Cure your gay child book


All the witches
Jan 3, 2012
Tomorrow in Spain, a dangerous book is launching that teaches parents how to "cure" their children of being gay – and some of the main bookstores in the country, like Amazon, El Corte Inglés and La Casa del Libro, are selling it.

These stores have policies prohibiting products that promote discrimination. But instead, they're making money from spreading dangerous "treatments" that could lead so many young people to self-destructive behaviour and even suicide.

Can you tell Spanish bookstores that selling gay "cure" books is bad business? Once they take them off their shelves, it will be much harder for anti-gay groups to spread and fund their hate in Spain.

If you'd like to petition against this here's the link, with more info
Given that Spain is what it is, I'm not surprised.
But still, it's fucking 2014 already. Time to quite demonizing sex and sexual orientation (in consensual relationships).
I really think stuff like this ought to be a matter of criminal liability. Like parents who kill their kids with quack medicine... which is what this is, really.
Ew, the main online bookstore in the netherlands is selling it too! They don't have any policies regarding content though. No solid reason to complain apart from FUCKIN HUMAN DECENCY. Ahem.
Oop. I should do my research too :eek: Amazon UK sells it but the reviews have given it a good kicking

Here's one of the comments
"1.0 out of 5 stars I implore you to think twice before you buy this book
By E. Moore - Published on
I am a licensed clinical psychologist (PhD) and work as a clinician, researcher, and professor. I believe I am well qualified to review this book (probably more qualified than Mr. Cohen was to write it). I am mainly writing this review for the people who might buy this book without being aware that it is not what they think it is.

First, please understand who Mr. Cohen is and is not. He is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or any kind of legaly recognized mental health professional. He has never been licensed in any state and was booted out of the American Counseling Association for unethical practices/exploiting his patients. One of his most well-known therapeutic techniques involves holding his male patients on his lap. He has repeatedly demonstrated this on national television. His is an evangelical, fundamentalist member of the Unification Church. This church vehemently opposes homosexuality and has compared gay people to "dirty dung-eating dogs."

Second, please be aware that Mr. Cohen's explanation of the "causes" of homosexuality were popular in the 1950s and have since been disproven by a mountain of research. His "reparative therapy" has also been handily discredited and rejected as both ineffective and potentially harmful by the American Psychological Association, American Pychiatric Association, and by all mainstream mental health and medical organizations. Many of the statistics used in this book are outdated, taken out of context, or have been firmly discredited. It is inexscusable for Mr. Cohen to use this incorrect information and, on national television, even he has admitted that some of the information he used is incorrect and should be removed.

If your child has found the impressive courage to come out to you, please work to accept them for who they are. This might take time, but it's well worth it. I've seen many families become so much closer and stronger through this process. Please do not be misled by fringe misinformation and believe that your loved one can or should change. This can be incredibly damaging - I've seen it first-hand.

If you are a parent looking for a book to assist you in navigating this process, please consider Bernstein's book. And think about joining PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Thanks so much for reading - I wish you all the best."
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Ridiculous! You can't "cure" a gay book. Books are just printed a certain way and that's it. Why can't people accept that?