Playdate Becomes More... (Closed for umyes)

"Listen, I know you're my moms' friend. We could be friends too." Clark turned around to check on the boys, they were both preoccupied with their games. "Anyway, it's nice to have such a sexy, uh, attractive woman to go to the beach with." Clark gauged her reaction as they pulled into the beach access parking lot.
"Clark, your sweet, but our lives... we're in different places. your in school, I take my son to school. You live with your mom. I am a mom. Your mom supports you, I support myself and my son. I have a job you have an X-Box. If I did agree to a date where would you take me? To a fast food place for burgers, then to your bedroom to make out?" She tenderly puts a hand on his legs.

"Clark I don't want to be cruel here. You are a handsome young man, if I didn't have a son, I would seriously consider dating you. But now I have to think about whats best for my son, not just what I want. You can't even support yourself yet, how will you support me and Tommy?" Rubbing his leg, she looked over at him.

"I mean I think you're cool and I like talking to you, but do you really see yourself as Tommys father, and my husband? If you do you're naive, if you don't you agree with me. Okay. I am sorry things aren't different. If they were..."

She let her words trail off and jerked her hand off his leg afraid she was sending him mixed signals. She wasn't confused by her feelings at all. the problem was feelings are what caused her to have a child as a teen, and to drop out of school and work a dead end job for just above minimum wage. Feelings made her move 800 miles from home to a town where after 3 weeks she knew 12 people, and half of them were under 5 years old. She had to stop living by her feelings and start using her brain.