If someone walked in on me right now, they would see_______

A really bored dude waiting for his roommate to finish with whatever crap she's doing so we can watch Game of Thrones.
Me, lounging on my bed, checking my phone.

What they wouldn't see:

Panties, cos I'm not wearing any.
My toy, cos it's under the covers.
The piece of creamy dark chocolate that I'm rolling around in my mouth as if it were a.... :cool:
Me, lounging on my bed, checking my phone.

What they wouldn't see:

Panties, cos I'm not wearing any.
My toy, cos it's under the covers.
The piece of creamy dark chocolate that I'm rolling around in my mouth as if it were a.... :cool:

me fully rapt
Not a damn thing cause room is dark!
Well, they'd see my face lit up by the phone

*pushes the wand off the bed*

Nothing to see here...move along
Me sitting on my bed naked with my laptop in my lap...Typing on lit.
What they wont see is what i'm sitting on..:eek: :devil: