To Capture a Captain's Heart (closed)

Olaf took a bow from one of his men, drawing it back and firing off an arrow that came whistling at Kayla, striking hard in her lower back and sending a shockwave of pain up her back. It wouldn't cause permanent damage, but it was incredibly painful.

"Follow her!" Olaf snarled at his men, "And if any of you spoil her for me, I'll have worse than your head!" Twenty men came after her, and many more would come if they didn't find her.
Kayla felt as if the very air had been ripped from her lungs as searing hot pain blossomed in her lower back. She stumbled once but stayed on her feet, gasping against the pain that the arrow caused as she reached behind her back and yanked it out. It made blood drip upon the stone floor of the keep as she flung open the door, mindful of the men that were in hot pursuit of her.

Kayla rushed through the great hall and into the passage that would take her to the personal rooms of the Ghis family. She needed to make it to her bedroom. There was a secret space there which she could escape into and hide.
The men followed the blood trail, but they lost her just before she hid away. Four hours, they searched for her, more and more men came and went, until finally she heard Olaf storm down the hall. She heard Durban's pained and weak grunt and the unmistakable sound of someone being thrown to the floor.

"Come out, little woman!" Olaf roared, and she made out the sound of a sword being drawn. "One minute! You have sixty seconds to come out before I relieve you of another sibling! You already lost your precious Brogan and your twin Ashien, and it's only a matter of time before I get at Boar and Selena! I know they're in Aberdeen! Fourty-five seconds, lass!"

She heard Durban choke as he was grabbed by the throat, and he cried out weakly, "Don' come out, love!"

"Shut up, Scottish pig!" Olaf laid a cracking blow across his face.
Kayla shivered as she heard Durban telling her to remain hidden. Her hand covered her lips, silencing her cries as she cried tears silently. She didn’t want any of her siblings to die, especially not at the hands of Olaf. The time passed with excruciating slowness and as he reached his final ten seconds, she pushed against the door to her hiding spot, crawling out quickly and looking up at him.

“Don’t kill them. Please don’t kill them.” She said in a shaking voice, trembling as she kneeled before him, injured, bleeding, utterly defeated.
"Good girl," Olaf threw Durban aside and took Kayla by the arm. He was oddly gentle, as if finally having mercy, as he lifted her to her feet. He looked to one of his men, "Bring me a healer's kit." The man nodded and hurried away, and Durban was dragged out with Olaf's orders to keep him alive and treat his wounds for now. His life would be forfeit if Kayla resisted, and he made that very clear.
“No, no…wait! I want to be with him!” Kayla called out as a man dragged Durban from the room and she pulled weakly against Olaf’s grip, cowering as the man told her under no uncertain terms that he would kill Durban if she resisted. “He’s all I have left. Please let me be with him.”
"You will see him every day, don't you worry," Olaf muttered as he set her on her feet. "But now... you will come sit with me and we will discuss what is to become of Inverness." He brought her to the great hall and sat down with her, taking the healer's satchel from the man who'd ran to get it for him. "Sit still," Olaf grunted, cutting away more of her dress to treat the wound he'd inflicted.
Kayla was trembling as Olaf dragged her into the great hall, sitting her down and ripping her gown to treat the wound on her back that he had inflicted. She whimpered as he dressed the wound, crying out at the stinging herbs that he placed there to offset infection.

“What do you mean discuss what is to become of Inverness?” She asked him in a shaking voice.
"You're mine, my dear, and thus, I think you should have a say in whether or not I burn it to the ground and Aberdeen with it," he grunted. Then the memories of old stories came to her from when she was fourteen. Vikings took the women they captured as either slaves or wives. Olaf was not married so... she was looking at her future husband, whether she liked it or not. She was going to be a Queen, but not at all in the way she'd once thought she'd be.
Kayla stiffened. The entire fate of her family, of all of Inverness, was in her hands. She couldn’t deny him because then he would kill Durban and go after the rest. Still, she didn’t know if her heart could take anymore. She had already lost Christopher. Now Brogan, Ashien, probably Cole. They were all gone…

“If I agreed to this without a fight, would you let Durban go to Aberdeen?” She asked him softly, her entire body visibly deflating.
"Would I let yer brother go for the convenience of a well-behaved wife..." Olaf stroked his bearded chin in thought. He knew he and Sarah together were more than a match for Scotland and he was sure that the Ghis family couldn't possibly stand against him ever again. He scoffed mentally, not even if they got the bloody Pope on their side.

"You know... I think I'll take you up on your offer. He'll go once he can ride, but only after you're properly mine." That meant a wedding and... it was awful to think about.
Kayla felt panicked at the idea of being wed to the great Norwegian who sat beside her. She wanted to cry, mostly from the pain of the wound in her back, the one that he had inflicted to keep her from running away. It seemed that he knew where her heart truly lay and she knew that she had to do whatever she had to in order to protect her family now hiding in Aberdeen.

