The Assassin's unexpected Prize (closed)

Jack couldn’t help but notice as the mood on the ship seemed to darken, and he frowned “Hey? Whats up, “ he grew hesitant as they docked, he was still weeks away from being healed, It took some time and he’d worked for days with the AI, but with the computers help he managed to piece together and synthesize the pistols he’d found during his first training session, adding little personal touches and designs into the framerails. The holsters had been easy enough to make without help from fabric they found and salvaged that was light but durable, or so the Ai had informed him, as they ventured into the station he kept a hand resting on one of the pistols, a shiver passing through his body as they stepped off the ship “allllrighttttt……..soooooooooooo……….anything in particular to look for?” his voice lilting up at the end, as he looked around, his head on a swivel, if she was getting this pissed and edgy he was expecting trouble…….
Well well well... If it isn't Madame DEATH herself. Still floating around in that junk ship... One of those too good to accept our kinds fate and settle down on a station and...

Before the big man with similar markings to her could finish his rant she had a knife to his neck not to mention claws buried in his chest as she sat perched crouching on his chest with a feral snarl. A few started to move in closer but the deathly white glow of her eyes sent them back to their original tasks ignoring the man.


Her voice cold and raspy as a grave.

Here is what will happen. You will get me what I require... Keep your vermin trap shut and I won't kill you... Is that clear... Brother?
God damn she was fast, they’d proceeded deeper into structure, a rough baritone voice had echoed, then next thing Jack knew Talanna was on top of the thing, he’d drawn one of his pistols but stayed back hidden in the shadows of the corridor, watching, he quickly took stock and count of how many there were. Picking his targets if he needed to fire…… Keep your vermin trap shut and I won't kill you... Is that clear... Brother? Brother?!?! He glanced down, tilting his hand he flipped a switch, the light on the rails of the gun turning from green to red as full auto mode activated, then he looked back up, licking his lips, what the hell was going on……..
The big man growled throwing her off of him only for her to land on a console crouching. Clearly they have fought before and her agility had adapted to the brute strength of the man. The deathly white glow of her eyes met by a venomous green glow to his.

Another voice boomed out.

Do as she asks Freh... Anomaly or not... She is still blood.

The new voice and the leathery winged albino that stepped from the shadows on cane and legs bound up in salvaged steel plates did not set Taylanna at any more ease as she hissed.

Tell your crew there is no need to find home in the shadows.
Jack’s hand shifted and tightened on his weapon as he watched, eyes focused as he picked his targets, sure that any second know things were going to go tits up and there would be a fight, hesitantly he laid an arm over his ribs and just breathed, taking stock of his option as he watched Taylanna go flying ass over tea kettle, only to watch that smooth as water flow of her body as she flipped and landed on her feet, on the console, Jack blinked, the dexterity of that move not lost on him. Jack was about to step from the shadows as a thundering voice shook the room and jack shrank back, cursing silently to himself as the monster that voice was connected too entered the room, and suddenly jack began to think pistols wouldn’t be enough, “wheres a rocket launcher when I need it” he whispered to himself, legs armored and it walked with a cane, so the legs were a weak spot, but he’d have to get passed that armor “shitshitshitshit..” he mouthed quietly
Car... Kid get out here.

Her eyes still a deathly white glow.

Anomaly.... Yeah... That's all I am to the division... Isn't it. Little brother takes over for you eldest brother starts a division war over some division whore. But I am the strange one for excelling at everything this division threw at me at half the she I should have?

A slightest glimmer of sadness passed through her at how weakened and old her father had become but it was soon passed as she glared at her brother.
Car... Kid get out here. Jack ground his teeth as he heard the order, he let his head fall, taking in a few deep breaths before he released the hold he had on his ribs and drew his second pistol, also switching that to full auto he slowly peeled from the shadows, lifting his weapons slightly to a low ready position, his eyes hard, scanning the room, his breathing slow as he centered himself, he looked at each creature as he slowly made his way around debris standing slightly behind and off to the side of Taylanna, slowly licking his lips “family huh” he muttered, “looks like you got the looks, and the brains…” he stated, not sure if they’d pick up on the insult he’d just tossed at them “hows it hangin, “ he stated in greeting, tipping his head slightly as he continued to scan the room around them “soo uhhh” he whispered “how badly are we fucked?” he chuckled
They won't do anything that will cost them money.

She smiled.

Father turned the division into a supply Depot. Thanks to the last rich civilized slime that hired him one of the highest paid targets to wipe out one family when the other one had kids.

She shrugged.

We have money they need money. They have supplies we need supplies. Stuff that can't be salvaged.

Stepping down from the console she held her hand out to her father as they gripped arms only for him to pull her into a bear of a fatherly hug.
He listened, his eyes still moving but slowly the tension left his body, and he holstered at least one pistol, he saw the looks that were exchanged as they looked at him, he could see they knew they could take him, and well, he knew it too, but that’s not a road he wanted to go down just yet. Eventually he holstered the other weapon, letting his body unwind, he looked around, taking more time to pay attention to his surroundings, We have money they need money. They have supplies we need supplies. Stuff that can't be salvaged. “Well…………cant argue with that logic there Cap……..” his body was screaming at him, letting his muscles go as tense as they did, even though he managed to control his breathing he’d been geared for a fight, but he hid the pain well, his face a blank mask, exhaling a slow breath he leaned against the console that she’d just been occupying. Looking casual and bored but really just needing to take some weight off for the moment “so………………………..yea…………” he trailed off,
Now... Brother... We require Calsennian medical rations... As many as you've got.

