The Old Ones (closed for BelladonnaJoi)


Really Experienced
Apr 21, 2014
(This one is an experiment, of the "Once a Philosopher" sort. I will run it to completion for the lady involved, but I may, or may not ever want to run one like it again. Just saying.)

Every village has its rumors, stories of myth and things that go bump in the night, the half heard, or half seen mutated into stories of intrigues and betrayal, or misshapen beasts stalking the night. But, some rumors paled against the truth that spawned them.

They were a fable, a bogeyman to threaten wayward daughters with. “Guard your purity, or the Old Ones will take you, and never let you go.” Yet sometimes, whether out of curiosity, or rebellion, or something else, one sought them out, and found the reality to be far more than the tale.

Aliana had, once, and given herself freely to serve, to serve until she could, no longer. Now she lived apart from the village, shunned for what she had done. Still sometimes the women of the village visited her, curious of the truth behind the legends. Some departed, never to return, but some did not. Sometimes one would stay, and serve.
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Ella was one such women. Now in her mid twenties. Her hair a natural fire color, and eyes again naturally almost black in color.
Ella had one purpose and one purpose only for the visit the day behind going and seeking out Aliana the wise, sage women.

A soft knock on the outer door of Aliana place and then waiting for the door to open, Ella stood dressed in a long black skirt and a shirt which nearly matched the color of her hair.
Aliana put aside her darning, and went to the door. She was no longer a young woman, past serving, though not yet out of her prime, dark hair clipped short about her shoulders. She wore a somber forest green dress that reached to the floor.

To her surprise, it was Ella who greeted her. They had played together as children, long before she had made the choices she had.

“Good evening,” she said. “What can I do for you? You'd better come in quickly. Your father will be furious if he knows you're here.”
Ella darted inside quickly for she knew her childhood friend was correct that her father would kill her had he known she came to see Aliana especially now that a few years back Ella father had caught her going to see Aliana.

Looking around Ella after a few moments of thought sat down on the couch and looked to Aliana.

Aliana my dear childhood friend do you recall my last visit with you. The one where I spoke of wanting a child. You told me to come back before my 25th birthday which I am now doing. My 25th birthday is in a month from now. You said you would answer my questions.

I guess right now my biggest question is how does this work. I mean do I get hooked up with some sort of monster and get force breed until I am no longer of any use. Do I get a choice of who or what breeds me? Heck is breeding even involved. Would I have to become a "slave" as you did?

A deep breath was then taken.
Ok I am done for now, but I am sure once you answer those questions I will have more if you do not mind that is.
“My dear, any man can give you a child. The Old Ones can give you more children than you could imagine,” she said, as she set the kettle on for tea. “They need us, you see. They cannot bring their young to term on their own, so they need willing vessels to bear them.”

“We are the plot the farmer sows his seed in, and reaps the harvest. They take good care of us.”
I understand, Aliana, and I do have a few questions more for you.

I guess my first question is do they "court" you before hand, or do the old ones simply take and impregnate you.

The next question becomes how long is the jesation period between being seeded and birthing.

Followed by the next how many of their babies normally get birthed at one time, and how long between the birthing and impregnation again is there.

I think my last question is does it or did it for you, Aliana become a drug of sorts. The look and feel of being swollen and then pushing the babies out only to do it all over again.
“Let me explain to you how it works. The Old Ones live in a cave system that runs throughout the area. There is an entrance to it not far from here. They are bound within them. They cannot touch you, unless you let them.”

“A male will be waiting for you inside the cave entrance. If you step within, he will take you to his nesting chamber, and prepare you for gestation, filling you with sustenance and seed for both yourself and the eggs.”

“Once he is done, he will present you to the female. If she is well satisfied, she will implant her eggs in your womb, where the male's seed will fertilize them, and sustain them as they will grow to term.”

She paused, and smiled wickedly. “I remember one young male needed to prepare me seven times before his female was satisfied.”

“It has been a while since the last girl, so you will probably get a mature adult for your first.”

“The clutch is about ten to twelve eggs, each about the size of a hens egg.”

“As you gestate, the male will visit you periodically, to make sure you and the eggs are fed. They take about three months to reach term, over which they grow considerably. You can feel them start to go soft as they get ready to hatch.”

“Once the clutch is hatched, you are free to go, or you can stay and receive a new clutch, in about a day or so.”

“Was it addictive? Yes. The taste, the feel, so much life within me, to feel so needed by such powerful creatures, again, and again, and then they stopped, and I could never have that again.”
Even as Ella was listening to friend Aliana talking she could feel herself growing wetter and wetter at the thought of that much life growing within her, but still she had to now ask another question.

Forgive me Aliana but why did they stop, and what happened to you when they did if what they did to you was like a drug to you.
“Oh, not like that kind of drug. More, something wonderful that you could never have again.”

“Why did they stop? I don't really know. They don't speak like we do, but after a time, they always stop. The last clutch is born, then they never give you a new one. No one knows why.”
OK. I need to think on all this but it sounds like something I might be interested in.

With that Ella gets up, places her tea cup down and walks out having a feeling someone or something was watching her.
She could only hope it was not her Father or one of the snitches her Father paid to keep an eye on her for even now being an adult she still lived under his roof and was subject to his drunken temper.
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“Whut're you doin' 'round here?”

Aliana had just put the cups in the dish bucket, and was cleaning the kettle to put it away, when she hear Ella's squeak, and sounds of a struggle outside. She rushed out her front door to find a strange man was holding her off the ground by the scruff of her shirt.

She hesitated only a moment before she swung the half full kettle at his face with all her might. He howled, and he flailed, batting her to the ground, but he lost his grip on Ella's shirt.
Ella took off running then and as the night was very dark now she had no way of knowing where she running to or for that matter from all she knew was she was running.
OK running until her foot found a tree branch and head over heals down a hill she found her falling until a rock wall of sorts stopped her and knocked her out cold at the same time.
She awoke to the feeling of someone stroking her hair. ”Are you all right?” she heard Aliana's voice say.

As her eyes adjusted she saw she was in a dimly lit chamber, resting on, not a bed as she first thought, but a boule of silky fibers, one of Aliana's shawls draped over her.

“You took a bad fall.”
I am fine.
Ella spoke softly her head feeling as if it was going to split in two.
Where am I?
Last thing I remember was running from something chasing me.

Ella would sit up then a slight bit more realizing as she did nothing seemed right.
Aliana what is happening.
Fear growing now in her voice.
The pain however and the dizziness took over and before Aliana could answer Ella had blacked out once more.
They were left alone for the most part, Ella healing from her injuries, Aliana past service. One of the elder males visited from time to time to inquire about the patient. Always one of the elder males; the sight of a fresh woman draped over the nest would have been enough to drive a younger male in his prime into a breeding frenzy, and Ella needed time to heal before she could even make that decision.

Aliana was not terribly surprised it was always one of the males, though. The females had always seemed cold to her. Her mind drifted back to that one young male, just into maturity, but not yet at his prime. She was convinced that she had been his first. She could still remember the feeling of his limbs thrashing within her, the taste of his seed flooding her mouth, as he filled her again and again, trying to prepare her to the satisfaction of his female. It was only after the seventh time, when she had begun to worry he would be unable to handle an eighth that his female finally deigned to mount her, ovipositor probing for the right location to lay the clutch.

She gazed at Ella sleeping fitfully on the nest. You've caused quite a commotion here, she thought to herself.

Ella's dreams were fill with mountains gliding in the twilight, slopes covered in forests of fronds waving gently like the tide.
Days later Ella finally woke and began looking around seeing Aliana she spoke softly since the last time Ella had tried to ask her friend Aliana the same question she had become so dizzy from the pounding in her head she passed out.

What happened?
Where am I?
How long have I been here?
Why am I here even?

The last thing I remember was talking to you about the "breeding" program.
The quotes done in the air as it was said.
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“You hit your head pretty badly,” Aliana said, as she gently stroked Ella's hair. “One of your father's men, I think, grabbed you, and there was a struggle.” She looked away, as she continued, “You were hurt pretty bad. I couldn't bring you home., so we brought you hear instead.”

The room was more a cave, dimly lit, but dry and warm.

“You are in the nest of the Old Ones, and you've been out for a long time. Don't worry, we'll keep you safe here.”

Ella looked about the den, wonder what she meant about “we”, when she saw it. Dark as night, and the size of a grown bull it waited just outside the chamber. The body was a conical mass covered in glittering scales, as though some sort of squid or giant cuttlefish had been made from chitin. It's face was a mass of tentacles of all shapes and sizes, from as thick as her thigh, to a thin as her little finger.

The eyes were the strangest part. The whites were an almost luminous silver that only severed to highlight the w-shaped pupils, that seemed to open onto nothing. She wondered it they could stare right through her.

Aliana noticed the line of her gaze, and asked, “Do you like him?” as she glided over to it's side. “He has been watching over you since you arrived,” she said stroking its carapace. “You've caused quite the stir,” she continued, as an answering limb stropped up and down her back.
Ella would speak her voice cracking softly.
Yes. I find him oddly pleasing in fact he is making me feel almost horny. I can not explain it but as his eyes look through me it's like I can sense his arms playing with my body rubbing it as he is rubbing you now only more so. It feels so very good to me also. I do not know if this is part of a test and if I am fixing to pass or fail but what I am feeling here and now is growing so strong I....I.... I.......


