Emperor Caligula Carrot, Donald, the first of his name

“I love all people, rich or poor,” Trump said at a campaign rally on June 21, discussing his appointees. “But in those particular positions I just don’t want a poor person. Does that make sense ?"

He may say that he loves them, but Trump has surrounded himself with billionaires. Billionaires fill positions in the White House, offices of consequence, the Senate, Congress. The people that buy what Trump has to sell, are billionaires. The people that Trump cuts his corrupt international deals with , are billionaires.

Money wins elections. The politicians that hope to keep their jobs, look to billionaires for cash, in exchange for favors.

A senior Republican aide in Congress to Caitlin Owens:

"Moderates always cave. I don’t know if conservatives will cave.”


Democrats attempting to win a seat in Red states, with Republican districts, are facing a machine that is utterly corrupt.


Jack Abramoff has officially returned to lobbying, according to documents he filed with the Justice Department.


The health-care bill currently before the US Senate transfers money from health coverage for millions of poor Americans to tax cuts for the wealthiest. But what’s been less noticed is that it does so retroactively. And that’s going to be rather nice for some people close to a certain president Donald Trump.

The bill eliminates a 3.8% tax on investment income for Americans who earn more than $200,000 annually. That tax was enacted in 2010 under president Barack Obama to cover the costs of the health-coverage expansion that the Republicans are now working to repeal.

What makes the tax cut fishy is that it will apply to any capital gains garnered in 2017, too. Why is that fishy? Because the spending cuts envisioned in the Senate bill won’t go into effect for several years. So cutting taxes starting this year will, despite the Republicans’ invocation of fiscal prudence, mean more government borrowing.

gsgs comment- Billionaires will work toward what is good for billionaires. There is a nest of them, in the White House. Do voters honestly believe they would work against the international community of billionaires, in favor of faceless, non- billionaires of America? The billionaires club is small, and it is a small world.
_The Village Voice journalists have covered all of Emperor Carrot's scandals, involvements, scams, and associates.

Vanity Fair kicks in with their version of Roy Cohn's contribution to Trump's horrble- ness

Donald Trump’s Hyatt rose, so too did the hidden hand of his attorney Roy Cohn, always there to help with the shady tax abatements, the zoning variances, the sweetheart deals, and the threats to those who might stand in the project’s way.


He Could Have Become Donald Trump, but his father and Cohn had too much influence over him-

"Donald Trump lost his moral compass"
Well said, but one thing I have to pick on, Caligula was LOVED by the masses, but hated by the senate, just like Julius Caesar.

Lizard lipped Orange Fuhrer is not loved by the masses, only his small number of racist, ugly, decrepit brain dead supporters kiss his ginormous ass. The rest of the country...and the world hates his ass. He's useful in the short term for the Republican dominated Congress, but that will backfire on them.
"Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime.."

- "Happiness Is a Warm Gun"
The Beatles

His words don’t match his actions.

Trump’s confusing attack on Amazon and its founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, who also owns The Washington Post, is another example of how his words don’t match the actions. Back in October Trump criticized Amazon, the retail giant which “through its ownership controls The Washington Post [and] should be paying massive taxes which it’s not paying.” Although Trump did not know Amazon does not actually own or control The Washington Post, which Bezos purchased from the Graham family with his own money and owns it separately from Amazon, his hatred of the newspaper is unlikely to have any effect on Amazon’s announced purchase of Whole Foods, the grocery chain.


Like a professional magician, using distractions provide a cover, for what is happening.

Emperor Carrot's ultimate aim, is to lobby world leaders on behalf of his business- hotels and golf courses. Manufacturing concerns in sweat shop countries work well, for Emperor Carrot. Which countries are sending laborers, to his businesses ?

Sweet deals!

Emperor Carrot is not anyone's side, but his own.

A few American applaud as the world is smoldering all that much quicker. They have exposed the tender underbelly of the workings of the American system to our view.

