College girl's anal initiation


Literotica Guru
Jun 25, 2008
An 18 year old is naive and shy. She's a straight-A student from a small conservative town.

She goes to a major university and wants to join a sorority to become popular and to boost her resume.

Some of the sorority leaders are secret lesbians, and are blown away by the girl. The girl is shy, demur, and incredibly beautiful.

They make up a special initiation for her. She has to lose her anal virginity in various ways.

The girl refuses, but the sorority leaders talk her into it. She reluctantly agrees.

Perhaps the girl pulls her pants down, and maybe she's covered so that she's obvious to what's going on behind her.

Perhaps the girls do things to her, or they bring in frat boys to come fuck her since they're all friends and owe each other.

Thoughts? Ideas? Takers?
Lesbians don't really like it when frat boys fuck their dream girls in their asses. :D
An 18 year old is naive and shy. She's a straight-A student from a small conservative town.

She goes to a major university and wants to join a sorority to become popular and to boost her resume.

Some of the sorority leaders are secret lesbians, and are blown away by the girl. The girl is shy, demur, and incredibly beautiful.

They make up a special initiation for her. She has to lose her anal virginity in various ways.

The girl refuses, but the sorority leaders talk her into it. She reluctantly agrees.

Perhaps the girl pulls her pants down, and maybe she's covered so that she's obvious to what's going on behind her.

Perhaps the girls do things to her, or they bring in frat boys to come fuck her since they're all friends and owe each other.

Thoughts? Ideas? Takers?

I decided to take a crack at it and write an introduction. Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue:

Julie was 18 years old, naive and shy. She earned all A’s at William Jefferson Clinton High but being from a small, conservative town, she was unsure about where to go to university. She applied at every damn college she could think of, but couldn’t make up her mind which one to attend. Finally one day her mother took her aside and gave her some advice.

“You know, Julie,” her mother said, “I didn’t know what I wanted to do at your age either but I knew if I stayed in this town, I’d soon be knocked up and forced to work at Big Al’s grocery. So that’s why I went to State and fortunately met your father. At least then when I got pregnant with you I had a loving man to support me.”

Julie replied, “I think you’re right. And I sure as hell don’t want to work at a grocery, getting felt up on my smoke breaks. I will also enroll at State. Sometimes you just have to go balls to the wall for things to work out.”

During her first week on campus, her dorm friends talked into going through rush week to see if a sorority interested her. She visited many of them and received multiple offers to pledge. But she ended up choosing Delta Theta because the girls where were shy, demur, and incredibly beautiful. She knew she’d fit in just fine with these nice ladies, who were clearly prim and proper.

The weekend after she moved in, it was initiation night. Julie was taken aback that these very studious girls who went to Bible Study during the week were planning a kegger and inviting a local frat. She was thinking of dropping out but the President, a bull dyke named Wendy, convinced her to stay.

“Initiation ain’t no thang,” Wendy told her. “You just have to put on a beautiful dress, dance with a few fellows and then be spanked at midnight with our special paddle. Just make sure you don’t wear no underdrawers, because that would be cheating to try and pad your cute little buns from the spanking.”

Julie decided to throw caution to the wind and go through the process because she kept envisioning herself with Big Al balls deep inside her in the grocery storeroom if she returned home.

The party was in full swing as midnight neared and Julie was drunk as a skunk. When it came time for her to be paddled, the girls had her blindfolded, handcuffed to a chair and bent over with her ass in the air. The girls were all hooting and hollering and Julie just wanted to get it over with. Wendy stepped forward and hiked up her floor length dress, exposing her bare butt cheeks for everyone to see.

“Hot damn,” Wendy exclaimed. “Those are some sweet cheeks. I ain’t never seen a rump so round and perfect. Which one of you drunken frat boys wants the first crack at her?”

Julie was getting nervous and wondered why the boys were going to participate in the paddling. Her mind raced as to what might happen when she felt a hand of her bare derriere.

“You’re damn straight!’ a voice said as he felt her fanny. “I’ll go first. I may be bombed on Schnapps but I still know a beautiful buttass when I see one. Bring me the lube because I’m going to drill this bitch between the cheeks. I can’t wait to get my rock hard dong into her bonghole. And don’t hassle me about a condom because I want to raw dog this sweet rosebud. I’m going to leave her butt up with a flower in it!”

Thoughts? Shall I continue or did you have something different in mind?
I decided to take a crack at it and write an introduction. Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue:


Thoughts? Shall I continue or did you have something different in mind?

Are you writing a SRP?
Go for it hotsnatch!

It's yours if you want. Do whatever you want with it.

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Are you writing a SRP?

What's an SRP?
I saw this on the board index and just thought I'd pop in to tell you I thought the title was "college girl's anal annihilation".
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Lesbian theme

Maybe it's not a frat boy at all, but one of her female teachers that used to be in the sorority. They raffle off the girls anal cherry in a humiliating way and she is won by her least favorite teacher.
An 18 year old is naive and shy. She's a straight-A student from a small conservative town.

She goes to a major university and wants to join a sorority to become popular and to boost her resume.

Some of the sorority leaders are secret lesbians, and are blown away by the girl. The girl is shy, demur, and incredibly beautiful.

They make up a special initiation for her. She has to lose her anal virginity in various ways.

