Trump at Six Months - Record Low Approval Rating


Feb 27, 2017
abc news - Donald's 6 months approval/disapproval rating

Just 36 percent of Americans polled in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Trump’s job performance, down 6 points from his 100-day mark, itself a low. The previous president closest to this level at or near six months was Gerald Ford, at 39 percent, in February 1975.


The guy that pardoned the crook had a higher approval rating.

With no apparent help from the G-20 summit, two-thirds don’t trust him to negotiate with other world leaders -- or with Russian President Vladimir Putin specifically -- on America’s behalf. And about half say the country’s world leadership has grown weaker under Trump; just 27 percent say it’s gotten stronger.


On his party’s signature campaign issue, health care, Americans by a 2-1 margin prefer Obamacare over the Republican plan to replace it, 50-24 percent. (Another quarter either want something else entirely, 17 percent, or are undecided, 9 percent.) “Strong” preference for the existing law surpasses strong preference for the GOP plan by 20 percentage points. Relevant to proposed GOP cuts in the growth of Medicaid, the public by a broad 63-27 percent says it’s more important to provide health care coverage for low-income Americans than to cut taxes.


It's not all bad news in Donald Land however.


But before we get too warm and fuzzy...

Asked to make their own comparison, half of Americans say Trump is doing a worse job than most previous presidents, vs. 23 percent who say he’s doing better (including 38 percent “much” worse vs. 17 percent “much” better). The rest, 24 percent, say he’s performing about the same as his predecessors in general.

Donnie, you're doing a heck of a job! :cool:
the "poll" measured `2% more DUMZ then Repoz

so try again


This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone July 10-13, 2017, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,001 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 35-23-35 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

I know the truth is hard to handle.

Your guy sucks donkey balls and America seems to know it. :)
Daily caller - far right bias

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

I knew you didnt have me on IGGY

You just DIDNT answer my questions

Cause you couldnt


now pretend and say


You just can't stand that Donald is doing a shitty job and people see it. It's driving you crazy.

other then SORE LOSERISM and policy disagreements and FAKE NEWS

you cunt cite anything bad
Deflect! 45! The reality of the reality! LMAO!!!

Trump is Obama's legacy, adrina.
why do you EVEN pretend Im on IGGY

this MO has been around since 2001, by you turd sniffers
so, opening cunt poster

cites FAKE POLL, cites FAKE news

runz n hidz when confronted

must be a FAG
Wow... you are seriously unhinged about this.

Nicely done, me. :D

For the ignore, I'm touched you are so concerned with your status with me. You can rest assured you are still on ignore simply so I do not see your threads pollute the forum. However, and I'm really not sure you can grasp this, but let's give it a try... when someone - anyone - posts in a topic of mine I will hit "view post". Well up to a point. I haven't looked at your last few cuz... ya know, predictability.