“Then I consent.” She said in a soft voice, her once vibrant eyes dulling visibly. She should have been saying those words to her dear Captain, but he was long dead and gone. Her sacrifice would be great, but to protect her family she would have done anything.
"Good girl," Olaf rose, but he looked down at her once more, "But know that if you go back on your word, you'll face much worse than an arrow in your back. I don't know what men you have dealt with, but Norway does not deal mercifully with foreign treachery." He ordered a young warrior to keep watch over her while he went to speak to Sarah.

"Aberdeen is yours after the big brute goes," he told her as he paused beside her. "I'll stay here and enjoy the Scottish countryside a while... and the hospitality." He smirked, thinking of how much he was going to enjoy Kayla.
“If you think the youngest Ghis will be easy to bend, you will be in for a big surprise.” Sarah said as she looked up towards Olaf. “But you can’t say that I haven’t warned you. We will leave for Aberdeen soon. I think the troops have earned a rest.”

Kayla heeded Olaf’s warning and coward in her chair, only sitting back up when he finally left. She was alone with a warrior, one that didn’t look any older than she. Looking at him, she gathered up he courage to speak.

“I want to see my brother.” She said softly.
The young warrior wordlessly rose to escort her, knowing from Olaf that she was allowed to do so. He escorted her out to the prison, keeping a close watch on her as they entered. Durban lay on a cot in a cell dressed in only his trousers with a healer still working to patch him up. She finished just as Kayla entered and left the two while the warrior kept watch. Durban's breathing was labored and painful and he was only half-conscious.
Kayla waited as the woman finished with her brother before she stepped forward and kneeled beside him. Her own wound pulled painfully, but she could forget it all as she pressed her ear against his chest and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

“You’re going to Aberdeen, Durban.” She murmured softly. “And I will marry Olaf. If I don’t, he’ll kill us all.”
Durban sat up painfully fast but he ignored the lances of the arrow wounds. "Like Hell I'm goin'!"

The warrior tensed, drawing his blade. The Norwegians were really looking for any excuse to kill the Ghis.
“Yes, you are, Durban.” She said softly, gently pushing him back into place on the cot. “You’re going and that’s final.”

Kayla looked down into her brother’s eyes and let out a long sigh, knowing that he wouldn’t understand. “Durban, you’ve protected me your entire life. You’ve tried to shield me from all of the bad in the world and I love you for that. This time…this time there are things I have to do on my own.”

“You have a wife and small children who need their father. I have nothing and if marrying Olaf means that you will stay alive, then I will do it.”
"But we need you, Kay... Christopher wouldn' want this fer you, none o' us do," Durban hugged her as tightly as his weak form would allow. "You can't..." Tears filled his eyes, knowing that if Kayla married Olaf, none of the Ghis would ever see her again.
“Yes, I can.” She murmured softly as she hugged her brother tightly. “And I will.”

“I need you to protect our family, Durban. I need you to comfort Ma and to tell all the children just how wonderful a place Inverness was.” Kayla said, knowing that her brother would do as she asked. “And for as long as I’m able, I will make sure that no one hurts you again.”
"... I'll take care of 'em..." Durban promised quietly, bringing her down to kiss her forehead. "I love ya, Kay... take best care o' yerself as y'can... I promise one day I'll get y'out."
“I love you too, Brother.” She murmured softly, her eyes closing as he promised to get her out one day. “I can only hope, huh?”

Kayla pressed her forehead against his own for a long moment before she finally let go of her brother and turned to leave. She paused in the doorway briefly to look back at Durban, knowing that in spite of what Olaf had said, it was one of the last times that she would ever see him. The next time that she lay eyes on her brother…she would be a queen.
Arrangements were quickly made to inflict damage upon the Ghis family by wedding Kayla to Olaf as fast as possible. It would all be ready in a week.

No word had come from Ashien, Cole, Brogan, Julia, or anyone else. Kayla was well and truly alone.
Kayla felt numb as the day of her wedding approached. There was a sick feeling in the very pit of her stomach each time she came into contact with Olaf. He wasn’t a nice man and despite the fact that he could be considered handsome, Kayla wanted nothing to do with him. The wedding was rushed, an affair that was only being put on to cause hurt and distress to her family.

She hadn’t spoken to any of them since Inverness had been taken. Through rumors the only piece of information that she had learned was that Emma had given birth to a little girl. Kayla Marie…Oh how she wished that she could have been there to shower that little girl with affection. But no…she was forced to stand in the middle of her freezing room, the wound on her back aching, as a court tailor from Norway fitted her over and over again for a wedding gown.
Olaf treated Kayla oddly well, as if he cared. But of course he had an interest in her, she would be the mother of his children if he had his way. A few more Norwegian people had come to Inverness, some warriors intent on settling there as home. The court tailor was a woman, the only Norwegian woman Kayla had met so far. She was cold towards the men, but she was gentle with Kayla despite how Olaf made her fit Kayla for the dress again and again.

Helena was her name, a larger woman with dark hair and eyes. She had Kayla sit down as she wrote down the measurements. She felt awful for Kayla but couldn't say a word about it except a quiet mutter: "As dark as it seems... it's better to try to make the best of the situation and enjoy what you can without Olaf around."