Who Told Susan Rice To Lie To The American People?

To lie is to know that A is false but say A anyway. Did Susan Rice know that the information she was handed by the intelligence community to deliver on TV was inaccurate?

Or are you saying not distrusting the intelligence community and the administration she's working for is the same as lying?

It is one of those two.

Or else you are not aware what lying is, or are yourself lying.

this is fact

But as David Petraeus testified on Friday, by the time that Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows, five days after the 9/11 attack to distribute misinformation about this YouTube video, his agency had already supplied guidance to the administration clearly identifying Benghazi as a terrorist attack.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2012/11/20/white-house-caught-web-benghazi-lies#ixzz2CzdRYRxT
How the fuck would I know???


Says it all right here, boys and girls.
Shut up you big apologist. She's a lying bitch and you know it. Nobody except for the mentally challenged in the Obama base believe that bullshit shit story she tried to float. One minute she's the smartest woman on earth and the next she's dumb enough to believe the phoniest talking points ever dreamed up by a White House trying to re-elect a President.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Quit riding both sides of the fence, tubby.
Shut up you big apologist. She's a lying bitch and you know it. Nobody except for the mentally challenged in the Obama base believe that bullshit shit story she tried to float. One minute she's the smartest woman on earth and the next she's dumb enough to believe the phoniest talking points ever dreamed up by a White House trying to re-elect a President.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

You're so fucking pressed, guy. She did her job. Period. That's it. End of story. It's not her place or her job to question (especially in public) what's given to her that's signed off on by the very same people you would normally be cocksucking in admiration of the stars and bars on their shoulders under an "R" administration.

You don't have to fucking like her (like you don't like women), you don't have to fucking like Obama (because he middle fingered your failed predictions twice in a row), you don't have to fucking like his administration or his policies, you don't have to fucking like losing the last election because you voted for an asshole you didn't even believe in but were told to by your masters yanking your dog collar.

All your fucking disliking doesn't make you right. Not only do you fucking know this, you can't fucking stand it. And your fucking seams are bursting.

Keep on trying to make this thread happen and stay pressed like a bitch, bitch.

Shut up you big apologist. She's a lying bitch and you know it. Nobody except for the mentally challenged in the Obama base believe that bullshit shit story she tried to float. One minute she's the smartest woman on earth and the next she's dumb enough to believe the phoniest talking points ever dreamed up by a White House trying to re-elect a President.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Perhaps you could enlighten me here.

What would be the the political gain for Obama to have the attack portrayed that way?
Shut up you big apologist. She's a lying bitch and you know it. Nobody except for the mentally challenged in the Obama base believe that bullshit shit story she tried to float. One minute she's the smartest woman on earth and the next she's dumb enough to believe the phoniest talking points ever dreamed up by a White House trying to re-elect a President.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Your brand of bull hasn't got much cred. Where are the throngs who are in agreement with your version?
It looks like we're in for 4 more years of bullshit and conspiracy theories from the Right.
Maybe the question should be what party whines the most. As an Independent, it looks like the GOP does.

You call people whiners when you want to shut them up. Sales managers use this tactic all the time. A salesman voices a complaint, the manager says, stop whining. Works almost every time.

If I have a difference with my government, I voice it, I want to be heard. For a dip-shit like you to call me or anyone else a whiner, do us all a favor, and take a long walk off a shot pier....seriously
then you did sleep thru 2001-2008 AND are BLIND, deaf and dumb

Spoken like an extremist who can't find anything better to say.. Whatever, I'm happy Obama got re-elected. Seems more people wanted Obama as President. Get over it.
Spoken like an extremist who can't find anything better to say.. Whatever, I'm happy Obama got re-elected. Seems more people wanted Obama as President. Get over it.

2001-2008, you TURDS screeched.......DISSENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PATRIOTISM.......now we says something, we are WHINERS?:rolleyes:
2001-2008, you TURDS screeched.......DISSENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PATRIOTISM.......now we says something, we are WHINERS?:rolleyes:

What you don't get is that I'm an Independent. It's the issues and the platform that I vote for. From my end the GOP has become the party of wackos, whiners and rapegate. Sure, both parties have their whiners, but the GOP wins the whiner medal, as well as the medal for losing its grip on reality.