Shadows in Light (closed)

“Son… of… a… BITCH!”

“ROBBINS!” she yelled after him.

Suri did her best to finish gathering herself back together before running after her “partner.” It took a few minutes to catch up with him, but he was waiting when she finally managed it. She was out of breath.

“I swear on whatever higher power you believe in if you EVER use those I’ll…” Suri heard a text message come in on her phone, interrupting her. She stopped long enough to read it. She groaned and rubbed over her forehead with her fingers. Another meeting…

“I mean it!” she growled at him.

Why was it he was always around when something compromising occurred? Why did it have to be him?

She had to forget that right now and get back for that meeting. She’d analyze it all later.
Joesph just chuckled softly at her threat, not really responding to it. As they walked back into the office, the room was crowded as all of the current shift patrol and their teams. The captain is in the center of the room with a large map of the world on every available view screen. The captain waited till the two of them took their seats before starting the meeting. He started off with the status of crime within the city, which was within manageable status and kept reasonable low since the last quarterly meeting. He went through citizen complaints and a few awards that some of the officers had earned during their regular duties.

Once that was out of the way, the captain began pointing and using the displayed maps. Various colors were over the map, ranging from green, blue, yellow, orange, and red. The color status showed the state of the demon infestation around the globe, but there was really no set pattern over the past year. The only place that seemed to stay green was in Denver and the surrounding continent.

"As you know, all the mega corporations are trying to combat the demons in their own ways around the world. One scientific teams from our parent company Ares has managed to capture two demons and placed them under lock in order to try to figure out why they are here. Most scientists figured they are trying to gear up for a invasion of some sort, but they don't have enough information. Suri, Joesph, Thathurnlax sends his thanks for your work at keeping the demonic problem under control so far. Does anyone have any questions?"
Suri scoffed at the idea these demons were mounting an invasion. They were hardly intelligent. What she had seen so far was just destruction and mayhem. Nothing calculated about the attacks nor the behavior of the demons.

No, she didn’t have any questions for the captain as he went through the whole spiel. What she did have questions about was Robbins. She sat there in her chair, passively listening and formulating something new. Something for payback. She would, no doubt, need the help of her team to pull it off. A couple of strings of programming should do it. If nothing else, it would delay his antics. She had to get those pictures from his tablet.

Suri was still fuming inside. She drummed her fingers idly on her tablet and pressed an icon. She dropped her hand from her lap and the floor around Joesph’s chair and feet was silently populated with metal ball bearings.

When the captain finally called the meeting, Suri rose and returned to her work area. She had a plan as strings of programming started to form in her own mind.
Knowing that Suri would probably do something to get the pictures, Joesph decided to safeguard them by making backups. Once the meeting was over, he transferred copies of the pictures on to a Sim card and locked it up in a small safe inside his desk. He made sure she wasn't looking when he did hide them, just so she would think she had the only copies when she got someone to get his tablet hacked. He knew that even the best software could be circumvented by hackers, it had happened to the department before, as well as their parent corporation.

When he went to stand up, he felt his foot move forward from under him. He chuckled as he fell back into his chair, the chair hitting his desk. The thunk drew attention from most everyone, but he just grinned for a moment.

"Just lost my balance for a moment, getting up too fast. Bit of a headrush."

He put his foot down again, kicking aside the ball bearings so he could stand up.

"Might want to watch your step, floor's a little slick too."

Over the next two weeks the demon attacks seem to subside in Denver and around the world. The captain decided to put the whole section through extra training with the regular patrols, so they wouldn't be sitting around doing nothing, even the programmers. His reasoning was that even the police department wasn't safe from attack, so they would have to be ready anytime. Their extra training including firearm training, swat tactics, close combat, and normal city patrols for Suri and Joesph.

Somehow the other members of the department had foundt out about the little back and forth competitiveness that Suri and Joesph had going while in college, and betting was started up between them during the training sessions. Joesph just found it funny, taking it all in stride. He even used it to his advantage at times, finding way to tease Suri sexually, making the touches seem accidental most of the times.
He was such a damn prick some times.

The last two weeks had been just another road to hell. Now that the word was out about her history with Joesph, not only was she having to field ridiculous questions, but now there was some ridiculous office pool going on. Not exactly what she wanted or needed at this point.