They want America to burn, down to the apocalyptic level, so it can began, again. They will be dead in their graves, before it happens. If it happens, at all.
*admiration, for the writer of this article*

Back in November, when Trump spoke to Stahl, he said that he would probably keep using Twitter after he took office, but he also intimated that he would tone things down. “I’m going to do very restrained, if I use it at all,” he said. This is turning out to be one of his many unfulfilled promises. And Thursday’s outburst confirmed a sad truth. Where America, until recently, had at its helm a Commander-in-Chief whom other countries acknowledged as a global leader and a figure of stature even if they didn't like his policies, it now has something very different: an oafish Troll-in-Chief who sullies his office daily.

Powerful, rich, and arrogant. Fuck off, poor people! It is no wonder, that Emperor Carrot took pleasure at humiliating Chris Christie during the campaign. There is nothing more pleasurable to a grifter, than lording it over a fellow grifter.

Emperor Carrot bellows, "I am Emperor, and you are not!" Chris Christie chimes in with "I am Governor, and you are not!"

Many beach hog sand sculptures, are built in Christie's name.

Emperor Carrot likes to buy other people's creations. Rehab does not cost as much, and there are many dodges built into the tax laws.

Emperor Carrot is walking the path that many have maintained.

*tip of the hat, to JackLuis- JL posted a link to a video

John Ashcroft sings "Let the Eagle Soar" at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in North Carolina in 2002

John Ashcroft replaced Janet Reno as Attorney General

Ashcroft Sings, Nation Cringes / More proof positive that the United States Attorney General is quite possibly insane

March 8, 2002

A citizen of San Francisco, writes an opinion, that expresses an emotion
more extreme than dismay. Why did George W. Bush appoint a Christian religious fanatic to be the Attorney General ?


Attorney General was a religious fanatic- his fanaticism went over the line, while he held office


"...an attorney general who treated dissent and criticism as if it was treason, who launched the largest campaign of ethnic profiling we’ve seen in this country since World War II, who sought… who treated judicial review and congressional oversight as inconvenient obstacles to getting the job done."

Results of appointing a fanatic, that has no respect for constitutional law-

5,000 people locked up in jail
No wrongdoing, no crime, no terrorist activity

Palmer raids, unconstitutional, Ashcroft raids, unconstitutional

80,000 people forced to endure special registration


Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee in May 2007 that the White House tried to force John Ashcroft to overrule him despite the fact that Ashcroft was debilitated in a hospital with pancreatitis.

After the visit to Ashcroft’s hospital bed by then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Bush reauthorized his warrantless wiretapping program without Justice Department certification that it was legal, which led Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and several other top Justice Department officials to threaten to resign.

Point taken-

History repeats itself, frequently

Attorney General Sally Yates is fired

FBI Director Comey is fired

Jeff Sessions

According to The New York Times’s Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, Trump’s Twitter tantrum was merely the public expression of Trump’s long-simmering frustrations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions—one of Trump’s earliest supporters and, it seems, one of his greatest disappointments. Just weeks after taking over the D.O.J., Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the federal investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia after it emerged that he had undisclosed contacts with U.S. Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


Jeff Sessions uses the Dolores Umbridge defense (Harry Potter /Hogwarts series- She will be not be opposed, she will not stand for criticism of what she does. She is working for the top authority. If you take issue with her actions, you are attacking the top authority. She will not stand for that.)


Call it what you will, round up, or raid-

Arresting immigrants on the least pretext, including invalid pretext


How far, is too far over the line ?


Next up, invalid pretext, for finding information that will corrupt the next election
*tip of the hat, to Carnal Flower

Polish citizens hoping to get a breath of American Democracy, would be disheartened. A Trump rally in America is a closed event, and held in closed venues. Trump rallies do not reflect how the majority of how Americans feel about Trump. The "Potemkin style rally," for Trump in Poland, did not represent Poland.

Trump wanted a photo-op that would promote the false impression that Trump is popular in Poland. In return, Trump pleased his Far Right fascist hosts with his speech.

"...from what we heard, from what we journalists heard from our sources, the Polish government had a significant amount of input into that speech which Donald Trump gave. And I’m almost 95 percent sure—obviously, I wasn’t in the room with them—that it was the Polish government which—who made the suggestions of where he should speak, and generally made suggestions of what he should talk about and what they’d like him to focus on. This was obviously a message very much targeted to—

(???? To which people, was the message targeted to ? The supporters of Kaczyński's authoritarian and xenophobic policies ?)


Just as Trump's photo-ops in America strive to remove any opposition, his photo-op in Poland was much the same.

"Most of the space in Krasiński Square, Warsaw’s fourth or fifth largest public space, was taken up by VIP seating and media and security zones,..."

"...chanting the name of a Law and Justice politician as he took his seat and chanting “thieves” and “traitors” at opposition politicians as they entered the event’s VIP area."

"The US president’s address was regularly interrupted by chants of “Donald Trump!” and “USA”, though he hit a less popular note when he praised the contribution to Poland’s freedom of Lech Wałęsa, the former dissident, president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has long been denounced by Law and Justice leaders as a traitor and Communist informant."


Trump tries to promote false impressions. If America did not have a free press, he might be successful at convincing the world that the majority of Americans voted for him, and that the majority of Americans want what is on the Trump/ Pseudo-Conservative agenda. Poland is not as fortunate-

"After Poland’s ruling Law and Justice assumed office in 2015, Duda signed a media law allowing the government to take political control of state media outlets. Liberal media outlets have been squeezed financially by the cancellation of subscriptions by state institutions, and the withdrawal of advertising revenues."


December 21, 2016

"...for five days, the Polish parliament’s debating chamber banned journalists altogether."

"...the "Law and Justice"-dominated parliament did something unusual: They kicked all reporters out of the building, went to a side room and held what the opposition says was an illegal vote on the 2017 budget. That prompted widespread demonstrations just days after the government began cracking down on public gatherings."

Soon after taking office, the party began to “reform” Polish journalism, taking over public broadcasting and the hiring and firing of some journalists. The new government also spurred an ongoing constitutional crisis by overlooking existing laws that dictate how the country’s highest court should function.

"...for many Poles, closing the door on lawmakers’ once-public debates was a step too far."

From a journalist that has "...been writing about Polish history for nearly 30 years ,..." -

"Police helicopters kept buzzing past my building, and nearly all the main streets were blocked off. A government-sponsored “picnic” was being staged in a field near the National Stadium to celebrate Trump’s visit, and supporters of the ruling party had been bused in. That sort of artificial display of enthusiasm is necessary because Trump is definitely not popular here."


"Poland’s de facto authoritarian ruler is Jarosław Kaczyński. Polish president Andrzej Duda is, in reality, less powerful than Kaczyński."

Kaczyński's popularity in Poland, is an illusion, and it mirrors Trump's lack of popularity in America. The vote was not fair, or un-corrupted in America, and it was not fair, or un-corrupted in Poland.


The rally of nearly a quarter of a million people gathered in the Polish capital to express support for both democracy and the EU, as the country's right-wing government, headed by the Law and Justice Party (PiS), continues to draw criticism for suppressing opposition and alienating Brussels.

In April, Komorowski and fellow former presidents Lech Walesa and Aleksander Kwasniewski had a letter published in Polish daily "Gazeta Wyborcza,"arguing that PiS has "no intention of abandoning this path of demolishing the constitutional order" and "paralyzing the work of the Constitutional Tribunal and all of the judicial authorities."The three leaders also reiterated their support for both the EU and NATO, saying that under PiS, "we're on our way to becoming a nation of sorrow."


The "March of Freedom" rally took place in Warsaw (...) to protest what its speakers called anti-democratic measures being implemented by the Law and Justice party (PiS) under its chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Local government officials put the number of protesters at around 90,000, while police said the march drew 12,000. In either case, the number is significantly smaller than the 240,000 who took to the streets to protest the government in May 2016.


