Solutions sometimes cause problems


Literotica Guru
Jan 25, 2018
Today is Friday. On Wednesday I posted a comment at the end of a story. The comment has still not appeared. As it’s now two days I’m assuming that my comment has disappeared into the cyberspace graveyard. In my mind I’m putting the reason down to every comment having to be checked before being published.

The system has been changed to satisfy the minority of people who can’t be bothered to delete a stupid comment and want someone else to do it for them. The result of appeasing this minority had been to upset the majority.

Sorry for the rant but I’ve just stubbed my toe!
Today is Friday. On Wednesday I posted a comment at the end of a story. The comment has still not appeared. As it’s now two days I’m assuming that my comment has disappeared into the cyberspace graveyard. In my mind I’m putting the reason down to every comment having to be checked before being published.

The system has been changed to satisfy the minority of people who can’t be bothered to delete a stupid comment and want someone else to do it for them. The result of appeasing this minority had been to upset the majority.

Sorry for the rant but I’ve just stubbed my toe!

You know that it hasn't appeared because after you made the comment you went back to check on it, didn't you? What does that do to your supposition that commenters don't go back to check on their comments on stories? Just sayin'. ;)

For the rest of it, I don't know what's happening with Web site intervention in deleting comments now, except for "call me" spam.
Time to get a spam filter

The problem with human moderation rather than automatic spam filtering is that there has to be a person awake and on the job all the time if the site is going to have a satisfactory comments board which permits reasonable to-and-fro between commenters.

I have clocked six hours between batches of moderated comments being posted and I assume that there are even longer periods than that. Batch processing renders the 'Public Feedback Portal' much less useful because a processed batch overflows the fifteen comments it displays.

Literotica is a global site, open to comments 24 hours per day. But the comments aren't displayed 24 hours per day, only when a batch has been processed.

For those of us who think that the comments are often better than the stories, this situation is unsatisfactory.

Other sites have spam filters. It's time for Literotica to do likewise.

The software they use here has an automatic spam setting in it. New accounts can be set to not allow comments for so many posts or have to be moderated and after a while taken off.

Putting everyone on mod is overkill. Once you establish an account is making real comments they should be taken off. That isn't happening. Hell I even got moderated on a comment on my own story responding to a reader.

I'm giving up comments now no point anymore. I can't be bothered to spend time chasing them to see any responses.

OK Lit owners, here's a word for you: I'm familiar with the problem and this is.......

The Public Feedback Portal is now close to useless

One of the best features of Literotica used to be the Public Feedback Portal. Reading the most recent fifteen comments often gave pointers to good stories, and also pointers to conversations within a story's comment thread.

No more.

With occasional to rare updates, with six hours or more from one update to the next, it's most unsatisfying. Most comments now don't appear on the Portal, so they are missed by readers.

Now, each batch of moderated comments has more than fifteen, so the portal overflows and the comment is missed.

I have suggested before that the Portal should contain the most recent fifty comments rather than just fifteen. If nothing is going to be done to provide real-time moderation, can we please at least increase the size of the Public Feedback Portal.