The extra training was both a blessing and a curse. It gave her some extra time to work out her frustrations, but too, it kept her so called 'partner' close. Suri wasn't enjoying that fact.

Joesph came off overconfident and cocky. He always managed to touch her when she least wanted and there was always some subtle way he managed of affect her. Suri liked that even less. She didn't want anything to do with him, let alone allow him to excite her.

Suri growled under her breath. She hoped her team had come up with the code she needed to crash that lovely tablet of Joesph's. Suri sat back on her bike at the edge of the park. At least here it was quiet, if it was only for a short time.

The ringing of the cell phone broke the tranquility and Suri reached for it.


"It's ready."

"Well? why don't you just run it?" she asked.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Trust me," Suri answered and hung up.
Joesph had just stopped from a break from patrolling near one of the elementary schools in the lower class area of Denver when his phone rang. He looked at the number for a moment, seeing it was from Mike.

"What's up Mike?"

"I just thought you should know someone started trying to hack your tablet."

Joesph raised a eyebrow as he looked at his tablet, the screen black as it was currently in sleep mode. He wasn't completely sure who would try at this point, but he had an idea to confirm.

"How long before they would be able to get in, depending on their level?"

Mike cleared his throat for a moment.

"Well, the software code seems pretty simple, so the firewalls I set up should hold them for awhile. Want a trace?"

Joesph chuckled.

"Yes, trace it if you can."

The line was quiet for a few moments before Mike spoke again.

"They are an amateur for not covering themselves well. It's from inside the station."

Joesph laughed for a moment, knowing exactly who it was.

"Alright Mike, let them through. I have an idea who might be behind it, and I have everything on the tablet backed up already. Let the captain know I've been hacked, but not by who or from where."

"Sure thing boss."

It was a few moments before the screen of the tablet flared up with a bright white light before it went dead. Joesph chuckled and got back with Mike.

"I got some things I want you to set up for me. Nancy will probably get upset with me, but I'll talk to her. Here's what I need you to do..."
It was far too convenient for Joesph Robbins to be in every place she found herself compromised. Up until she was assigned here, she was doing just fine. She was challenged, but she managed, until it fully dawned on her. Though it was all a theory without proof, she kept her thoughts tucked back in her mind. The whole issue with the vibrations, the sexual tension, the pictures at the precise moments, it all fit together like a nasty little puzzle. He was still waging his own personal war against her.

It was a bold move. It was also something that shouldn’t be done. Still, crashing his toy would send a message. There was no telling how effective the venture would be until later. Until then, she had to hope that it was enough. The coding wasn’t her job. That was from her team. They had been unwilling, and rightly so. She hadn’t shared much of what had happened between herself and her ‘partner’ and she wasn’t about to change that.

Suri pulled out her phone and dialed the number.

“How did it go?” she asked.

“As well as one could expect. It went through, eventually,” came the answer.

“Well, we’ll just have to see what that preening peacock does now,” Suri responded.

“You really hate that man, don’t you?”

“Not exactly – it’s just a long fucking story and I don’t have that kind of time,” she answered.

“Don’t burn your bridges. It’s been pretty quiet lately and the next big issue is right around the corner. You might actually need his help.”

Suri snorted. “Yea, I need his help right off a cliff.” She hung up the call.

“Need his help? He’d rather see me drop of in a gorge somewhere never to be seen again” she muttered under her breath. Suri took a pause to consider a couple of things. Work had become such a priority she had essentially forgotten what it meant to actually enjoy something she did.

She needed a drink. Suri wasn’t going to stop with a little code. No, she had to come up with something a little more substantial. Her mind whirled as she made a final pass around the park.
When the next shift rolled around, Joesph didn't voice anything about the possible connection between the hacking and Suri's involvement. Instead, he just got a new tablet while the captain warned them to be more careful about any sensative information they kept on their devices. Nancy gave Joesph a little lecture about what he was doing, in private, but didn't stop him from doing anything about it.

