Victorian Love (closed)


Northumbrian Skald
Apr 24, 2014

Henry MacClinton steps out of the hired coach accompanied by his manservant, an old family retainer, carrying his bags. Dressed in his Home Service uniform of the 2nd battalion Scots Fusilier Guards sans kilt due to late December weather with an addition of a long greatcoat, for the carriage ride from Chatham, he admires the Georgian manor of Lord Darlington. It is four times the size of his family home, an ancient feudal baron hall in Cornoway, Scotland.

Baron of Cornoway, Lord MacClinton, Henry's father has done well in ship building and acquired some good estates in Scotland and the north of England. This means little to Henry as the second son. An allowance and his major's salary are all Henry will ever see. His brother James will inherit all. Rightly so, as he has done much of the work to improve the family fortune. That fortune paid for Henry's medical degree.

Henry serving as the medical doctor for the 2nd battalion in the Crimea saved the life of a young lieutenant. That lieutenant was Richard Darlington, the future Lord Darlington. Richard had thanked him later and offered the hospitality of his house at anytime. Being new to the Chatham, Kent area, teaching at the new army medical school, he had written a letter to Richard. The response had been to invite him for the period after Christmas and over New Years. Henry had returned by train from the family home the previous day.

Presenting his card to a man at the door he is ushered in. His manservant waits in the entrance hall as Henry tucks his forage cap under his arm and is led to Lord Darlington. Lord Darlington is in a large room with half a dozen people there including Richard Darlington.

The servant announces "The Honourable Major Henry MacClinton M.D., m'lord."
Ellie was Lord Darlington's only daughter and youngest child. Her brother Richard was the eldest followed by Rodger who had recently left the family and married. Her father was now anxious to get his remaining children married which resulted in a large increase in the number of guests passing through the house.

Ellie had gotten tired of the countless interdictions and often boring small talk. Looking for a way to avoid joining everyone she had insisted on styling her own hair. As she tucked the last piece into place she stood up and walked to her bedroom door knowing she had to face them now.

"Welcome." Lord Darlington said as he stepped closer to him "I am glad you could join us, I can not begin to explain to you how much what you did means to us. This is the least we could do." He looked away as his daughter finally walked into the room.
"You're very welcome, Lord," Henry replies coming to respectful attention, "Your son was but one of many that day I operated on. I feel that perhaps the attentions of Florence Nightingale and her nurses may have had more to do with it."

Darlington's attention is diverted from Henry, who turns to follow his hosts look. A young beautiful young girl has entered the room. Simply dressed with minimal jewellery, Henry thinks she shines like a jewel in a room of ostentatious jewels, clothes and bemedalled uniforms. He is immediately taken by her and fantasizes being able to kiss her revealed neck and shoulders.

Henry realizes he might be staring. Feeling a flush, he moves his eyes to a convenient landscape painting on the wall behind the girl.
"I am very sorry about my daughters late arrival." He said "Please feel free to make yourself comfortable. I have some business I must to attend to." He said before turning away.

Ellie watched as her father walked to a man she had noticed at the last few gatherings. She could tell by the way her father and he talked that this was the man he was hoping she would marry. Moving a bit closer she tried to hear thier conversation.
Henry is a bit disappointed that the young lady did not notice him. Her attention does seem to be on a conversation her father is having with another male guest.

Removing his coat, which is promptly taken away with his cap by a servant, Henry accepts a served glass of sherry. He casts about for Richard but does not see him. Not knowing anybody else, he peruses some of the art on the walls. A William Hull watercolour draws his attention.
Before she had a chance to hear much her brother, Richard, pulls her away. "Hello." He says as he walks towards Henry. "I do not believe you have had a chance to meet my sister yet. This is Ellie." He says letting go of her arm "This is Henry MacClinton."
"Ah, Hello Richard! I did not see you," Henry replies turning from admiring the family art collection.

He turns his attention to Richard's sister. She is even more beautiful up close, he thinks. With lovely green eyes. Again her slender neck and graceful shoulders enchant him. Her modest blue-green dress is revealed to be of the best fabric. It's simplicity and lack of significant adornments add to her gracefulness. Henry bows slightly.

