What made you smile Today?...

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getting a phone call just as I went on break at work..

swimming laps..

napping outside in the sunshine..:D

friend's understanding and support.. ty :kiss:

ex husband triggered meltdown worked through.. and tattling to middle daughter.. she will set him straight..

cuddle time... I needed that.

Life.. back on the forward path..
A message from a friend just at the right time...

Cards and letters from my grandkids...

getting some of the telling over with.

Being ok with how I feel, and understanding I'm going to feel that way for a while.

Going to court(s) with Nat. He was fun to watch.

Loving, and lots of it.

Finding dining room chairs before company got here.

snoring dogs and the men they love.

basting threads

seeing the "shrew", don't know what number she was, but...oh my!

framing our portrait for the bedroom.

he's learning it won't kill him to use a top sheet, no matter proclamations of the opposite :D
My fucking gorgeous sleepy husband. How the fuck did I get here and find this heaven??
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