Having decided to give Suri a little test, Joesph spent the next two week being more professional to her. He stopped the sexual teasing, lessened the rival just a bit between them. He kept close tabs on her behavior, trying to guage what she was going to do towards him.
Over the course of the next two weeks, Suri saw some improvement in Joesph's behavior. He had irritated her to the point where she had come to a decision point. This personal war had to come to an end and she had no intention on losing.

Suri was very careful these days with how she dressed. She kept to layers of sturdy, durable pieces of clothing to keep them further separated. She didn't want him touching her again. She didn't add to their rivalry thought she was sorely tempted to. Frankly, it worried her. He was never quiet.

She wasn't about to tip her hand.
Joesph chance for giving Suri a "punishment" came a couple days later. Mike had just finished up the spells Joesph had requested when then the alarm went off halfway through the shift. He had just stopped by the station after a quick patrol, parking next to Suri's bike. His tablet beeped for a moment when he received the batch of spells from Mike.

With Suri wearing the bulky clothes, he would have to change the delivery method for his new vibrator spell. He grinned seeing that she had left her riding gloves on the seat of her bike. He released the spell, watching the code settle inside her right glove. Once she pulled on her gloves, the code would expand out to cover her entire body, feeling like a cold chill passed over her for a moment. This time the spell was designed to stimulate her erotic zones all over her body, in addition to the original design. This time it would start when he pressed the red button and stop only when he cut it off.

Inside the office was in a bit of an uproar. Five demons had decided to attack in five different locations. One was at the elementary Suri had battled her first battle at, one at the Central Park, another at the slums on the southern edge of the city, the fourth at the city's central shopping mall, and the last one at the mall's parking the lot.

The captain quickly took charge, giving out the attack plan.

"Suri, you will go after the demons at the elementary school and the park. Joesph, the slums and the mall. Once those are killed, you are to team up and take out the one at the parking structure. Understood?"

Joesph nodded.

"Understood sir."
Suri tapped her brow and grabbed a couple of things before heading out. She was glad to go in opposite directions as Joesph. Now maybe she could get something done and not look like a total clod doing it. Joesph had left before she did, so her bike was the only one out front. She slid on her gloves and fired up the bike. Suri felt a sudden chill come over her and she wondered if what she was riding into was the cause of it. Suri had never backed down from a challenge and this one was no different.

Her leather jacket caught air as she rode out to the elementary school. It didn’t take long for the demon to present itself. The large, loping beast was already in the process of destroying the west wing of the school. Suri advanced on the demon. It roared and charged her. She quickly jumped out of the way and rolled back onto her feet. She turned to face the lumbering beast. Suri tapped the tablet.


Suri swirled her fingers in the air and a white ball formed in the air. Suri threw it towards the demon and the white hot ball elongated and speared the beast through what would be its heart. The bolt seared through the beast’s body and it roared in rage. Suri tapped her tablet again.


A heavy-looking war hammer appeared and she grasped the hilt and slung it at the beast. The hammer struck the beast in the head and exploded, sending bits of flesh and fluids into the air. The body fell to the ground.

Now that was more like it.

Suri headed back to her bike. The cleanup would soon be here and she had another date with a beast at the park.
Since timing was all part of his plan, Joesph had left as soon as the orders were given. Everything he needed was already on him and on his bike. As the slums were the furthest point away, he sped through traffic as fast as he could, dodging and weaving.

When he reached the area of the slums where the demon had struck, the large beast had already managed to destroy a block of the area. Joesph needed to be quick, so he decided to skip being fancy for this one. Coming to a stop a few feet from the demon, he drew out his sub machine gun that he had loaded with explosive rounds. Keeping on hand on the throttle, he yelled at the beast.

"Over here you bastard!"

The demon stopped where it was and looked at Joesph, roaring before charging towards him. He gunned his bike and sped towards the demon as well. Only a few feet where left between the two when Joesph fired a burst at the demon. One bullet missed, exploding on a wall several feet behind the demon and leaving a gaping hole. The other two charges struck the demon in it's right eye and open mouth, obliterating it's head and upper torso.

Joesph served out of the way of the stumbling remains, putting away his gun. As he sped back into the city, he got Nancy on the comms.

"What's Suri situation? I just finished off the demon in the slums."

"Well Hun, it looks like she is doing well. She just finished up the demon at the school and is headed on her way to the park. Didn't she contact you?"