The girl refuses, but the sorority leaders talk her into it. She reluctantly agrees.

Perhaps the girl pulls her pants down, and maybe she's covered so that she's obvious to what's going on behind her.

Perhaps the girls do things to her, or they bring in frat boys to come fuck her since they're all friends and owe each other.

Thoughts? Ideas? Takers?

I really like this idea. Maybe the sorority could also be really prominent in that they are also the cheerleaders for the college football team. And then one night they make her do these things as a hazing test for the football team in the locker room after a game when they come in to surprise them with cheers. Maybe 2 other sorority girls could "supervise it" but also look super sexy as well and then have the new girl do all this stuff. Things get out of control. I love it!
The cheerleaders & professor are both interesting.

Perhaps the professor has an issue with the lead character where they don't like each other.

Or maybe the professor is a secret lesbian herself and had a huge crush on the girl. The professor is not brazen about it, and she's terrified of being fired. But once she heard the opportunity to anally fuck the girl, she couldn't resist. She feels guilty & horrible about it, but her urges are overwhelming.

The sorority leader knows this and informs the professor about the offer in exchange for giving all of the sorority girls As or Bs in the class, even though they never did any work (all the girls cared about was cheerleading). Professor agrees, and gets to spend an hour with the blindfolded girl.
Lesbians don't really like it when frat boys fuck their dream girls in their asses. :D

I thought the same. This could be a nice girls-only story, including stuff like anal fingering and rimming, but no dicks ...

It could be like: at first, they all shower together. Then, they explain the new girl what she has to do. While they are still naked, each of the other girls will bend over and spread the buttcheeks. Then the new girl has to give them (at least) a kiss right on the butthole.

The new girl is surprised and shocked, but then, one of the older girls show her how to do it on one of the other girls. She gives a nice long kiss on one of the other girls butthole. Then she also starts to use her tongue a little bit on her ...

"See, that is why we shower together before we start. Everyone is clean. We only ask for a short kiss. You don' have to use your tongue, if you don't want to. Of course, we wouldn't mind if you also use your tongue or your fingers - one of us is even into anal fisting ..."

Finally, the new girl gives in and kisses the first girl on the butthole. Then the second girl ... she notices that it really ain't bad or dirty. It's just a little strange, but besides that - she already licked some pussy before, so rimming the butthole is not that much of a step forward.

Once she kissed all the butthole, she even smiles. "That was really not that bad. I am surprised."
"Alright, and now you will get your reward. Since you kissed so many buttholes, I am sure you are curious how it feels to be rimmed. So now, all the girls here will start to rim your butthole, until you reach an anal orgasm. And you can even decide which one of us should start on your butthole."

That night, all the girls reach multiple anal orgasms.
If it's a guy or girl, I'm a big fan of the excitement and potential sadism of the situation. Would I prefer a woman do it, yes, but the main point is to convey the situation properly

I thought the same. This could be a nice girls-only story, including stuff like anal fingering and rimming, but no dicks ...

It could be like: at first, they all shower together. Then, they explain the new girl what she has to do. While they are still naked, each of the other girls will bend over and spread the buttcheeks. Then the new girl has to give them (at least) a kiss right on the butthole.

The new girl is surprised and shocked, but then, one of the older girls show her how to do it on one of the other girls. She gives a nice long kiss on one of the other girls butthole. Then she also starts to use her tongue a little bit on her ...

"See, that is why we shower together before we start. Everyone is clean. We only ask for a short kiss. You don' have to use your tongue, if you don't want to. Of course, we wouldn't mind if you also use your tongue or your fingers - one of us is even into anal fisting ..."

Finally, the new girl gives in and kisses the first girl on the butthole. Then the second girl ... she notices that it really ain't bad or dirty. It's just a little strange, but besides that - she already licked some pussy before, so rimming the butthole is not that much of a step forward.

Once she kissed all the butthole, she even smiles. "That was really not that bad. I am surprised."
"Alright, and now you will get your reward. Since you kissed so many buttholes, I am sure you are curious how it feels to be rimmed. So now, all the girls here will start to rim your butthole, until you reach an anal orgasm. And you can even decide which one of us should start on your butthole."

That night, all the girls reach multiple anal orgasms.

I hope you deside to continue the story because you'd make a great series if you choice to write it as one, also you coule add that she learns how to anal fist and does so to each of the girls.
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play up the sweet innocent Christian girl part in the beginning
I think that would be a great angle for the Christian "angel."

I enjoy reading about a Christian girl's first time, that first time she surrenders her Christian innocence to that nonchristian man she's seeing.

I love to visualize the look in her face as she engages in heavy foreplay with him and then lays-back, exposing her sexy sweet Christian pussy in all its beauty to him.

She gives him a loving look as he prepares to mount her and positions his penis in front of her innocent Christian pussy, which craves him inside her.

She doesn't think about God, her faith or her moral convictions as he begins to slowly slide his impressive hard cock deep into her good-girl pussy.

She closes her eyes as his penis sinks deeper and bursts her holy hymen, making her a woman and showing her what real life is all about.

After about 20 minutes of passionate thrusts into her, she feels his manhood spasming. Soon, his godless nonChristian cum conquers her innocent Christian pussy, which is now all his...

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I may try this... oddly as a Christmas story where the girl is asked to join late and then given to the professor as a Christmas present.
