The King and I (closed)

"Well my mother did tell me to give you a kiss from her. There was no statement of what type of kiss it should be."

He took her hands in his own and looked into her eyes,

"I am fine Charlie, really I am."

He kissed both hands' knuckles,

"Now relax, or I will make a royal decree that you must chill out chick."

He gave her a smile and released her hands, he tenderly touched his chest,

"Does sting like a ... Ahem you know what."

He leaned out and looked backwards,

"Any leads yet?"

A shake of heads made him lean back into his chair.

"I think the royal family will have phoned and radioed like crazy by now."
She wanted to believe him when he said that everything was alright. It wasn't though. There was a threat out there that was very real. Letting out a long sigh, Charlie thought about what all of this meant. Security would have to be tightened around Dave, whether he liked it or not. The entire family would have to be put under deep scrutiny to see if anyone had anything to gain by making an attempt on his life.

"I think we should go to your summer estate, away from the city until this is figure out." She suggest, looking at him to let him know that it wasn't a request. "We can bring your mother there and your sisters, but I want you out of the city."
His eyes was closed as he mulled things over, he didn't have to see her face to know that tone of voice. If he went against her wishes now he was sure to meet a wall of cold logic that will bury any kind of resistance he could muster,

"I would normally agree with you, but you also have to remember that my schedule is packed at the moment and that it would be a folly to run away. I will not be a weak king."

He opened his eyes and looked at her,

"I will only be in danger until the coronation. After that I can go to the Summer palace and rule from there while this mess is sorted out. I am not going against your wishes Charlie, I am just stating the obvious. I can't hide away now, it will leave the people without a leader and a man who makes laws from behind walls is a dictator not a king."
"Donovan." Charlie said harshly, knowing that he was stubborn enough that he was going to do as he wished, no matter what. "Fine. I'll be hiring more security for you the moment that we land then. You won't go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without a guard with you."
He grimaced at her, then motioned to the personel as they scurried about,

"How about you settle then down? They work better when co-ordinated and from the amount of calls going out the security will be swelled to the max when we land."

He sighed and fell back into his seat, closing his eyes and resting his hand over his eyes, for the hundreth time he silently asked his father why he had to go. Why all this had to happen to him...he suddenly chuckled, all this happened because change was driving fear into the people who became used to the old. He lowered his hand, then opened his eyes and motioned to the circus behind him,

"Pretty please? I'll even give you those foot massages you like so much."
"You can't sweet talk me, Donovan." Charlie said softly, rising from her seat and disappearing from his side.

She was frustrated by his attitude. He had nearly just died and he didn't seem to care very much that his life was in danger. She made her way towards the bathroom, locking herself inside and looking at her features in the mirror. She was frightened. She had almost lost something that was incredibly special to her. Perhaps that was why she was so angry. She wanted to find who was responsible for doing this and make them pay.
He looked out of the window, crossing his legs and resting his arms,

"So who do I have to kill to get coffee?"

A nervous chuckle followed in the wake of his words, then the meaning of those words set in and one of the new aides went to fetch him coffee, he leaned over and looked to the back.

"Everybody take a coffee break, Dutchess de Leon will be with you shortly and you can work with her. For now relax a bit."

Of course that was against their nature, but you hardly ever disobeyed an order from your crown prince and they decided to follow this order as well.
It took Charlie a long time to finally calm down. When she had gathered herself, she exited the bathroom that she had retreated into and she was surprised to see the staff waiting for her. It was obvious that Dave had told them that she was in charge, but when faced with the idea of protecting her prince, she suddenly felt incredibly out of place.

"Alright, I want to know a report of exactly what happened and what we know." She insisted, taking a seat in the middle of his security team.
He heard Charlie take a seat, heard her soft voice as she spoke, heard the action that started from her words. Like always everybody listened to her and followed her orders, answered her questions and helped her to not just do her own work, but to let their own work work as smoothly as it was supposed to. He drank his coffee, rubbed at the tender bruise on his chest, then after placing down his cup, he leaned back and for some strange reason fell asleep.


A gentle touch on his shoulder woke him up, he opened his eyes and looked at the person who woke him, it was Charlie, he gave her a small smile,

"Just can't quit the habit of waking me up can you?"
"It's my job to look after you." Charlie said with a shrug, sitting at his side as he woke. "I'm sorry for the way that I acted earlier, Dave."

She let out a sigh, looking down at her hands as she humbled herself before him. "You have to understand what it was like to watch you almost die. I've never been so scared in my life about something. Losing you...well, that's something that I don't think I would have ever recovered from."
He sat upright and blinked his eyes slowly, he took her hands in his own and gave them a squeeze,

"You handled it better than I would have. I just thought that being calm about it and giving you something to do would help you calm down."

He held her hands as he leaned towards her,

"And I did get to steal a kiss in the aftermath, we can always blame that on the shock."