"Not yet, but don't worry about that. Just keep me in the loop on where she is."

"You know I don't like what you want to do, but I won't get into a problem that doesn't involve me. Just don't hurt her."

"I'll try not to."

Joesph chuckled after Nancy closed the line.
Suri tapped her com before she got moving, “One down, one to go.”

She didn’t wait for an answer before she was off to the park. Suri had just been to this particular park not days ago, so it was incredible that another demon had shown up so soon. Their attacks were always in a public place where there were lots of people. Always places where there would be lots of people. They weren’t pointed attacks, at least not in the sense of achieving superiority over the population. It was just hitting the most populated places to create chaos. Suri wondered if these attacks were covering up other things. It was a possibility. Something maybe Joesph hadn’t considered before? Maybe she’d mention it later.

Suri pounded on the accelerator as she headed to the next target. She was weaving in and out of lanes trying to get there as quickly and as safely as she could. She had a plan for the next lumbering beastie. The last one wasn’t bad really, but she wasn’t leaving anything to chance. The last few had dodged her attacks with their speed, so it was her intent to slow them down.

Suri managed to ride up on the beast, but it wasn’t a stealth-like approach. She made her presence known. She saw the large demon, and this wasn’t large in the sense of the others she had dealt with, this one was much larger.

“Gezum crow,” she muttered with disgust.

She pulled the bow off her back and got off the bike. She strode up into the park determined to take this thing out with a quickness. With bow in hand, she raised her arm and tapped her tablet again.


She pulled what looked to be a scintillating thread from the tablet. She whipped it around and threw it in the direction of the demon. She watched as it flew through the air, causing the air between her and the beast start to sparkle. Suri pulled one of her high-explosive arrows from the quiver and knocked her bow. As the air surrounded the demon, its movements slowed. Suri aimed slightly in front of the beast and as the curtain of sparkle fell she loosed the arrow, leaving the beast to take the shot just behind its front leg as it sped up and ran directly into the path of her arrow. The explosive tip exploded on impact leaving a gaping hole, bringing the beast down.

Just for good measure she pulled another arrow and aimed for its head. She wasn’t taking any damn chances of this thing getting up and walking away. The impact blew away half of the beast’s head, sending a spray of tissue across the ground.

“Yuck,” she said, even if it was only to herself.

“These things are getting uglier each time.”
Joesph wanted some time to play with the targets, as the straight-forward hit and kill tactics left him a little unsatisfied. He wasn't cocky about his abilities, he just wanted to have a bit of fun in his job. This tight time run put him in an off-mood, but he was sure that would change in a bit.

The ride back through the city was slowed by a traffic jam that he had to find an alternate route around. By the time he had gotten to the mall, it had been evacuated by the regular patrol officers. A few civilians had been injured in the attack, but that was under control.

Riding his bike in, Joesph found the trail of destruction easy to follow to the demon. He was amazed that the midget demon had been able to destroy several stores, plus half of the food court. A few small fires had broken out, and he had to dive from his bike as a fireball just missed his head. He rolled a few feet be fore ending up beneath a table, his bike under another.

"Damn, that was close."

He brushed himself off as he stood up, trying to find the demon. The little demon was hovering over a burning table, forming another fireball to throw at him. Joesph growled for a moment.

"Never did like your type and I don't have time to play with you."

He dove under another table as the demon threw another fireball at him. He took a moment to look at his spells before choosing one.

"Stay put."

A pair of chains flew at the demon, wrapping it up and dropping it to the floor. The demon growled as it struggled, Joesph creating a sword as he made his way over to the demon. A well placed strike took off the demon's head. Joesph sighed and hit his comms.

"Where's Suri?"
Personally, Suri was satisfied to be rid of all the demon scum. She didn’t like them hanging around and she was ready to call it a night. There was one more stop, to the parking structure. She’d have to meet up with Joesph to take this one out. She could already feel the anxiety set in. Things just didn’t go the way she wanted them to when he was around. But maybe, just maybe, this time, everything would turn right.
Suri tapped her com again. “The park is clear and ready to go. I’m headed to the parking structure.”

