The wild man (closed)


Literotica Guru
May 27, 2015
During an expedition into the jungle the camp of the explorers was attacked by a tribe of jungle native. During the commotion a baby boy was left in the thick of the jungle but unknown to him his mother died trying to hide him so he could survive and someone find him. Though others from another camp looked for survivors but couldn't find the baby at all leaving him in the jungle to meet what ever fate was delt to him. Luckily for the child a female gorilla had found him crying and raised him as her own. He learned quickly that living with wild animals nothing was going to be easy for him and he had to fight to survive. From a young age he was picked on by the other gorilla babies which only strengthened him until he was able to hold his own or beat them. This was good because he was now able to protect himself like any other child of the group. He grew up not knowing that there was anyone else out there like him until he stumbled onto a camp full of beings like him.

He was swinging through the jungle looking for something to eat for that day when he could hear a strange sound coming from the jungle floor. He swung down as far as he dared and seen a group of humans but one was different on had a strange body shape which for reason unknown to him made hot for the female human. He followed the groupstopping when the woman would turn around to see what was following them. He didn't want to be caught because. it usually ment that he was in danger.