Group Uggg

Hiya Everyone:rose:,

:kiss:Happy new year!:kiss:

I'm sort of back! (Still on holiday but back at home.)

Hope everyone had a wonderful break.

I will be back at work next week then I can catch up with you all.

:heart:Much love!:heart:

Hiya Everyone:rose:,

:kiss:Happy new year!:kiss:

I'm sort of back! (Still on holiday but back at home.)

Hope everyone had a wonderful break.

I will be back at work next week then I can catch up with you all.

:heart:Much love!:heart:


Hi Uggg!

My break was awesome! I hope yours was as well, and I believe we kind of had the same experience of seeing family. So good to hear!

I should write a poem about reflecting what happened after my vacation, I think it would be a totally different one...I will look forward to posting about that and maybe my vacation...

Have a great day!
My thanks and welcome back!

Yes I have been meaning to write something poetic as well but not feeling the vibe yet.

Come on folks inspire me!

My thanks and welcome back!

Yes I have been meaning to write something poetic as well but not feeling the vibe yet.

Come on folks inspire me!


I need to get my momentum back...I need a few days to get my mojo back and then I will be as good as new...

My inspiration will be to journal first about all that I did.

What were those little moments that brought meant so much...something funny? something amazing? An event? A connection? A moment of true love for someone? Those are the things I'm thinking about.
Yea mine come from feelings rather than events. Frustration, arousal, anger, love, happiness.

Misshotndeep once posted a poem about a happy moment in time and I promised her one in return but I've not done it yet. I find it very hard to tell that type of story in a poem. much easier to be poetic about a feeling or an impression for me.

Maybe I just need to find my 2018 rhythm as well.

It's good to see both of you back! :heart::heart::heart:

hiya Tink:rose:,

Thanks! Good to be back properly! Love your New avatar pic. I've got a new one as well but I'm not sure if I will keep it. Makes me feel old having an old avatar. Lol

Ok, I wrote one, not quite ready to share it yet...but it was a nice one ;)

I'll try to post it later.. :)
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Its beautiful LOL- Post it or not as you see fit:) don't feel obliged.


Thank you for your feedback! I enjoyed writing that poem that I didn't It was kind of therapeutic in a way, closed the door and open the door to new beginnings...
So last night I sat down at my computer feeling like I had my mojo back. I was feeling creative, I intended to write poems. Maybe it would be something steamy and erotic maybe light and summery like rainbows about a garden sprinkler and, eager, I began to type...

Tap, tap, tap at the keys, something forming, taking shape... success?


Instead of poetry a new story was being born :rolleyes: as if I need another!! The last is not yet finished.


Where have gone my rhyming words,
Flown away like errant birds.
And all alliteration,
Boiled away, dissipation.
Smooth rhythm, perfect meter?
Out of kilter!

Listen to the mute sing!

So last night I sat down at my computer feeling like I had my mojo back. I was feeling creative, I intended to write poems. Maybe it would be something steamy and erotic maybe light and summery like rainbows about a garden sprinkler and, eager, I began to type...

Tap, tap, tap at the keys, something forming, taking shape... success?


Instead of poetry a new story was being born :rolleyes: as if I need another!! The last is not yet finished.


Where have gone my rhyming words,
Flown away like errant birds.
And all alliteration,
Boiled away, dissipation.
Smooth rhythm, perfect meter?
Out of kilter!

Listen to the mute sing!


I hear you, I am still working on a poem for this thread.....after all, I had a great experience recently. maybe this weekend when there's more time, things wil come to you....

The flow will come naturally ;)
Hello LS, welcome.

*Lays out a selection of your favorite snacks :rose::rose::rose::rose:*

You know once you've posted here your my friend forever right?

It's a heavy burden to bare I know.;)

Lovely Light Shiva
Laugh bringer
Sexy slinger
Shot me dead
When she entered my head.

Faulty machines

When young we take our health for granted
But with each year more seeds are planted.
As time roles by with growing momentum
Injuries accumulate; it’s hard to prevent them.
None truly ever go away,
They just heal over and wait their day.
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Just a random poem meant to reflect something that happened before....It felt good writing it..

I said good-bye today
To something that I had to
It felt good to let go
Its about time I knew.

Its time I knew to move on
The memories too painful
I said good-bye today
And now I'm on my way.

Way to bigger and better things
Way to let go of the past
Let go of memories
Yet hope the love lasts.

This happened years ago
But pain came back in a way.
I am wiser now, and so
I said good-bye today.
Hey LOL can't PM you at the moment. Says:

LanguageOfLove has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

Guess you must be popular;)

Wasn't nothing important anyways, was just saying hi :)

Hey LOL can't PM you at the moment. Says:

LanguageOfLove has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

Guess you must be popular;)

Wasn't nothing important anyways, was just saying hi :)


Oh..I have a hard time deleting messages...I have some from when I first joined...

I made room though..I hope you liked the poem ;)
Oh..I have a hard time deleting messages...I have some from when I first joined...

I made room though..I hope you liked the poem ;)

It was a great poem. Yea I keep some messages too. Your poem is in there with the other treasures.

It's crazy how fast the messages can build up at times. It doesn't seem like I get that many but it seems I'm always having to delete a few. Its been a tough call at times. keep or discard. I've sacrifeced a few I liked.

It was a great poem. Yea I keep some messages too. Your poem is in there with the other treasures.

It's crazy how fast the messages can build up at times. It doesn't seem like I get that many but it seems I'm always having to delete a few. Its been a tough call at times. keep or discard. I've sacrifeced a few I liked.


I hear you, here's to keeping special messages! Thanks for keeping my poem ;)
If you're feeling blue
Come and sit with Mister Uggg
You will feel better.

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Thank you Adrina,
For your lovely gift of words
But Uggg has three Gees;)


Well its actually four but the fourth is invisible:D so you can just do three if you can't find invisible g on your keyboard.;)

Well its actually four but the fourth is invisible:D so you can just do three if you can't find invisible g on your keyboard.;)


The third was there. I swear it was. I think your fourth G turned the third G invisible. It's contagious. Pretty soon it will just be U.... :eek:

Oh olly osh! Oh dear od! The letter just completely vanished from my keyboard!!!

How will I every spell all my favorite words, such as fro , roceries or arba e!

What ever will I do?

U :rose: