Darla's Games or Jill's World


Dec 3, 2007
I think... from what I've been told, and what I have noticed myself in my writing... I have evolved quite a bit from my earliest material ten years ago. I've gotten some of the most passionate feedback... good and bad for the same bit of work... which I admit, I took very personally at first. My aspiration is to finish my three non-erotic starter books and take them to an editor/publisher for consideration. (They are all in my head and random notes, mostly handwritten) Meanwhile... I love this venue, get excellent feedback and, pardon the repetitious recognition of my own growth, it has helped me shape as a writer.

I have a question, as it pertains to this venue, and unfortunately, I have an answer in my head that I don't like, but sometimes I am all conspiratorial and insecure and think the worst... (the rest of the time I am arrogant, lol) I also digress a lot, if you hadn't just noticed that, but there I am again, Captain Obvious, over-explaining things, as if I think people don't pick up on the subtle facts, and need them fed with a baby spoon,...

So, now that I have completely confused my initial post, and lost all interest in reading my post...

For Literotica readers.... Darla's Games or Jill's World or it's not as different as I think it is?

(warning: Darla's Games is a book. it needs serious re-editing for spelling, grammar and story line and I have been working on that gradually. Since reading Selena Kitt's post on writing, I think I have deleted like a hundred 'that' and 'just', probably more, but there I go digressing again. Point is, if you haven't read it, don't plan to read it all in one sitting, maybe sample a chapter from the first 5 of Darla's Games against chapter 5 of Jill's World, and let me know which style/level of sexual activity is a better fit for this site. It won't change the direction of the storyline, but it may affect the balance of sex vs non-sex content)

Thanks! Jessica

See profile for links to my stories or:

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...and let me know which style/level of sexual activity is a better fit for this site. It won't change the direction of the storyline, but it may affect the balance of sex vs non-sex content)

Thanks! Jessica

See profile for links to my stories or:

Jessica, after wending my way through a circuitous post, where even the author gets bored with herself and drops out, but raises a question in a roundabout way before she runs away, the answer is possibly this:

You are asking the eternal conundrum of many new writers on this site, how much sex do I put in the story, to which the answer is, "enough."

Depending on the genre (I have not clicked on either Darla or Jill, so this answer is on first principles), some readers will say, "Screw the plot, just write them fucking, give me juice, give me cum, get me hard, make me wet." Others will say,"Ohh, make me cry, make me sad, but give me a happy ending."

It's the eternal porn vs erotica, stroke vs intimacy, long vs short debate. There are readers who will read everywhere on that long, wide spectrum. So to ask, "What should I write for Literotica?" has no single answer. There is no single audience, there is no hypothetically pure, "average reader," so to target your work to someone who doesn't exist is a complete waste of time.

The chorus then, is always, "Write what YOU want to write, and your readers will come." If you're good, they''ll come twice, and come back for more.

But at this stage you sound like a hypothetical writer with a dream. You've got stories in your head and notes on scraps of paper, and dreams of publication. Don't lose the dreams, but forget about publication until you've done the hard work of refining your style and learning your chops.

And maybe get the discipline to coherently finish a post, you know? Actually ask a coherent question, don't make us guess; coz right now you seem to be a bit of a ditz. An engaging one, sure, but I suspect you will drive many insane, or at least scratch their heads :).

Edit: I've just seen the size of your story file, and am now perplexed at the question (what I think is the question, anyway) - surely you've got enough feedback from your readers to know the answer in the context of your own work? Seems to me the answer's right there in your ratings - you've got an obvious following, your niche seems to be pretty obvious from your categories, and your scores show you're delivering.

Why the uncertainty, at this stage of your writing?
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lol that's fair

Sorry it wasn't clear, but you did manage to answer the question anyway!

That is... there is no 'right amount of sex'

I've just stumbled upon the bulletin boards, perhaps went overboard like a kid with a new toy.

Sorry it wasn't clear, but you did manage to answer the question anyway!

That is... there is no 'right amount of sex'

I've just stumbled upon the bulletin boards, perhaps went overboard like a kid with a new toy.

The eagerness was palpable!

Correct, there is no correct answer as to the right amount of sex. Every story will have too much, too little, just right, depending on the reader. Don't try to second guess your audience, you'll probably always be wrong, so why bother?

Um, can you please repeat the Question? lol. You know just for us slow learners up the back.

Only kidding! Your writing definitely changes throughout the course of Darla. But that is only to be expected over the course of the ten years or whatever the actual time is that it took you to complete it! And while it wasn't immediately clear at the beginning of Jill's World I can see the difference now between it and Darla. I think the passage where Jill explains her history to us all in Chapter 5 is perhaps one of the most significant parts in the hundreds of pages of brilliant text you've so far provided.

Whether the reader chooses to like her or not, Jill had always been an enigma until now. She wielded so much power with a seemingly endless supply of wealth and went from super villain to hero almost instantly that it was difficult to understand whether we should embrace her or not. At least now we have the details we can make up our own minds!

I can't choose between one or the other because, essentially, they have become different stories. Darla started out as erotica pure and simple, it was titilating to read of schoolGirl Bullies, submission and surrender, combat and misplaced love. Whereas Jill's World is more meat than sex, still erotica, but more easily read without making a mess - if you get my drift! And I'm not saying this is a bad thing, Jill's World has been the conduit to tie up all the loose ends from Darla and I love how you have done so.
Thank you Iceblock. It's funny (weird not haha) how widespread the views of some of my characters are. Like a psychological anomaly. Is Jill good or evil? Is Courtney for that matter?

But, your point is exactly what I was looking for. The transition from mostly sex to mostly story. Some readers have told me they love the new stuff, but they miss the raw sex from Darla's Games.

I've written for an audience of one (me) since I was a little girl. I anticipate writing more frequently now. Literotica is the first place I published anything and I am grateful for the opportunity to publish, get feedback, and grow.
Given that this thread is emphatically dormant (which just sounds so much better than 'dead') I wont' write a thesis, but on the off chance you might see this I'll just say that I love both Darla's Games and Jill's World, but definitely prefer Jill's World in terms of the story-to-sex ratio. You have at least three and really four compelling main characters, and the longer the story goes the more interested I become in them, to the point where I'm almost skimming the sex to get back to the story. And if it wasn't clear, I 100% do mean that to be a compliment.

I'm not overly hopeful of a response, but if you're ever in the mood I admit I'd love it, and would be thrilled to talk about your stories. And good luck with your writing, regardless!
Given that this thread is emphatically dormant (which just sounds so much better than 'dead') I wont' write a thesis, but on the off chance you might see this I'll just say that I love both Darla's Games and Jill's World, but definitely prefer Jill's World in terms of the story-to-sex ratio. You have at least three and really four compelling main characters, and the longer the story goes the more interested I become in them, to the point where I'm almost skimming the sex to get back to the story. And if it wasn't clear, I 100% do mean that to be a compliment.

I'm not overly hopeful of a response, but if you're ever in the mood I admit I'd love it, and would be thrilled to talk about your stories. And good luck with your writing, regardless!
Haven’t read any but will give them a go
I hope you enjoy, and let me know if you're so inclined!

And if anyone else is a fan of these stories and has any insight (or even guesses) at what might happen to Carrie and the rest, it would be fun to hear your thoughts. Of course I hope the story will continue but given that this is meant as an ambitious trilogy and we’re only about halfway through right now, it feels exceedingly unlikely we’ll ever really know how it ends. Which makes me more than a tiny bit sad because Panthergirl’s characters are truly remarkable and you can tell her writing only gets leaps and bounds better in Jill’s World (in my humble opinion.)
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