If nothing else, he’d show up. He enjoyed his little excursions outside the office. That was the one thing she did understand about him.

Suri replaced the bow on her back, got back on her bike and headed out of the park.

Why would a demon be perched at a parking structure? At most, it’d destroy a couple of cars. The location of this particular demon didn’t meet the pattern of the others. No, this one was a little different.

Suri could feel the vibration of the bike under her. It reminded her she wasn’t completely made of ice. As she made her way back through the city, her knees gripped the machine as if it offered some security. Maybe it did. She knew everything about this machine. How it accelerated, how it slowed…what to do if it wasn’t acting right. It was completely outside of the meta-human realm.


Suri spotted the parking garage in the distance and slowed as she approached.
"She's on her way to meet you at the parking garage."

Joesph smiled a little for at moment at the news.

"Thanks, Nancy."

"Be careful."

Joesph got back on his bike and sat there for a moment thinking. His original plan was going to have be altered a little since the both of them would be fighting the demon. However things progressed, he was most likely be revealing his tactics to her. If things went right, that probably wasn't going to matter though.

The mall had a connecting enterernce on the fourth floor, so he decided to do a little scouting of the five story parking structure. The garage had cameras on every other floor, but he could deal with those. They would work, even if he had power shut off to them, for his plan.

The fourth story was clear, so he went up to the top. That one was clear, so he went to the edge of the structure and looked out. Seeing a lone headlight speeding up the road, he pulled out a flare and shot it off. He figured that would catch Suri's attention.

It was on the third floor that Joesph encountered the demon. The hulking beast just barely cleared the cement ceiling, bellowing a challenge to him. Joesph barely had time to dump himself and his bike as a large truck came flying at him. The vehicle broke through the wall of the garage, skidding across the pavement below as sparks flew up.
Suri had seen the flare as was headed in that general direction already. But, as she pulled up to the parking garage, a large truck came skidding across the pavement barely missing her as it showered her with sparks. Suri skidded to a stop.


She glanced up to see the gaping hole in the garage. Without another thought she headed up the couple of levels to where she thought the truck had come from.

It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. The beast and Joesph were playing the game of cat and mouse; though Suri wasn’t sure who was the cat and who was the mouse. Suri hung back for a moment not wanting to inadvertently get Joesph in the cross fire. She couldn’t just fire off her arrows; Joesph was too close for that. She discarded her bow and arrows for the moment. A lot of her earthly-based spells simply wouldn’t work on concrete. That was another issue.
While she debated, she watched. The demon was raging harder as each minute passed and Joesph was staying just out of its reach. When it charged, he dodged. When it lunged with that big gaping maw, he tucked and rolled. Suri pursed her lips in thought. He had no fear of these things.

Suri murmured, “Lariat”

She pulled a lariat of light from the air. The energy that fed it pulsed. She wasn’t very practiced with it, but it was worth a shot. Suri swung the lariat over her head from left to right. When she was ready, she swung her arm forward and released the lariat with a twist of her wrist. The band of light caught the beast’s hind leg and Suri pulled with her other hand and cast the free end to the ground where it anchored into the concrete effectively binding the beast’s leg. It would be enough to slow it for Joesph’s final moves and Suri moved well out of the way.
Joesph wasn't sure when Suri was going to arrive, so he did what he did best, fight. Somehow the fight had turned into a game of dodgeball, the demon grabbing or tearing up objects to throw at him. He just grinned and rolled with the punches, so to speak.

The demon was getting angrier with each minute, but he was able to stay out of dodge. When the demon took one last lunge at him, Joesph braced himself against one of the concrete pillars. When the attack didn't complete, it was then Joesph noticed Suri had arrived. Now he could set his plan in motion.

"She's here."

Joesph whispered in his comm as he pressed two icons on his mini tablet. One was the icon to start Suri's vibrator. Nancy had been the one to put the final touches on it, but she didn't tell him how it worked. The second icon was for a large weapon.


As he pulled his hand away from the surface, a five foot pole extended from his hand, ending in a large circular saw. He gripped the shaft with both hands as the saw spun at a high speed, charging the demon. The demon roared in pain one last time as it's head was cut in two, dark red blood flying everywhere. The weapon disappeared a moment later as Joesph stepped back.