Jaroslaw Kaczynski's rise, and the rise of Right Wing Poland

January 7, 2016

"Poland, the pivotal power in post-communist central Europe, is in danger of being reduced by its recently elected ruling party to an illiberal democracy. Basic pillars of its still youthful liberal democracy, such as the constitutional court, public service broadcasters and a professional civil service, are suddenly under threat. The voices of all allied democracies, in Europe and across the Atlantic, must be raised to express their concern about a turn with grave implications for the whole democratic west."

"... the president, Andrzej Duda, is executing his political master’s strategy. Duda holds a doctorate in law, but his own doctoral supervisor says he has already violated the constitution three times. New legislation and judicial appointments will effectively neuter the constitutional court (formally constitutional tribunal); a new media law subordinates public service broadcasting directly to government; political appointees will be allowed at the highest level of the civil service, and so on."


Trump's speeches are aimed at his Trump trolls, no matter where he is.

"...former head of Poland's constitutional court, Jerzy Stępień, an opponent to the ruling Law and Justice Party, told the news agency:

"For me, talking about Western civilisation without mentioning rule of law, democracy and human rights isn't possible. I'm not sure how President Trump defines Western civilisation but for me these attributes are indispensable."

Want to know what Emperor Caligula Carrot, Donald, the first of his name, will do ?

Great advice, from "Silence of the Lambs"

Hannibal Lector- I've read the case files. Have you?

Everything you need to find him is there in those pages.

- Then tell me how. - First principles, Clarice. Simplicity.

Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask what is it in itself?

What is its nature?

What does he do, this man you seek?

Clarice Starling: He kills women.

HL: No. That is incidental.

What is the first thing he does? What needs does he serve by killing?

Clarice Starling: Anger.

Social acceptance.

- Sexual frustrations. -

HL: No. He covets.

That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice?

Do we seek out things to covet?

Make an effort to answer now.

Clarice Starling: No. We just...

No, we begin by coveting what we see every day.

Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice?

And don't your eyes seek out the things you want?

Clarice Starling: All right, yes. Now please tell me how...

No. It is your turn to tell me, Clarice.

"Trump’s appointment of Lynne Patton — a wedding planner close to the Trump family who possesses zero relevant experience and who has falsified her résumé — to oversee the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s programs in New York City. That is, Trump is using his budget to suspiciously single out for favoritism a program from which his firm benefits, and then installing a wildly unqualified personal loyalist in a position where she could protect his funding stream. This scandal alone could shake a non-Trump presidency to its foundations."

"That it has caused barely a ripple, helps to explain why Trump feels emboldened..."

Quote Great advice, from "Silence of the Lambs"!!!!Quote This is where and how the left back up their fake reports and polls and "observations".

Quote Polish citizens hoping to get a breath of American Democracy, would be disheartened. Quote. Not like Hillary making reporters stay inside their roped pen and away from her or Obama only letting those who are willing to ask him the questions he writes for them attend his "news" conference.

Unlike our controlled censored news media that lies and has to retract their statements or fire their "reporters" just about every day. Obama and Clinton hated the free press and made sure that they controlled it. But the Polish people have lived under that kind of press before when the Communists had them as one of their imperialist colonies.

Even the Russians don't like our leftist media. Remember they called that stupid old hag from CNN "ill mannered." In their county they have a way of taking care of ill mannered people.

Now Hillary thinks of herself as a Queen and Obama thinks of himself as a Sheikh.
Both believe they have a right to rule us by divine right. And that is the only right they both believe in.

Both have gotten rich off the people and by selling their office. Neither has ever had a real job. So you can understand how jealous they are of a man who has become rich by his work.

Neither Clinton's or the Obama's have ever been given any respect by any world leader, even those they have bowed to, have taken money from, or have sold out to. Face it, dictators do not respect weak leaders. And Obama and the Clinton's are weak.

