Sexy Women of Literotica!!

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From my night out

We goin on a date? :D
Thank you for your kind words. Sort of dark and moody. But I was going for dark and moody.

It was beautiful. I enjoy the artistic view, in that we can be dark and brooding, but yet there can be beauty. It surrounds us, we just need to look. Thank you for sharing.:rose:
Yesss. We forget we need very little to no light to see the most amazing things. We forget that in this world of lights and words and information overload. In the woods at night we can see everything worth seeing whether it be in our mind’s eye or from a shimmer on a drop of water on a leaf with just the stars to illuminate.

Oh you are so right! Beauty is often right in front of us, but we can't always see it for the fanfare.
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