flirting wife

Next time you have to drink herbal tea instead of coffee in the morning after a mistake like this. Or something . ( dishing it out, isn't my thing). Everybody makes mistakes. :). Especially before their morning coffee. ;)

I don't know, messing with coffee should be a hard limit.
Hi Everyone,
Last month we went on a mini vacation to New Orleans to get away from all the winter weather we had this year. Saturday evening we went out to dinner and on out walk back to our hotel we started stopping at some of the clubs. The last place we stopped at was a dance club with DJ. We found two stools at the bar and ordered drinks. It was then that i noticed my wife checking out other men. I had never noticed her check out men before, maybe i just never payed enough attention. Anyway, I went to use the bathroom and when i came back she had a different drink in front of her. I asked where it came from and she told me that the bartender told her someone bought it for her. I noticed more and more that she was flirting with other men and they were sending her different drinks. We were there about two hours when one of the gentlemen came up and asked her to dance, she didn't know what to do and looked very nervous. I don't know why but i told her she should go out and dance. My wife has always loved to dance, i do not, i will dance to slow songs but thats it. After me telling her to and the gentlemen begging her she finally went with him. I watched for a few minutes then turned back to my drink as the bartender brought her another drink. When she came back i could tell she had a good time, it was only a matter of minutes and another gentlemen was there asking her to dance. this went on the rest of the night. When we got back to the hotel i grabbed her and started taking her cloths off she kept pulling away saying she had to go to the bathroom. She took her skirt off and when she turned i grabbed her and pulled her back on the bed and got my finger in the leg band of her panties he pussy was soaked, she jumped up and ran for the bathroom. When she came back she had whipped most of it away but she was still soaked. While we were having sex i started talking about her dancing and flirting and how i new it turned her on and made her horny. She kept saying it didn't and at one point she had a orgasm from me talking about it. The next morning we had sex again and i started talking about it again and her body gave her away, she got so wet and turned on but kept denying that it was making her so horny. We came back home to more snow and old weather!

OK Everyone,
Do you think it was just my imagination, or did these guys turn her on?
Is there a way i should pursue this? Or should i just leave it alone?
I will be honest it was a turn on for me to see her flirting and dancing with strange men!

Thanks maw

Flirting is fun and knowing a man is attracted to you is a turn on. Going out for a night of flirtatious dancing is harmless if it stays just that. It probably made it easier for her to enjoy knowing you were there and approved. And if it leads to great sex I say go for it. I love doing this very thing. My husband watches from a distance but let's me have fun. I know I am protected and will get home safe. And I have nothing to feel guilty about because he is aware.
This sort of flirting play can be fun for both partners.

However, from the female point of view it is an absolute must that you be in control at all times. You can't control the other men's actions but you can control your own and you can be smart about not letting things get out of hand.

Go into knowing that the men who flirt with you will try their best to take you as far as you will go. This is grown up time and it is only you that is in a position to respect the boundaries set out with your partner. Your decisions and actions are the only thing standing between you and getting gang banged in the parking lot.

Obviously that is a bit extreme but the point is that there is no room for naivete. If you are the slightest bit inclined to get caught up in the moment or be unwilling to push back to whatever degree necessary against aggression or persuasion you aren't ready.

It may be helpful to have hubby close by for a sense of security or perhaps to step in if things get out of hand, but do everything in your power to make sure that isn't necessary.