Why is it ....


Dec 31, 2009
.... we'll help our pets out of their misery, but force our relatives to suffer through it endlessly?
The government asks a lot more questions when Aunt Bertha is found with a bullet in her skull.

Thousands of years of human life and we still manage to keep getting things wrong. Maybe one of these days...
I wonder about this often. Not as worried about my folks, but for myself.
Because reasons.

That's why if you want it done you gotta not be a pussy and do it yourself before you can't.

Question is how do you want to go?
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In my sleep. Without any prior notice.

Kinda hard to do that to yourself.

I think a heroine OD would be the easiest and arguably the most painless.

Seppuku arguably the most agonizing, especially if you fuck it up.

IDK......I think if I wasn't too old I'd just gear up and go pick a fight with some nasty people, do as much damage as I could suicide mission style.

Chute free skydive would be good....use a squirrel suit and just face plant some jerks car or make a mess on the steps of congress, that would be cool.
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.... we'll help our pets out of their misery, but force our relatives to suffer through it endlessly?

sorry if a loved one is suffering... your topic people either go one way,,,end suffering or another way!!!!
Death with dignity and living wills are the closest we're going to get any time soon.