Of the Fells

Val took his hand and carefully climbed out of bed, leaving Alex to sleep while she and Theo talked. She was worried about what he would say, but she knew that they had to talk this through before it pulled them apart completely.

"I didn't expect this to happen, Theo. Especially not so soon after meeting you." She said softly as they stepped outside of her room, the door closed part way so Alex could sleep.
"Well... I s'pose my question now is what y'want t'do," Theo muttered. "Ye've got a tough job an' a child now. I don' know if tha'd leave much time if any fer yer own personal life. Much less us. But... I don' want t'give this up."
"I don't want to give this up either." Valentina said softly as Theo sounded so down. "But I would understand if you wanted to. I don't want to tie you down to this situation. You already know my schedule is hard. Adding in a child...it will only get more difficult."
"Unless you'd like some help," Theo offered softly. "Alex seems like a good lad thus far. I told ya I'd be 'ere t'help ya." Taking her hands, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "We're supposed t'be a team, right?"
Valentina nodded as he took her hands and kissed her cheek. She soon had her arms wrapped around his chest as she held him tightly.

"I'm scared to death, Theo. I don't know if I can be a mother to that little boy." She murmured, tears in her eyes as she thought about the task that was now firmly in her lap.
"Th'best y'can do is try, love. If things don' work out... I think y'can make 'im understand tha' he needs t'go with someone else. If all else fails... I'll look after 'im myself." Theo seemed resolute to help her.
She pulled back and looked into Theo's warm gaze, knowing that he would support her in whatever happened. He seemed resolute in the idea of raising Alex even if she couldn't. It was a lot to consider, especially for a man that had lost everything he knew.

"He'll have a good home." She murmured softly as she pulled Theo down for a gentle kiss. "Thank you, amore."
"Much as I'd like t'say 'anything fer you,' it's fer him too." Theo returned her kiss before letting her go. "Get back t'sleep, love. We'll work out a room an' clothes an' whatnot fer Alex tomorrow."
The next morning, Valentina took Alex to the market to buy him things. She spent her money freely on the little boy, buying him new clothing, some books, and a few toys. He clung to her like glue, but she reassured him that she wasn't going to disappear. When he found something that took his fancy, she purchased it. She simply wanted him to be happy after such sadness. The money that she had been saving for her trip to Normandy was financing the entire thing.

When the two of them got home, she learned that Theo and Brogan had worked on getting Alex his own room. It was right next to her own, small but just about right for the little boy. A soft blue blanket was already on the bed, courtesy of her Ma. She smiled as she thought about how the entire family was supporting her in this strange situation.

"Well, bambino, what do you think? Your very own room." Valentina murmured as she pressed a kiss to his cheek and set Alex down on the floor. "Your very own toys, two new books, and some very handsome clothes."

She reached into her satchel and pulled own the toys that he had found. A red wooden ball and a wooden puzzle were placed on the bed. She handed him the stuffed fox that he had found in one of the stalls, smiling as he hugged it close.

"I think your fox looks like an Anna, don't you?" Valentina asked him, naming the stuffed animal after his mother. "That way she'll always be with you."
"Anna," Alex finally murmured his first proper word to her, holding the fox tightly to his chest. He looked up at her and curled close to her side as if he could hide under her arm. It seemed to be where he was most comfortable, out of view of the world.
"Oh, come on now, bambino. I have a hard time believing that you are really that shy." Valentina said with a smile as she started to tickle his belly with her fingers. "I also know you can smile."
Alex half-squeaked and crawled behind her and out of her reach, taking his fox with him. He slid down off the bed and hid underneath with a barely-audible giggle, his toes sticking out from under the draped blanket. It was about then that Brogan appeared in the half-open doorway with a smile. "Hey, Val. Lunch is ready. Where's th'little lad?"

Alex barely peeked out to see who it was, but didn't come out. Brogan leaned down to look at him. "Hiya, Al." And immediately the boy hid again, leaving Brogan to chuckle at him quietly. Annie had been the same when she was very small.
Valentina smiled as Alex squeaked and then wiggled away, hiding as she heard his quiet giggling and his toes peaking out from under the blanket. She was just reaching down to tickle him again when Brogan appeared, Alex instantly going silent as he watched Brogan closely. When he hid again, Valentina sighed softly.

"We'll be there in a moment." Valentina said quietly as she motioned for him to leave them alone so that she could coax Alex out into the open again.

When Brogan disappeared, she leaned over the side of the bed and lifted the blanket to peek at Alex. She gave him a smile as he looked at her curiously.

"Are you hungry, bambino?" Valentina asked him with a smile. "Theo will be there as well."
Alex slowly emerged from hiding, still clutching his fox close as he took Valentina's hand and let her lead him as he didn't know his way around. The Hall was slowly filling and Theo was there awaiting them.
Val knew all eyes were on her as she stepped into the hall with Alex toddling beside her. She didn't want the shy little boy to feel like everyone was watching him, so she carefully lifted him onto her hip and then placed him in the empty seat between herself and Theo.

"There we go. Just like the big boy that I know you are." She said as she sat down in her seat and gave Theo a smile across the top of Alex's head. "It's good to see you, amore."
Theo smiled in return and leaned over to kiss Valentina's cheek while Alex was distracted by the cooks bringing out the meal. "Hiya, love," he murmured.
Valentina smiled as Theo leaned across and kissed her cheek. She reached over and gently touched his cheek with her fingertips. She adored this man and she hoped that he knew that. With Alex, it would be harder to spend time with him but she knew more than ever that she needed him in her life to make everything complete.
Theo was oblivious to the world for a moment as Valentina touched his cheek so tenderly. But as he turned his attention back toward Alex, he reached around the boy to help him cut up his breakfast. Once Alex was distracted with eating, Theo started on his own food but couldn't help giving Valentina another smile. "Any plans fer today, Val?"
Valentina watched Theo go straight into caring for Alex, cutting up his food so that the little boy could feed himself. She gave her lover a smile as he turned the question towards her, asking what her plans were for the day.

"Well, I have a few people that I need to go and see. Make sure that they're healing properly." Valentina admitted. "Alex and I went and spent some money in the market earlier. He's got toys, clothes, and some books to keep him occupied."
"I can look after 'im fer a while for ya. Long as 'e doesn't chase after you," Theo said with a smile, knowing Alex just might like he had when left with Durban.
"I'll make sure he knows he can't come." Valentina said softly as she glanced down at Alex. "He's a good boy. Very sad, but a good and loving boy."

Glancing back up at Theo, she gave him a smile. "His fox is named Anna."
"I'll look after her too, then," Theo said with a smile down at the boy. After breakfast, Alex dared to leave Selena's side when he noticed Kitty. She gladly welcomed him into her lap and properly introduced him to Vincenzo.
When Alex was distracted, Valentina left the table to begin her day. Before she left, she gave Theo a kiss and showed him that she was still thinking about him even with someone else in her life. She wanted to share a future with Theo in the worst way, but making all of the pieces come together into something beautiful seemed impossible at the moment. She had to have some faith that it would all work out in the end.
By the time noon rolled around and Valentina finished her rounds just in time for lunch, she returned to find a very dejected Alex outside with Theo and Kitty, both trying to reassure him that he hadn't been left by another woman he adored. But when Alex saw Valentina return on Raul's back, he could hardly get out of Theo's arms fast enough to reach her. Just like when Alex had fled from Durban back to Valentina, Raul had to stop short to avoid Alex getting stepped on. Raul snorted impatiently but he was still a gentle giant and nudged the boy's arm gently while Alex caught the stirrup and looked up at Valentina with such relief mixed with a touch of betrayal that she'd left him.
Valentina laughed softly as she saw Alex running towards her with a look on her face that had told her just what he had been thinking. She soon dismounted and scooped him into her arms, kissing his cheek as she led Raul towards the stables.

"Hello, bambino. What did you do with Theo and Nonna? Did you have fun?" She asked Alex, choosing not to talk about where she had gone and why.