"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Miss Darlington," Harry says with a friendly smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She said "So you must be the man who helped save my brothers life. What made you want to be a doctor?" Ellie asked trying not to think about what her father was talking about with that other man.
"As the second son, my older brother will be inheriting. I love my brother and he is quite capable but I don't think I would like to work for him. The church does not appeal to me as an occupation and I didn't feel the call. So I was left with going into trade or the army," Henry replies, "As a Medical Officer and doctor I can do both. Earn a living, serve my Queen and perhaps save a life or two hundred."

"There are some amazing advances being made in science and medicine. It is quite fascinating..." Henry continues but stops.

He realizes he is about to blather on but obviously does not have her entire attention. Henry does wish to have her full attention. Topics of conversation between upper class, unmarried and unrelated members of the opposite sex are limited.

"I was just admiring your family's art collection," he continues on a safe and hopefully interesting topic, "I believe the Prince Consort owns several Hull watercolours."
"Oh... I have no idea. My father just collects whatever expensive things he can. It is a bit ridiculous. Hopefully there will be still be enough of a fortune for my brother to inherit or he will have to build it all up from nothing. After everything he's been through he really does not deserve that." She said her full attention now on him as she felt herself going on.
Henry is a bit taken aback. Unsure how to respond the Ellie's criticism of her father.

"I am sure His Lordship is just trying to give his family a good life," he responds attempting to sound loyal, "As for your brother, he is a very lucky man. Many a man did not even come home, many as cripples or scarred."

The issue of the old nobility trying to keep up with the new upper middle class is well known to him. His father's barony is ancient yet only by engaging in the modern trade of iron working has the family survived. Increasing imports of corn from America and the colonies have hurt many of the landed nobility with falling crop prices.

He is also aware that young daughters of the lordly class are typically married off for money or title. Neither of which he has beyond an honorific and an army Major half pay salary.
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"I'm sorry. I did not mean to sound harsh." She said feeling terrible about what she has said about her father "I am just a little nervous. I know he wants me to marry and I do not agree with his choice of a husband." Sighing she turned to look back at her father and the man "I wish I could change his mind."
Henry follows her look to her father and the man he is talking to. Frowning, he can't picture such a coupling. The man looks like a typical dandy gentleman with high aspirations and low birth. The pin in his cravat plus the diamond studded cuff links would keep Henry for two years. At the same time he realizes the man's jacket is of the same material as a lounge against a wall. Henry can't stand the man already.

"Perhaps if your father realized the resemblance of the gentleman's suit to that lounge against the wall, he might find a better choice for his beautiful daughter," Henry responds with what is on his mind.

He then realizes how forward he may have sounded by calling her beautiful and blushes.
Ellie couldn't help but laugh "That suit is absolutely hideous. He may have money but he certainly doesn't have taste." She said "So who would you pick as a better match? Is there anyone here that you think would be a better option?"
Being able to make Ellie laugh, when she previously looked a liitle sad and distracted, brings a smile to Henry's face. And emboldens him.

"Unfortunately I do not know anyone here except Richard, so I am unable to give you a fair and unbiased opinion," he says.

She does have the most beautiful eyes, he thinks.

"But I would hope your future husband would be a gentleman, educated, of good family and thinks you may be the most beautiful woman he has ever met."
"Your wife is a very lucky woman." Ellie said "Unfortunately I do not get any say in this. Whatever his decision is I just have to learn to live with... Even if it is the man wearing a suit made of lounge fabric."
"My wife!" Henry exclaims. "I am not married, Miss Darlington. And have never been married." "Unless you are very lucky, marrying for true love is for the working class. A woman always and sometimes a man risk much in defying fathers in such things."

"Perhaps a true love would give you the strength to defy your father," he says.
"I really do not know if there is even enough time for me to meet someone I actually love. Even if I did I am not sure that I could go against my father. I don't think I'm brave enough." She said "do you think you would ever go against your family?"
"I did deny my father. He would have preferred I went into law. He thinks doctors are just quacks except for Veterinarian Surgeons. My mother's influence prevailed and I was allowed to attend Edinburgh for medicine. My mother herself was set against me joining the army as a Medical Officer," Henry replies. "She wants to me to set up practice on Harley Street. I dare say, I could earn quite a bit of money allowing the London elite to diagnose themselves."

