All right, folks. Wish me luck

I've found this idle window of a few minutes in my weekend from hell while my OS recompiles.

I've been without sleep for a day and am staring at another. My fingers are burnt from typing. There are several packets of fast food littering my room and a couple of empty beer bottles too. I have had more coffee than humanly possible and I am just halfway there.

Listen carefully, because I don't have much time. I'm not going to make it. I want one of you to tell my parents I love them. Tell my sister I ratted her out when we were kids (she'll know what I'm talking about) and I'm sorry.
I'm slowly going under, my brain beginning to melt from the massive amount of activity and my eyes hurt from staring at a screen for so long.

It was nice knowing you all....

It the exhaustion talking. Take breaks every 15 minutes and walk around and move your arms in windmills or do push-ups. Eat protein and stay away from carbs. Splash some cold water on your face and get back to it. You can do this. It's really hard to go without sleep. Sleep deprivation does incredibly funky things to your body chemistry. Ease back on the caffeine--and no more alcohol until you get through this. I will be sending good thoughts your way.
Surely they're letting you off to watch the Superbowl.
Google doesn't google itself, yanno. Not even on the most important Sunday of the sports calender.

Go LaRascasse! We'll hold your hair while you puke.
Good sign! You make no mention of deserting your Katrina fans so it looks as if you're intending to continue writing the chapters with your burned fingers. This whole thing will really help you write that story from the perspective of the 'method writer'.

Google might not gain the best programmer in the known and unknown multiversal weeble-worlds but a Star Will Be Born in the dark story-telling category.

Actually it's completely true that bananas are the best food to eat in these circumstances. They're easily digested and provide immediate energy. (We used to sustain ourselves on them in day long rugby tournaments.)

Hang on in there, the agony will be worth it! And seriously, if it feels like too much, just hang on and keep going through the motions. At this stage, you won't be able to judge how well you're doing.

Have one banana :nana:
Have two bananas :nana::nana:

(These sports tournaments are really not worth it. I'm not just saying that because my team lost yesterday sniffle sniffle.)
Come on lazybones! Sheesh, anyone would think you didn't have a whole set of fans waiting out there for your latest tortured Katrina chapter. Surely the interview with Sharon Stone and being locked in a room with only real sugar, bananas and your online pals to get you through has inspired you to some terrible new trauma for the poor girl.

Well done! :rose::nana::rose:
If you survived the Code-Writing Weekend, I'm sure I can survive the coming week. Any idea on how long before you hear back from them?

*fires up new espresso machine* We're all still thinking good things for you.
So while I await the results of my godawful weekend, turns out I have another interview. This one is over the phone with someone in Googleplex itself. I'm guessing there will also be one on Google Hangout.

You're the man!

So while I await the results of my godawful weekend, turns out I have another interview. This one is over the phone with someone in Googleplex itself. I'm guessing there will also be one on Google Hangout.


Okay, so you're getting down to the whips, chains, and iron maiden. I will keep sending good thoughts and a chorus of dancing bananas your way. Hang in there, stud. :D

So while I await the results of my godawful weekend, turns out I have another interview. This one is over the phone with someone in Googleplex itself. I'm guessing there will also be one on Google Hangout.


Go Scorpionfish, go!

Fantastic, you must seriously be the business.

Here is my special dancing banana card for you.
