made love? Could have… what?

She looked at his face. Then, she laughed. He knew exactly what she meant without her even finishing, why beat herself up with trying to figure things out? They were far more alike than she would have ever thought at the beginning and, in a way, it drew her closer to him.

As she dressed and combed through her hair before pinning it up, she continued, d“Let’s pretend it didn’t happen, dear husband. If you will go along with this and take me to sup, I promise not to beat you badly when we practice my swordsmanship again.”

Moira gave him a cheeky grin. They both knew she would be worn through by his skill by the time the lesson was done.

Then, he would wear her out more with the other lessons they would share.

Throughout their meal, while Aravir was speaking to others, Moira would place her hand upon his thigh and slide it slowly to his knee and back up… never quite touching his manhood, but coming ever so close.

She knew he would make her pay for this when they returned to their room.

This was something she was thoroughly looking forward to.
Aravir was in agony.

All through the official meal he had to make small talk with one official after another with a raging hard on in his pants because of his darling wife. She had been stroking his leg all through the meal, running her hand lightly up and down his thigh from his knee to the tip of his now straining cock, but never once did she touch it.

Oh she flirted with it. Running her fingers delicately along the seams of his trousers, right next to the bulge it formed. However no matter how he squirmed or twisted on his seat, she refused to touch it.

And all the while she sat and chatted and smiled.

Oh he was going to make her suffer once this party was over.

Finally the last of the invited guests left and Aravir grabbed his wifes hand and began to lead her towards the stables. He had promised her a lesson with swords tonight. However as he passed a window he saw how late it was and changed direction. Instead he took her straight to their bedchamber.

Once inside he turned and locked the door. He did not want anyone to disturb them tonight no matter what sounds they heard coming from this room. Advancing on his wife with lust in his eyes he began to talk.

"Now my dear, it is time for you to pay up for what you have caused downstairs in the feast hall."

Aravir began to strip away the layers of clothing Moira was wearing until he had her naked and then threw her on the bed. Again he marveled at how beautiful she was but he was way to horny for him to wait for to long.

Diving between her legs he began to kiss and nibble at her thighs before he moved up to her nether lips and kissed them long and hard, before slowly inserting his tongue between them and licking.

He began to nibble at her lips and plunge his tongue inside her, licking up the juices spilling from her, but he stayed away from he nub and he did not insert any fingers into her. Instead he teased her mercilessly, bringing her to the point of orgasm only to back off time and time again.

Finally he stood up and undressed then flipped her over, getting her on her hands and knees, then entered her from behind. He fucked her hard and fast, pounding into her without mercy. He was already so close from all her teasing that it did not take him long before he was calling out her name and plunging deep inside to fill her up.

Falling down beside her he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Damn you Moira," he whispered in her ear. "I swear you did that to me on purpose tonight just so I would do something like this."
All evening Moira sat beside him listening to him trying to control his breathing as he spoke with others – laughing merrily at their jokes as she continued stroking and teasing him, knowing he was barely able to keep himself under control. If truth be told, her own teasing had affected her in much the same way, she wanted so much to squirm in her set, but knew that it would be awkward with others present, very unladylike. Of course, if they knew what she was doing under the table….

When Aravir took her hand and started leading her to the stable, her heart began pounding in anticipation. Without a word, he changed course and, when she realized he intended to take her to their chambers, she started giggling. All that passed them in the hall stopped as they passed and Moira tried not to allow them to see her grin.

As he turned to lock the door, Moira went to put the chair between them but he was too quick. His words stopped her in her tracks and she stood there grinning like a naughty child caught running in the house. He took her clothing and tossed it aside, and she couldn’t help but see the passion on his face. His eyes were smoldering hot as they took in her naked breasts, her nipples growing hard with her own passion that was ignited.

She almost laughed when he tossed her on the bed but, as he started to part her legs and kissed her most intimate part, she lost all train of thought. Her own arousal at teasing him had her moving beneath his mouth, only his tongue working slowly along her slit, lingering and then plunging quickly inside her. She could feel the way he kissed her there just as he had kissed her lips earlier, slow and deep, his only intent to tease her as much as he had been teased, driving her to the edge of an orgasm and then withholding it. Her frustration growing as her hands gripped the sheets, her soft sighs eventually turning to pleadings which apparently fell on deaf ears. Instead, he simply used his tongue to continue coaxing her to the edge, and then stopped.

At first, she was shocked, but he quickly undressed and turned her over. Her face in the sheets and her bottom wiggling in the air, she felt him move up behind her and grab her hips and he pushed the tip of his raging hard length deep inside her. He thrust deep and hard, her slick, wet tunnel gripping him as he stretched her over and over. He wasn’t going to stop, or take his time, and she didn’t want him to. She felt him swell inside her just before he grunted and spurted his warm seed deep inside her. The splash inside her caused her own orgasm, her muscles massaging and squeezing him, milking every drop from his aching sack.

