Cranked out another story today, something I call PULP FICTION 1. Its longish and about 95% sex scenes but a coherent story. The sex is more than copulation.

Then I worked on LANDSCAPE OF A DREAM. One of my readers characterized the scenery as 'poetic.' Very detailed and filled with activity. Its also philosophic, that is the characters allow their imaginations to run wild and wrestle with monsters. Its E quality.

"The dead have the better part. I think of my grandfather, the adventurous man who built these walls and planted these groves. His life was full of action, full of journeys, full of joys, and full of fights. Now he is at peace, and his works do follow him into the land of forgetfulness and the reunion with the infinite. Blessed are the dead."
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Seven tales are on the drawing board for the rest of 2014. Prolly wont submit more. I dissected my popular stories (4.33+), and gonna build stories around the aspects that readers like. All of them LW.
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