She looked to one of the others and held out a small data pad which it seemed to absorb.

Carvagio requires these items. As for the rest of it father... Even minimally compatible defense array as well as holographic training modules
Jack slowly relaxed, finding something to half sit, half lean on, he let go a sigh, keeping his eyes on the room his fingers tapped lightly on the hilt of his gun. Taking the time to actually look at the others around the room, sighing after he a minute he stood, making his way to stand beside Taylanna, “soooooo, no fighting?” he chuckled, hiding the wince “so family huh, care to make introductions?” Jack looked around the frowns, or at least he thought they were frowns on the faces as the ones around them stared at him, “anyone else getting that fun funeral feeling?” he quipped “What do you want me to do Cap?” he looked to Taylanna “I can help start loading? Unless there is something else?”
No that's fine help them load. Car... Monitor what we are getting. And yes Jack... Meet my... Family as you call them

Pointing out various people giving their name and rank within the division. Her eyes always monitoring her brother and father's location.
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Jack nodded as he looked around, now more then one curious stare directed his way as introductions were made. He didn’t miss that her eyes never strayed from her so-called brother, what surprised him is that no one had asked questions about him, or to him. The only trouble he’d had was one of the big bastards tried to corner him but the blaster that was lodged under the things chin quickly dissuaded him from whatever he had been planning when he saw the amusement in jack’s eye. It took some time, and jack asked a ton of questions about things to the AI as they were loaded, and he help store everything away, trying to learn what everything did, or was. After a few hours jack returned to Taylanna’s side, giving her a nod, he again found something to lean on. Sweating lightly from the exertion, having to take another dose of Pain killer once the AI again scanned him again after he’d dropped something and cursed and realized how much pain he’d been hiding, much to jacks annoyance. “that everything cap’in?” he queried, not much having been said as the mutual stare offs had continued, he looked around, his eyes glancing to the oldest one she’d called father, again his eyes going to the armor he’d fashioned to his legs and the cane he was using.
The armor on his legs his own creation of braces to help his old legs. It seemed clear he had no intention of handing the division over anytime soon to his son and clearly Taylanna wanted no part of it.

Fly straight and true since you will only ever call that ship home Taya...

A name of endearment that only the old man could get away with saying and still live.

You and the AI have your work cut out with the strange young one. Someone who goes to weapons before blood abilities is... Interesting...

He left it at that looking to the AI.

Perhaps next season will afford us a proper chess game Carvagio.

The AI seemed to almost bow in his nod to the old man.
Again jack watched the interplay between Taylanna and the others, his lips pursing, again his gaze drifted over the assembled creatures…………..people…….he had to start forcing himself to stop looking at everything and everyone he met as creatures, despite his viewpoint and upbringing, He was now in someone else’s back yard, hell someone else’s galaxy, while the thought seemed alien given his life so far, he’d been loathe to admit that to them, He was different to them too, he’d over heard the oldest of them mention his turning to weapons before blood abilities, while he was starting to understand what that meant, he needed to let himself start adjusting to their life, that now he was the outsider and the thing in the zoo they went to look at. Sighing it took some time but they finally managed to get everything stored. The AI had instructed him to return to the med bay for another scan, he hadn’t been able to hide the subtle pop of bone as he over stretched lifting something and re-cracked a rib. The Ai injected him with he called a Metabolic enhancer, another milder pain killer since he wasn’t currently too bad, Jack slipped his shirt back on, discussed a few things regarding his old implants with Cara then headed to the bridge sighing heavily as he sat down “everything is sorted, stowed and restocked. Power plant is primed and Engines are on standby. He went silent, debating. He’d wanted to ask questions but with how dark her mood had gotten he was unsure if he should press or not. He’d had a feeling they’d be dealing with them again and again.

“I never knew my mother, I was raised by my father……” he said, sitting back as he stared at the view screen “He drank, he Fought, he was a police officer, he chased down bad guys and brought them to justice” he amended, unsure if she’d be familiar with the Earth term. “we never got along, not that I was an innocent child, I was a trouble maker too, always doing something to get arrested, or have dad beating me half to death as punishment, “ he let his voice trail off, remembering
Mom ran her own division. Decided that any kids she has got dropped with the father's divisions. And yeah fathers plural. Father was always surprised at how fast I advanced. My brothers didn't like it but nearly tossing them out an airlock in a spar they learned the hard way not to cross me.