No Poland got a good look at a real leader. A leader that keeps his word, not one that has no respect for human rights. The old establishment is finished and needs to understand that neither the people of the United States or the world want them.
New York Times Opinion

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Joshua Green has a point-

Hardly anyone, that has decided to live on the imaginary side of Alice in Wonderland's Looking Glass, is concerned about Russia. One of Emperor Carrot's supporters married a Russian. Steve Bannon strangled the last gasp of sanity out of the Breibart community. Trump supporters, and Trump leeches have their own personal reasons for accessing Russian resources and wealth.

"Mr. Trump's (Emperor Carrot's) efforts to discredit mainstream (news) outlets, echoed by right-wing media, have stripped his followers of their ability to distinguish what's real from what isn't."

gsgs comment- Emperor Carrot's signaling to his faithful followers, was not subtle. Russia and Putin were prominently featured in his speeches. What was the rationalisation, to ignore Putin's habit of murdering journalists, killing Russian dissidents, and jailing protesters?

Far Right Extremists demand freedom of the press, and freedom of speech for themselves. Yet, secretive, anonymous trolls punish journalists that publish evidence, facts, and proof.

18 major journalism associations published an open letter to Trump, asking that the new administration take steps to protect freedom of the press in the United States.



"A majority of Republicans and Republican leaning independents now believes that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country.(Only 45 % agreed with this same statement, last year.)

Three quarters of Democrats and Democratic- leaning independents consistently say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the country
Emperor Caligula Carrot, Donald, the first of his name, is recycling his line-up of auxiliary mouths. Did some of Emperor Carrot's trolls object to Ms. Sarah Huckabee -Sanders' domination of the podium and microphone ? Were the trolls unhappy with Sean Spicer's inconsistent presence and disappearing acts ? Much butthurt from women given the place they have earned, in other fields...

"Three minutes of my life. I hope that the President forgets."
- Anthony Scaramucci
Today's July 21, 2017 press conference

3 CNN staffers resign over retracted Scaramucci-Russia story



May 6, 2012

"A lot of people are upset with me about Sarah Palin,” says Scaramucci, his white, even-toothed smile suggesting this couldn’t make him happier. “I am a total shit-stirrer,” he confirms. “My middle name could be Shit-stirrer, except then my initials on my shirt would be a.s.s., and I can’t have that.”


Anthony Scaramucci invited controversy-

"And of course, then there are the speakers. Al Gore and Sarah Palin are both speaking — controversial, yes, and Scaramucci loves that."

Sarah Palin's opening remark-

"Hello one percent! More power to ya!"
-Sarah Palin


May 6, 2012

Last year, Felix Salmon of Reuters assailed Scaramucci in a blog post for his “fake it till you make it” techniques, and called the concept of popularizing hedge-fund investing “sleazy” and “dangerous.”

Salmon denies being bowled over (Scaramucci's "mistaken" claim -.“In five minutes, he (Salmon) was on his heels.” ) "To the extent that I was smiling,” he says, “I was smiling out of fear.” Not for himself, but for humanity. “He is putting people into hedge funds that really shouldn’t be invested in hedge funds,” says Salmon. “He has this extremely expensive smile and very good hair, and they trust him. And to the degree that he’s accomplishing it, he’s hurting America.”


"I've seen another side to Scaramucci: my post about his wine tasting was followed by a series of irate phone calls and emails from him, not only to me but also to any and every senior Thomson Reuters executive he could think of. It’s the steely competitor underneath the glad-handing exterior. “Always invest with an Italian,” he says. It’s a joke — but it can also be read as a threat. If anybody is going to become the Peter Lynch of the hedge-fund industry, let’s hope it isn’t this popinjay. He’s the very worst of Wall Street, made flesh."


"...the event really wasn’t remotely conducive to tasting and appreciating the wines, so much as it was a way of celebrating and appreciating Anthony Scaramucci and Skybridge Capital, who underwrote the event."


Pushing for Scott Brown ?

“We are working very hard for Scott,” said Anthony Scaramucci, the managing partner of Skybridge Capital and a major Wall Street fund-raiser.

