Seldom-Used Words

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Don't forget the Yahoos from Gulliver's Travels, particularly if you use their email service.

I haven't written the Yahoo chapters yet. I think they might breach Literotica's guidelines on bestiality.


You can't mention the Yahoos, without giving some space to the Houyhnhnms, who apart from being talking horses, must have one of the hardest spellings in English to remember.
How could I have lived so long without encountering these names before? Better late than never.

So why don't we ever find people to be feck?

falcate adj. Curved like a sickle.

falchion noun. A curved broadsword, Medieval.
In my Webster's 7th New Collegiate, feck is an entry;

feck - noun 1. chiefly Scot a. MAJORITY b. PART c. QUANTITY 2. also chiefly Scot VALUE
A beautiful Saturday morning to you all;

propitious - adj 1. favorably disposed: BENEVOLENT 2. being of good omen: AUSPICIOUS 3. tending to favor: ADVANTAGEOUS
In my Webster's 7th New Collegiate, feck is an entry;

feck - noun 1. chiefly Scot a. MAJORITY b. PART c. QUANTITY 2. also chiefly Scot VALUE

Oxford agrees with Websters 7th. Also has Feckfully meaning efficient or powerful.

And whilst you may not wish to know a Fecifork is the anal fork on which the larvae of Cassida carry their faeces.;)
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Welcome, myrionomos, and you are right, I doubt I will use the word fecifork anytime soon.

truculent - adj 1. feeling or displaying ferocity: CRUEL, FIERCE, SAVAGE 2. DEADLY, DESTRUCTIVE 3. scathingly harsh: VITRIOLIC, VITUPERATIVE 4. aggressively self-assertive: BELLIGERENT, PUGNACIOUS
I always associate that word with Sherlock Holmes, Bordain, and welcome to the word lovers club.

veracity - noun 1. devotion to the truth: TRUTHFULNESS 2. power of conveying or perceiving truth: CORRECTNESS 3. conformity with truth or fact: ACCURACY 4. something true

cyclothymic • adj., adjectival form of cyclothymia a condition which causes mild hypomanic and depressive episodes. It is defined in the bipolar spectrum. Specifically, this disorder is a milder form of bipolar II disorder consisting of recurrent mood disturbances between hypomania and dysthymic mood.

In David Walder's 1978 biography of Horatio Nelson, he quotes a letter written by Nelson, "In short I wish to be an admiral and in the command of the English fleet. I should very soon either do much or be ruined. My disposition can't bear tame and slow measures" then observes:

It was a reasonable enough estimate of his own character. His personality was obviously cyclothymic, changing rapidly from depression to elation, but to Fanny, for once, he had managed to strike a balance and see and describe himself reasonably accurately...


cyclothymic • adj., adjectival form of cyclothymia a condition which causes mild hypomanic and depressive episodes. It is defined in the bipolar spectrum. Specifically, this disorder is a milder form of bipolar II disorder consisting of recurrent mood disturbances between hypomania and dysthymic mood.

In David Walder's 1978 biography of Horatio Nelson, he quotes a letter written by Nelson, "In short I wish to be an admiral and in the command of the English fleet. I should very soon either do much or be ruined. My disposition can't bear tame and slow measures" then observes:

I first came across cyclothymic in the DSM-III, and realized that being happy sometimes and sad at others was a "mental disorder." But if we don't alternate between happy and sad, if we always feel the same about things, we also have a mental disorder. I guess we'll just have to pick our own disease and live with it.

Now that I think of it, can I opt for "Priapic Satyromania?"
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culet noun. 1. The small flat facet at the bottom of a brilliant parallel to the table; 2. plate armor covering the buttocks.

Perhaps meaning 2 could give us a title for a handbook for mangement aspirants: What color is your culet?
Hello, everyone, here is one I have never encountered;

larrup - verb 1. dial: BEAT,WHIP 2. dial: DEFEAT, TROUNCE ~ dial: to move indolently or clumsily: SLOUCH
This one is probably still used, but I have not seen it for awhile;

curt - adj 1.a. sparing of words: TERSE b. marked by rude or peremptory shortness: BRUSQUE 2. archaic: SHORTENED
Another very archaic word:

towder or tūdor - offspring, children

Tawdry towhead towder taw towder taws,
Town towntowder taws tew tawdry towder towhead!
This one is probably still used, but I have not seen it for awhile;

curt - adj 1.a. sparing of words: TERSE b. marked by rude or peremptory shortness: BRUSQUE 2. archaic: SHORTENED

The original word for short. Cognate of the German word, Kurz, which has the same meaning as curt and short.
Xelebes, my dictionary says curt is from Latin curtus meaning shortened.

freak - noun 1.a. a sudden turn of the mind: WHIM b. a seemingly capricious action or event 2. archaic: WHIMSICALITY 3. something markedly unusual or abnormal; esp : one with a physical oddity who appears in a circus sideshow
Hello, here is the word du jour;


Interesting to note that ersatz had a 'poor' connotation as in 'ersatz coffee', 'ersatzbier' - however - spare or replacement parts for machinery, cars, motorbikes, and the like - are known as 'ersatzteile' which directly translates to 'replacement parts.:)
Welcome, Rad'l, yes lots of words lose thei correc meaninf through usage, just look what happened to awesome;

This one is self-explanatory;

Welcome, Rad'l, yes lots of words lose thei correc meaninf through usage, just look what happened to awesome;

This one is self-explanatory;

Not so obvious as all that; one needs to know what a "monger" is to grasp the meaning readily. :p

Define: Monger said:
Related phrases: iron monger hate monger j. monger whore monger war monger rumor monger george monger profit monger miracle monger

Definitions of monger on the Web:

* peddle: sell or offer for sale from place to place
* trader: someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

* A peddler, in British English pedlar, also known as a canvasser, cheapjack, monger, or solicitor (with negative connotations since the 16th century), is a travelling vendor of goods. ...

* A dealer in a specific commodity, normally used in combination; A person promoting something undesirable, always used in combination; To sell or peddle something

* Mongering - Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire. In most cultures, prostitution is viewed as a deviant profession, either discouraged or illegal; however, motivations vary from the implications of those ...

* A player who deliberately scores more than needed in order to win the game.
Thank you, Harold, for that fine explanation of monger.

ensconce - vt 1. SHELTER, CONCEAL 2. to settle comfortably or snugly
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