Getting slammed by anonymous critics

If only that were true. You'd eventually stop following me around with your nose up my ass. ;)
Grammar checkers have their hiccups.

There are some sweeping issues Spell/grammar check can't handle at all (gerunds, possessives and other declensions in spellcheck, for instance) and any sort of nuance in grammar check (and we all know how riddled English is with nuances). Grammar check, also, is set up for business letters, not fiction. Worse, they've tried to get fancy with such things as you've mentioned above and then get it all screwed up.
One of the Things I've noticed

Is that anonymous critics wouldn't know shit from clay. Their view on what makes a good story tends to be diametrically opposed to everyone else's. What they do though is comment in an attempt to get you to write in a way that pleases them. That would ensure instead of fifty thousand reads you get 50 reads.

They have no idea how to wrote erotic fiction. And that's the game we're in. We don't write 'real stories' we write erotic sex stories and its a hell of a lot harder than real stories.

My advice is to ignore them. I say this based not merely on the comments I've had here and at XN but looking at comments on many other stories as well.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Someone here mentioned that the LW is populated with a lot of men who've either been hurt or who've been brought up to believe that misogynistic tendencies are ok.

I think there's some truth to that. It does very much seem like there are two responses here - You either have a story where the husband is cheated on and he takes his revenge - and there are plenty of people cheering for that - or you have a story where someone cheats and the other person has to come to terms with that. And then you get both some people saying "It's nice to read something more intelligent" and the "He's a wimp, he should kill the other guy" comments.

The thing is that lots of people just want this to be a very black and white situation - where the man is in the right, the woman obviously in the wrong and everyone can get their righteous indignation on. I think in some situations, the story can very much be that. But LW is already awash with that. I wanted to write something about those who knew they were in the wrong didn't do anything maliciously and wanted to put something right, even though they used underhand methods to do so.

A sort of "Do the ends ever justify the means" kind of tale, since we don't seem to see many of those in LW.

You can't please everyone, and I'm at my point of life where I'm not even going to try. I write just because I had a story I wanted to tell. I'm not fussed about scoring, I'm not that fussed about people complaining - there will always be those to whom it is not their taste. Some will like it, some will not and good luck to all of them for expressing their opinion. Either way, I wrote it for me and if I'm happy with it (and I'm kinda ok with it. It could be better I think...) then yeah, whatever anyone else wants to think is fine with me.

I'm just glad I finished it and had the chance to put it out there. Now it's out there, I'm sanguine about what happens now.

I might write another one, I might not. Whether I do or not has zero to do with how people respond on the comments though.
Face it, it isn't just the readers of LW who are screwed up, the whole meaning of the category is screwed up.
I have to say some of the LW comments really disturb me.

I had always thought when I started here that the real woman haters, the ones that want to see wives drugged and sold into sexual slavery or gang raped would reside in non consent.

Don;t get me wrong those stories are rampant over there, but I notice the "true rape" stories over there tend to get flamed and called out for it. Seems they are more out for rough sex and the fantasy of over there.

But in LW? the level of hatred aimed at women is, as I said, disturbing. The burn the bitch stories there are worse than anything in non con and these animals scream for more.

As much of a opponent of the non con section as I am it does seem the readers are not looking to actually hurt anyone.

I feel these freaks in LW really would if they had the chance.

Or more accurately if they had the balls as that kind of hatred can only be the product of years of frustration and impotence.

These are the over weight balding, still living with mom pencil dicked assholes that couldn't make a woman happy if they tied and their pathetic existences are somehow the fault of the entire female population.

they spew their bile, but in r/l its "Yes ma'am, yes sir"

I wrote one LW story designed to deliberately flame them and the comments killed me because several said I must be a woman. Because in their caveman like limited pea brains all men must be like them.

And yes, that's my "spew" but unlike them I sling that crap in person all the time whenever I meet one of these morons and I happen to have a wife I manage to keep happy, because that's not all that hard to do for most people.

But again its the worlds fault they couldn't do it.

I wonder how many of them got force fed another guys load like in many of the cuck stories.
The Real women haters are much worse than the bytch slappers. And most of them are women. Ma and Grandma and Auntie, usually. I've seen it a 1000 times, the state removes Sis from the home, cuz Step Dad or Life Partner is an alcoholic piece of shit, and Ma and Grandma do their magic on Sis, to punish her for inconveniencing them. And the galz are very creative in how they fuck with Sis.