At the same time, power went out over the entire block. It took a few seconds for the emergency lighting to come back on, emitting a dull green hue over the area Joesph and Suri were in.
Suri had fought her way through two others and ended up here safe and sound. All had gone well, that is, until the sensations returned. Suri managed to slip behind a pillar, resting her back against it. Suri stilled. Maybe the sensations would go away. All this demon killing couldn’t be causing her to feel like this. She tried pressing her thighs together, but that had virtually no affect. The vibrations caught her off guard, spreading out through her body and forced her to catch a breath in her throat.

She started peeling off layers. Suri pulled her jacket off rather clumsily and let it fall to the floor. She gritted her teeth.

No! This couldn’t happen again!

The constant vibration not only distracted her to the point she could barely pay attention, but also started to tease her body to an aroused state. Suri groaned and her hand slid down between her legs.

“Damn it” she muttered.

Suri was growing wet with every passing moment. She had no control over how her body was responding; that in itself was disturbing. Suri glanced around cautiously. She didn’t want Joesph to find her like this. In desperation and under the cover of the shadows, she managed to get her fingers down the front of her pants and was rubbing her hot, quivering pussy to ease her body’s response.

Why wouldn’t it stop? What was causing all this? What was she going to do?
Joesph lost track of Suri after the emergency lights came on, but that didn't bother him. It took him a few seconds to scroll through his spells to find the ones he wanted. He had to make sure everything was right and done correctly so they wouldn't be bothered.

"Show me where she decided to hide."

He touched two icons, a small white light floating into the air, along with a pair of manacles forming in the air. They shot through the air towards Suri's hiding place, only a few feet down from the slain demon. Joesph followed after slowly, letting the spells work before showing himself.

The small light slipped into Suri's mouth, forming into a ball gag to silence her, with a strap around her head to secure it place. The manacles wrapped around her wrists, attaching to the pillar above her head and holding her up on her tiptoes. He smiled as he came around to see her wide-eyed expression.

"Think of this as part of your punishment for destroying my tablet. Besides' I made copies."

He pressed another icon, whispering for a moment.


A pair of white gloved hands flew up from the tablet, hovering in the air for a moment. They flew towards Suri, tugging her pants and panties down around her ankles. Then they went between her thighs, lifting and spreading legs in the air so her quivering pussy was open to him.

"Now are you ready for what's next, partner?"
Suri’s eyes had wildness to them and she started to protest behind the gag, struggling against the manacles and hands that held her.

He knew very well she couldn’t answer him, and Suri knew it too. It was just a moment for him to gloat in having placed her in a vulnerable position. His motives didn’t disturb her as much as the constant sensations that were running amok through her body. She had no choice in this and couldn’t hide the effects of what her body was experiencing. Her chest was heaving with labor breaths.

Suri shut her eyes tight and then groaned behind the gag. Joesph was the last person she wanted to see. Why did it have to be him?
He grinned seeing her reaction, enjoying this. He leaned closer to her, running his tongue along her cheek for a moment before whispering softly.

"Mmm, I think it's time for some more pictures."

He stepped back a little from her, lifting off his tablet up before switching it to camera mode. He snapped off a couple of pictures before replacing it back on his wrists. He moved back closer to her, his hands roaming over her heaving breasts, his thumbs rolling her taut nipples beneath them. His fingers squeezed her nipples for a moment, pulling on them before releasing.

He slid his fingers down her taut stomach slowly, caressing her wet folds lightly.

"So wet and ready..."

His voice trailed off as he began to hear voices in the distance. He grinned and pulled open his pants, freeing his erect cock. It would be a test to see if she would try anything while the cleanup crew was around.

He pressed his tip against her exposed folds for a moment before moaning softly as he slid deeply into her, staying against her as the cleanup crew went about their business only a few yards away.
He grinned seeing her reaction, enjoying this. He leaned closer to her, running his tongue along her cheek for a moment before whispering softly.

When she felt his tongue, her eyes snapped open and she jerked her head away.

"Mmm, I think it's time for some more pictures."