Henry catches the eye of the dandy talking to Ellie's father. The man frowns and says something to Darlington. Lord Darlington turns and adopts a slight frown himself. Turning back to the dandy, he speaks a few words before they both cross the room towards Ellie and Henry.
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Ellie took a deep breath and looked away from Henry "They are coming this way... They do not seem happy." As they approached Ellie turned to them and forced a small smile.
"Ellie, I do hope you do not intend to give the Major a monoploy on your time," Lord Darlington says, "There are some dear friends, such as Cedric here, who feel quite left out." Darlington introduces Henry to the dandy, "Major MacClinton, may I introduce a very close friend of my daughter and myself. Mr. Cedric Simmerson the third of London."

Henry politely extends his hand. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Simmerson," he says.

Cedric shakes Henry's hand with a weak and fleeting grip. He smells heavily of lavender. "We must thank you for saving Richard. You are a lucky man to have obtained the favour of such a great man as Lord Darlington. Jolly good affair that Crimean business. Lots of money to be made and medals to win. Why my family doubled their fortune by the end of it. What with the price increases for corn and some lucrative supply contracts to the army."

Henry remembers the war quite differently. Memories of too much blood and amputated limbs. He has his opinions on war profiteers too. Which he is actually about to tell the little twit, but Cedric turns his attention to Ellie.

"Ellie darling!" he says as he plants a damp kiss on her cheek, "You have not even said hello. Or given me the chance to tell you my news. My father has purchased a Baronetcy. I will become Sir Cedric on his death. My wife will be Lady Simmerson. Doesn't that sound grand, Ellie."
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"That is just the most fantastic news. You really must let me congratulate the lucky lady when the time comes. She is getting quite the fortune with you, she must be thrilled." She said "I am so sorry for not saying hello sooner, I did not mean to be rude but I wanted to thank Major MacClinton for saving my brother and serving our country."
"And now you have, perhaps you should introduce Cedric to a couple of people here he does not know," Lord Darlington pronounces, "The major is Richard's guest and I am sure is capable of entertaining him."

Cedric offers his arm to Ellie. Her father gives her a stern look and turns to Richard, who has been lurking pretending to look at the Hull watercolour. "Richard, see to your guest. Show him his room, the major may wish to see to his things," he orders. "If you will excuse us Major. Perhaps we may speak again at dinner," Darlington says to Henry. He places his hand on Ellie's waist to usher her away.

"Terrible luck, old chap!"

Henry turns to Richard who has just spoke with a laugh as his father's party moves off.

"Terrible luck, if you had been born first and stood to inherit that pumped up commoner would be shown the door by after dinner," he says with a grin.

"Why should Cedric concern me?" Henry asks innocently.

Richard laughs, "Have it your way. Come on I will show you to your room. Your man should have your things out."

Henry takes a last look towards Ellie before following Richard from the room.
Ellie followed Cedric as he pulled her away from Henry "Why must I stick by your side this evening? I am not your fiancé and I am certainly not your wife. I would really appreciate if you would let me spend some time with my other guests for the rest of the night. I will introduce you to my aunt. By now she has probably had a few drinks... Usually she is quite hilarious when she is a little inebriated. "
Cedric assumes an amused expression. Lord Darlington looks outraged. He takes Ellie by the arm and brusquely pulls her aside.

"You stupid girl! How dare you embarrass me like that," he says in a low hard voice, "You will apologize to Cedric or I will have you birched like a common servant girl. You will marry who I tell you to marry. Your place is to marry and to marry to this families benefit. If you continue to defy me, I will throw you out with nothing. No one will hire you, no one will keep you, I will see to that."

Her father lets go of her arm. "You have too much of your mother in you. God rest her soul," he says.

Leaving Ellie standing there he returns to Cedric.
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