As he fell beside her on the bed and whispered, “Damn you Moira, I swear you did that to me on purpose tonight just so I would do something like this." She snuggled in his arms and whispered back, “and you never know when I might do it again.” Before falling asleep.
Aravil woke up the next morning with his arm over Moira and his legs entwined with hers. Smiling he thought about waking her up in a 'Special' way but he remembered that they had official duties this day and perhaps it would not look good if they were to appear too disheveled this morning. Still a little teasing might be appropriate.

Leaning over he kissed the back of his wife's neck and began to nibble on her ear as his hand trailed down her back and across her buttocks before he inserted a finger inside her from behind. He twirled it around as her breathing quickened and he watched as her eyelids flickered then opened as she groaned. He continued what he was doing for several more seconds before taking his finger out of her and licking it clean.

"Good morning my love. I hope you enjoyed your sleep in but it is time we were up and about. We have to meet with the Commander Jarred to discuss the state of things and how our supplies are and then we must go and visit your representative. It will be a formality of course and we will keep the fact that we are wed from him. That we will only announce when we get to your father's palace," he smiled at her. "Let it be a nice surprise for them."

He got out of bed and turned to look at her his muscular body still glistening with the exertions of the night before. "I will have a quick bath and then you can have one. I wouldn't want anything untoward to happen," he smiled, "No matter how much I might wish it." He glanced down his body at his half erect shaft, "As you can clearly see," he chuckled.

He headed to the bath and quickly cleaned himself and stepped from the tub, drying himself as he moved back into the main room to find his wife still in bed. "Come now Moira, time to be up or must I decide to be extra hard on you in practice this afternoon," he smiled.
Moira heard him through the fog of slumber. She couldn’t make out anything he was saying and her mind was still filled with the image of their coupling, the feel of him inside her. It was real, she could have sworn he had been moving inside her. The longing had awakened her.

Apparently, Aravir had been awake for much longer than she was already up from the bed and had bathed when she finally opened her eyes to find him standing there making threats about an extra hard practice. She believed him, no doubt, even with the smile on his face. She couldn’t help but smile back and she drew the back of her hand across her sleepy eyes, “You may try to be hard in practice, but I will do my best to withstand you. You have married a princess, but not one who will settle, remember?”

As she climbed from the bed and prepared for the day, she spoke quietly to her husband about the things they were planning and the meetings that they were to have that day. There was much to do and, it seemed, so little time. Not if they were to continue their fight to regain command of her father’s army and fight off the invaders. Moira was prepared to listen attentively to all that was said that she could learn, so that she would be the leader of the troops that Aravir expected, that the army themselves deserved. She didn’t want to fail them.

Ready at last, they left the chamber in search of sustenance and Commander Jarred.
Aravir sat on the bed and chatted with Moira as she prepared herself to face the day. He watched as she bathed and could not stop the thoughts that swirled through his mind, and he hardly wanted to. He still could not believe how lucky he was to have met and then wed this wonderful woman.

However as she rose and started to dress herself their talk turned to the meetings they would have today. He instructed her on the one they would be having with commander Jarred, explaining about the supplies they had ordered, why and what they would be used for. He also told her what she should look out for when negotiating with traders about such things.

They then moved onto the intelligence they would ask for. He explained they would not just ask for information about the place they wanted to go to, but also the areas surrounding it. This would tell them if the enemy would be able to call up reinforcements quickly, or retreat to a safe haven. It would also give them an idea if they could push them towards friendly units so they could attack their rear.

He saw her soaking up all this knowledge, but he would go over it again and again with her until it became second nature and she no longer had to look to him for advice.

Finally she was ready and they walked down to the main hall to break their fast. At the table they found Jarred and decided to have an impromptu meeting then. The supplies had already been gathered and were being loaded on wagons as they spoke. The small light wagons Aravir was used to would be no good in the hilly rough terrain they were going into, so Jarred had also purchased heavy duty ones equipped with stout metal bounded wheels and spring axles to absorbed the bumps. He had also bought large draft horses to pull them. Aravir was impressed and clapped the man on the back.

The intelligence proved just as good. There was a small group of raiders a few days ride inside the border that was harassing several villages. They seemed to come and go as they pleased and despite his best efforts he had been unable to locate their base. The mercenaries hired to defeat them had all but given up and the villagers were in peril of starving. However with no other activity in the area it would be a good place to start.

Smiling Arivar took Moira back to their room and collapsed on the bed. "Well we will have our supplies, and we have our target. Now we just need to visit your representative and tomorrow we can be off." He looked at her and trailed a finger up her arm. "So tell me my love which will be harder, your swordplay training tonight, or facing your ambassador?"