Suri began to protest again. Her muted voice muffled behind the gag. “DAMN IT!” she thought. Suri gave him a look that could kill. He was totally taking advantage of the situation. She wouldn’t have thought he would have gone this far, but it was clear she had underestimated him. When she got free, they were going to need the dogs to find the pieces when she got done with him.

He stepped back a little from her, lifting off his tablet up before switching it to camera mode. He snapped off a couple of pictures before replacing it back on his wrists. He moved back closer to her, his hands roaming over her heaving breasts, his thumbs rolling her taut nipples beneath them. His fingers squeezed her nipples for a moment, pulling on them before releasing.

He slid his fingers down her taut stomach slowly, caressing her wet folds lightly.

There was no way! She groaned again when his fingers finally found the moist flesh. Her mind and body were clearly in opposition with one another.

"So wet and ready..."

His voice trailed off as he began to hear voices in the distance. He grinned and pulled open his pants, freeing his erect cock. It would be a test to see if she would try anything while the cleanup crew was around.

Suri’s eyes grew wide again and she struggled in her bonds. She heard the crew coming closer. She would be completely humiliated! Her eyes focused on his erect member then to the grin he had on his face. He couldn’t be serious!! Suri shook her head furiously.

He pressed his tip against her exposed folds for a moment before moaning softly as he slid deeply into her, staying against her as the cleanup crew went about their business only a few yards away.

There was no way she wanted that crew to find them like this. Suri still managed a whimper despite her desire to stay quiet. She tightened around him and the flexing of her muscles seemed to draw him in still further. It wasn’t something she consciously managed, but more of what her body did naturally. Impaled on his cock, she quivered around him. He gave her a sense of fullness she hadn’t had before. Suri shook the thought from her mind and turned her head away from him. Feeling his weight against her she hoped the crew would leave quickly, if for nothing else than to save her the temporary humiliation.
Joesph shivered a little with pleasure as he felt her inner muscles grasp and pull him as deep as she could. As he remained against her, his face was close to hers as he inhaled her scent. He mmed softly as he remained there, his breathe hot against her soft skin.

Only three of the cleaning up crew could be heard, on the other side of the pillar. They talked for a minute, finally deciding to just clean up the body since the lighting wasn't quite enough for a full cleanup. There was a question of where Suri and Joesph went, but that dismissed after a moment. The sound of plastic sheets was heard and then van was heard pulling away.

During the conversation, the hands holding Suri open shifted to grasp beneath her thighs, lifting her legs from the ground. The chains to her manacles loosened just enough to not put a full burden of her wrists. As the van pulled away, a fresh wave of pleasure was sent through Suri's body.

He smiled as he whispered softly.

"Where was I? Ah yes."

He began to thrust slowly in and out of his captive audience, going as deep as he could. He moaned softly at the pleasure of her gripping him tightly. He soon began driving harder and faster into her, his hands around her hips.

(Sorry for the delay – work this week has been a pill.)

“Where was I?” Did he really just say that?

Her traitorous body welcomed his long, deliberate strokes by coating his member with her arousal; each time, just a little more, until he slid easily in and out of her. She shouldn’t have been so turned on… nor wanting him the way she did, but that wasn’t her conscious decision. It was something in the back of her head, gnawing at her, and it was his arrogance, his self-confidence… his very attitude that attracted her. She wasn’t about to admit it willingly. Not to him.

The pleasure enveloped her like a blanket from both around her and within her. It was maddening. Her whimper from earlier was soon followed by a series of muted protestations that quickly turned into moans. The heat of his vice-like grip around her waist permeated her skin and he felt her quiver around him. Her dark eyes met his and for a moment, the hate behind them disappeared, replaced with a burning urgency.

Joesph felt her hips shift the harder he pushed her. She had never felt so vulnerable than how she felt right now. She had effectively lost control of everything the moment those manacles snapped around her wrists. Though magically conceived, they were still unforgiving. Every thrust forced home the notion he could have her.

In truth, she didn’t hate the idea entirely. Who in their right mind would have forced her hand and taken the chance? Certainly not just anyone. She contracted around him in rhythm, until the sensations nearly built to her peak. That nagging voice at the back of her mind broke through to her consciousness. “You can’t let him… don’t let him in…”

It really was too late for that. Joesph had broken through every self-preserving barrier she had.