WTF/FUNNY Gifs, Pics, & Videos: Volume 3

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So that is what a stampeding herd of turtles looks like. :cool:
More like, boogie till the cowries come home. :) This looks like a rooftop turtle ranch. The li'l buckaroo is feeding livestock being raised for soup and stew. Yum.
Apparently common sense doesn't work on (some) Southerners. Advice has to be put into something they'll understand.

Apparently common sense doesn't work on (some) Southerners. Advice has to be put into something they'll understand.


A buddy of mine got a job down south shortly after college. They had a little bit of snow, he drove to work, no problem. They were amazed he made it to work, in a Chevy Vega. They called off work that day, so he ran errands.
Being from Wisconsin, it's painfully obvious who is not comfortable driving in snow. That first snowfall...doesn't matter if it's a fraction of an inch, people will be driving 40mph on the highway.
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