From the Witchfinder's Files, Tale I: Snake in Chains

The fat man was duly intimidated - it was hard to say which one scared him more. In any case, he seemed to need a moment to compose himself. They were giving him stares that could kill. And, in one case, that was even literally true. She just had to use her powers, and they could be rid of him - and the sweating man obviously knew that.
The man still hesitated, but eventually he realized he would have to answer: ", forgive me. I heard noised and thought you were...but surely you would not."
"We did what? I can't make any sense out of your stammering. Are you beginning to hear voices? I rather hope you don't."
Never before had someone melted before anyone's glare this quickly - this woman's stare, even when it did not turn people to stone certainly turned them into cowards!

"Come", he said quietly, turning to her, "I do not want us to waste more time with this scum."
"So, behave yourself." she said to the fat man, while she followed her new love - as strange as it seemed. She wondered where he would take her to.
He turned to her and said quietly - not quite sure whether the man was out of earshot yet - "Be honest: I felt something when I had you in my dungeon. There was something else - excitement, perhaps? You can admit it to me, I am used to confessions", he added with a dry chuckle.
"It was fear and desparation - the thought never to get out again." but she made a soft smile after that. "But I admit that I do feel excitements in strange situations sometimes. I don't really understand myself sometimes."
"I can help you understand. Your running would be at an end. Now - I can not offer you a luxurious life, like some other men, but what I can offer is protection. The fear I inspire in people - it would be your shield. No one would dare lay a hand on you..."
Phyliss thought for a moment. If this insane religion would be spreading, this might even make sense, to be protected by one of their feared henchman... even if it was still risky. And luxury she could gain by people like the fat man.
"But how will we go on from now then?"
"Very simple. You will be officially a servant working for me. You may even have to work a little to allay any suspicions. Unofficially, of course, we will be something quite different. And, no, you will never have to help me in my work downstairs. I understand that it is repulsive to many."
"What kind of service would I do? I never did any housework or such, so I might not be that useable..."
He pulled her into a hug: "You do not need to be good at it. A servant is only what you will be to the outside world. To me, you will be something quite different. Something more."