She stared out over the expanse before them with a shrug.
Jack listened with interest, Curious about her past and her, he arched a brow as she mentioned more then one father but really, what he knew people had done back on earth he just shrugged it off. Wasn’t unheard of, although surprised even now it still happened but who was he to judge, his lips twitching as she explained her training “yes I can imagine, you’re really good, I’ve never seen moves like yours before, im impressed” he smiled then as he looked to her, “its almost poetry in motion,” he snorted “ok I know that sounds cheesy, but really, watching you fight is like watching someone dance its so fluid, perhaps one day you could teach me some moves when ive healed enough to start training again” he sat back, absentmindedly stroking his ribs “So, whats next cap,” he said as he watched her shrug, “at least the medical bay is fully restocked, something tells me before you and me we will be there quiet a bit, “ settled as he casual tapped his fingers “ive been meaning to ask, do you all still have music? Books? Err, Reading material? Movies? What do you do for entertainment?”
I am sure there is stuff in the system somewhere. Car what sort of music and stuff like that do we have?

The AI presented files scrolling down the view screen in different segments.

Feel free to access any of them it will be entertaining to hear music around here again.
There wasn’t much Jack was able to do, but as the days passed into weeks, the pain had finally begun to ebb. He spent his time piling through the data banks, listening to her version, or at least this centuries version of music and literature. Taylanna had also suggested he might want to start studying the Technical manuals for the ship. If he was going to be crew he was expected to start pulling his weight once he was healed. Muttering that he’d hated homework as a kid, he did as she suggested. She wasn’t wrong, he did need to learn about all of this if he was going to be of any use. He’d also started talking to Caravagio more as he got into the Tech spec’s for the ship which lead to other questions about quirks and upgrades or tweaks to system’s he’d learned on his own ship before all of this. Jack had talked to her off and on, trying to engage her in conversation and what if’s and just general playful banter, with some success or none at all. But he had finally learned to relax around her, not as quick to flip off with a snarky or smartass comment, most of his jokes falling flat, since she didn’t understand the reference or connotation without the AI having to “translate” for her. At night he’d started stretching before bed, trying to work the kinks and twerks out of body as he healed. But he’d grown really tense over the last week, now just more pain from stiff muscles then his injuries he’d grunt or groan if he twisted wrong, or a muscle happened to spasm while doing something. “don’t suppose you happen to be any good with massages?” Jack asked as they ate dinner
Carvagio... Silent run go check the systems.

Clearly this told the AI she was about to tell their new crewmember something less than acceptable but orders were orders. She then opened up a compartment and tossed him a small vial with an eyedropper attached to it.

Two drops... Should fix everything good.

A clearly pissed off expression on the AIs face before he vanished to tend to the systems said it all.
He arched a brow at the distain in the AI’s face then anger as she barked orders, He watched her then, as she moved to a storage locker and rummaged through it. His hand shooting up to catch what she threw at him, his frown only deepened turned his hand around so he stare at the green/gold looking liquid then looked to her “Poison? Tired of me already are you?” he quipped “and here I just got all Healed up so we could go for round 2” he half smiled “so what is it?” he held it up to the light, studying it Two drops... Should fix everything good. Jack was weary, he trust the AI, strangely enough, and while it’s a simulated emotion, to see the rage on Caravagio’s face said it all, he looked at the small vial in his hand carefully, tongue licking along his lower lip slowly, then he looked back to Taylanna, his face hardening some as he closed his fist around the vial waiting for an answer
Slightly less than acceptable medicine. It heals too good they said heightens things for a time. Addictive to some people. Some mixes of blood can't handle it

She shrugged
Jack just looked at her as she told him what he held, his face was a neutral mask, and he looked at the vial in his hand before he looked back to her and clenched his fist around it frowning “well, I appreciate you being honest with me about it’s properties, “ he stated simply, opening a small pouch on his hip pack and placing the vial inside “Drug’s were rampant on earth, most of the people I was sent after were addicts, I appreciate the gesture, I do, but perhaps ill save it for when its actually needed” Well, at least he understood the anger on the AI’s face, which was still a curious thing. “another couple days and I’ll be right as rain Captain, now that I know what the simulators are capable of, ill take it a bit easier, “ he looked around “well, we’re fully stocked on most of the essentials, whats next on the agenda? I will admit, the idea of exploring more is starting to appeal to me, but after everything that’s happened now since you woke me, ill admit to a level of curiosity”
We wander... Stop in at the stations and just roam.

She shrugged.

Not like there is much need for warriors like us.
Not like there is much need for warriors like us. Jack didn’t miss the undertone in her voice, as she’d spoken before about her past he too felt that way of sorts. Only a month or two had passed since he woke and he too still felt out of place in this new reality “I find that hard to believe, even in the few short years that humans managed to achieve peace, there was still an underworld, illegal activities that still occurred, unknown to most of the rest of the world it was dealt with quietly, but I find it hard to believe in just one hundred years all crime or mischief is gone from the galaxy, surely there is something out there for us now, not that I mind exploring, as this is all new to me obviously, but youre right, people like us cant just sit by when we’ve only known violence and the thrill of the hunt…” he walked with her as they spoke, returning to the bridge to find the AI just glowering at them “don’t worry Car, I didn’t take what she offered” the AI blinked at him, then just nodded Board is green Taylanna, ship is ready for departure