Even if Ella wanted to she could not stop what happened next as her body arched and cum jetted out of her pussy.

As soon as that happened the old one looked away leaving Ella to look at Aliana.
I'm sorry I could not stop it and I could not help what happened and oh gods just that small untouched taste and I want it even more now then before.

Without being promoted then Ella began explaining what she was feeling just by looking into the eyes of the old one.
It was like he was taking one of his tentacle and teasing my clit while another two where deep inside my pussy and yet another was fucking my ass and mouth. I was being consumed basically. Everything short of being planted I think.
... Oh fuck me I want to be impregnated now more then anything just the thought alone oh gods the thought alone..... I can't help it. please....oh gods please forgive me I am cumming again.

Once more Aliana would watch as Ella body arched this time even harder as cum and fluids came jetting out once more leaving Ella's body this time trembling until she passed out several moments later.
In the grey space between wakefulness and sleep the felt strong arms catch her, lifting her back onto the soft bed. As the mists n her mind cleared she found herself reclining on the silken boule, the creature looming over her, its many limbs playing across her body. From a distance they had seemed smooth, but close she could feel they were covered in tiny gripping cilia, so that they did not glide over her, so much as inch, as uncounted tiny fingers.

Aliana was there too, brushing Ella's hair out of her eyes. “Are you ready for this? Are you up to it? You have to be well if you want to bring them to term.”
Since Ella had passed out after her last orgasmic episode she did not answer with words however her body did respond softly with twitches and other indications that she was nearly ready however still too weak from the accident to be able to carry as she should.
The creature gave one last, wistful stroke along the curves of her body, then laid her gently down on the bed, and returned to its post.

“I'll make us some tea,” Aliana said. “The healer should be by soon for a look at you.”
The "healer" came by giving simple instructions into Aliana mind as the "healer" could not speak, as she looked upon Ella.

Feed and water the girl for a few more days allow her strength to rebuild. She had a very nasty concussion. After a few days give her this shot.

The "healer" then handed Aliana a shot as she did her voice went once more into Aliana's mind.

And remember to warn the girl before you do that two things will happen.
One her body within 5-60 minuets will feel like it is on fire but it will only last a few moments.
Two her breast will start filling milk very quickly.
Once both of those stages are passed then the girl is ready for breeding.
If however she fails either stage contact me again.

The shot Aliana would recognize as one she was also given the very first time she was to breed by the same "healer" as was now seeing Ella.
It was also the same shot she had given many other girls too and there for known that one of the biggest rejections and indications the girls body was not ready for whatever reason was when the fire feeling over took the girls body and the girl became severally ill. However after that the girl in question would be given another shot of the same thing and 80% of the time the second time around the girl would fully except and then be breed.

Aliana would also know the shot was basically designed lessen the chance of rejection of as many of the eggs when they where placed and fertilized the first time the breeding did happen. For without the shot it had been explained to Aliana when she was given it the first time you would loose thousands upon thousands of eggs and with the shot only hundreds upon hundreds.

The "healer" herself being a surprising survivor half bred human/old one was in fact the one to come up with the shot and thus keeping her herself alive despite being nearly useless to the old ones and humans alike.

When the healer left Ella looked to Aliana now awake and sitting up.

What was that all about and what is that shot she gave you? I felt nothing from her. She did not even touch me and neither of you spoke. At most I saw you nodding your head a few times and now she is gone like she was never here.
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“Don't worry, you'll learn how they speak as you stay. It will come to you in time,” she replied as she brought the tea over.

“She says you still have few days left before you are fully recovered. When you feel you are ready, you can take this shot. It will speed up the process, and help make sure the eggs take well. When you take it you sound first feel very hot, then when that passes, you should begin to milk. Once that happens, you are ready to begin.”

She handed the tea cup to Ella as she sat down next to her on the bed. “But for now you need to rest up and heal.”
Ella would nod and drink the tea slowly. As she did so despite not being tired at all she found her eyes where falling closed and before long Ella had in fact fallen a sleep. The herbs placed in the tea doing what they where meant to do which was put Ella into a deep sleep for a few days and heal her body fully so that when she woke again she would be ready for the shot and hopefully breeding soon afterwards.
Aliana watched over the sleeping form of her friend over the coming days, her color slowly returning, and her sleep less fitful, as she healed from her ordeal.

The hive could sense it too. More and more frequently males would wander by only to be flared at and driven off by the guard at her door. It couldn't be long before thing came to a head.