He raised both hands and kissed her knuckles softly,

"And you will not lose me that way, I am too wily for them to get that part right."
"The devil would probably send you back anyway." Charlie commented, giving him a small smile. "But I want to keep you right where you are for a long time. I don't plan to let you go even for a minute."
He smiled and took her hand in his,

"I will be here for a long time, who would want to leave such a beauty behind?"

He chuckled,

"And if the devil send me back I will be a Jack o' lantern, roaming the world with no place to go."

He smiled,

"I remember the evening my father told us the story, my sisters was so scared. It took some explaining and a bit of a white lie to placate them. Mother wanted to clout father for telling us that story before bed."

He ran his thumb over the back of her hand,

"I do hope you will allow me to tell stories before bed time as well."

He grinned,

"I have many ghost stories chrinicled."
Charlie couldn't help but laugh at his silly little jokes. She knew how much he missed his father and how often he thought about him. Those scary stories had been a cherished memory that he held dear even today.

"You can tell me all the scary stories that you like." She murmured softly. "And maybe one day you can tell more than just me all those stories."
He leaned closer to her,

"That is kind of the idea, I had a taste and I must say that I want more."

His smile grew even wider,

"And the castle does have room for twelve children, think that is quite a nice total don't you think?"

He winked at her and leaned back,

"Think I could do with some coffee, how about you?"
"Twelve might be a bit much, Dave." She murmured softly. "How about we start at one and negotiate from there?"

She grinned as he seemed more at ease, offering her coffee. It was her weakness, she had to admit. He knew that too, making him a damn good negotiator at times. "Sugar and cream. As if I had to remind you how I took my coffee."
"So you wish to start at one?"

He leaned closer,

"There is no better time than the present, how about we join the Mile high club?"

He gave a chuckle at her incredulous face,

"You look so cute when you're shocked."

He got to his feet, behind them the staff was still phoning, faxing, mailing, typing and whatever else they were busy with. Since he knew his way around the plane just as well as anybody else, he went to the small kitchen, a small bit later he returned with two cups, he sat down and offered Charlie her cup,

"There you go. Now, what could you find out while I was asleep?"
"You, my handsome and stubborn prince, have no business starting a family right now. When there's a ring on my finger and a crown on your head, then we might talk." She murmured softly as he simply grinned and moved to get a cup of coffee.

"A lot of silence from everyone." She said softly as she took the cup from him. "No one wants to take responsibility for it. They do know that you weren't killed though."
"And that means that that little tidbit got leaked out. Perhaps we should reconsider the safety of the royal house. If news of my early demise can not be kept a secret it also means that patterns, schedules, meetings could be leaked out as well."

He took a sip of his coffee, his mind thousands of miles away, then he turned his attention back to her,

"That also means that my mother, sisters and even you are in danger. Even though our relationship doesn't seem like much to the outside world, we cannot discredit the possibility that it may be viewed differently by the guilty party."
"Donovan, in the scheme of things, I'm not as important as you. You are going to be the king. You are the ruler of this country. I'm simply the person that keeps you on schedule. You need to start thinking more about yourself and your family." Charlie insisted, looking him in the eyes as she said that.
He shook his head,

"You also have to remember that you are not just the second child of a duke anymore. You are now a baroness, if a direct attack fail, what do you do? You strike at those around your target. That means you as well as my family."

He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes,

"No matter what it seems, I am well-worried over, allow me to worry for those whom I care for."
Charlotte stared at her infuriating lover for a long moment, mulling over what he had said. He was bullheaded and stubborn just as she was, but she supposed that he did have a point. She wanted to kiss him to seal the deal, but she couldn't risk it. She instead took his hand and squeezed it tightly, her fingers lacing with his own.

"I suppose I can agree to that." She finally murmured, knowing that they were in a dangerous situation.
He could see that little quirk her mouth gave when she wanted to rebel against something, but then she seemed to see the wisdom of the words or she just decided that it wasn't worth arguing about. He gave her hands a squeeze and smiled slightly,

"Glad we can come to an agreement."

He smiled and leaned closer,

"We will have to get word out to the palace, security will have to be sharpened up."
"I'll take care of it." She said softly as he leaned closer, his smile alluring as he squeezed her hand. "I'll send out a message to your detail at the palace."

Charlie wanted to lean in and kiss him. She had been wanting to kiss him since she woke up that morning. She still couldn't believe that Donovan wanted her and that they had spent a perfect night together last night. Then everything had come crashing in around them when that bullet had struck Dave.
"I hope we manage to get to the people whose behind this, I hate being stifled, no matter how well intended the stifling is."

He leaned back into the seat once more and looked glumly at the front of the interior

"And I guess that means no more country tour ending with a nice relaxing weekend at a ski-resort."