Revolving Door of the Trump White House

19 May 2017

Anthony Scaramucci, hedge fund showman, finds himself in limbo

"Anthony Scaramucci presided over his annual SkyBridge Alternatives Conference, known as SALT, at the Bellagio Las Vegas hotel this week.."


FEBRUARY 1, 2017

"Wall Street booster-turned-Trump cheerleader Anthony Scaramucci, who sold his fund-of-funds business to take a job as an assistant to the president, has not yet be sworn in."

"One explanation is that he’s brought yet another massive conflict of interest to Team Trump by selling SkyBridge Capital to an opaque Chinese conglomerate likely looking for influence in the White House."


May 18, 2017,

The uncertainty over a White House position allowed Scaramucci to return to Las Vegas for SkyBridge’s ninth annual SALT event.

Scaramucci said he would not start any business that would directly compete with New York-based SkyBridge, which manages approximately $11 billion in hedge fund investments. SkyBridge will be run by chief investment officer Ray Nolte and other managers following the sale of Scaramucci’s founding stake.

Scaramucci could also remain involved with SALT, a distinct business from SkyBridge that he co-owns with Victor Oviedo and Kelly O'Connor, long-time associates involved with organizing the conference.


1,900 guests attended, Duran Duran and Gypsy Kings performed, world class speakers. Why is Scaramucci leaving Las Vegas ? Smaller pond, with bigger fish- Washington, DC

(China is going to love this turn of events...)

Chhhh- gina
- Donald Trump
No, your ears were not playing tricks on you.

Emperor Carrot did say-

"For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hard-working Americans."

"Along comes CBS News to “report” on this statement, and they clean it up for him before tweeting the quote."

CBS News tweet account-

"For the past [7 years], Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hard-working Americans,” Trump says.

No, your ears were not playing tricks on you.

Emperor Carrot did say-

"For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hard-working Americans."

"Along comes CBS News to “report” on this statement, and they clean it up for him before tweeting the quote."

CBS News tweet account-

"For the past [7 years], Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hard-working Americans,” Trump says.

But…but Obama said there were fifty-seven states!
Eyebrows trending on twitter-

More flotsam and jetsam, floating into the media stream. The people standing next to her in Emperor Carrot's photo-op, are daring you to say something about her Ronald McDonald clown eyebrows.(Her HDTV make-up does not hide her real eyebrows, completely.

Who were these families, standing behind Emperor Carrot , while he shouted about Obamacare ? gsgs comment- Obamacare only causes problems for rich Republicans that live in Texas ?


Flanked by families Trump said had suffered under the Affordable Care Act, he said-


Oh, great! This version of Trump Care is a secret, too!
/end sarcasm sequence

"...this weekend, Trump used a speech at a military ceremony to call on audience members to pressure their senators to pass the bill. Making matters worse, Krugman points out, GOP leaders are attacking the non-partisan CBO and their lies may be working:

At this point the more or less official G.O.P. line is that the budget office — whose director, by the way, was picked by the Republicans themselves — can’t be trusted.

(This attack provoked an open letter of protest signed by every former C.B.O. director, Republicans and Democrats alike.) In particular, the claim is that its prediction of huge losses in coverage is outlandish, and that to the extent that fewer people would be covered, it would be due to their voluntary choices.


I know the rule,- wish bad things on others, and bad things boomerang to you , two fold.

Between McConnell's super-secret Good Ol' Boys Club, and Anthony Scaramucci, the newest hiney kisser...

It is demoralizing to see yet, another, shameless, spineless, greedy arsehole step forward to kiss Emperor Carrot's tiny, crude, chubby fingers.


Senator Richard Burr (NC) told NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard that although he was unsure of the bill’s specifics (like many of his colleagues) it didn’t really matter because he’ll vote on anything!

“It doesn’t concern me,” Burr said of the bill’s secrecy and ambiguity. “I’ll vote for anything.”

Few Senators are clear on the specifics of the bill they will be voting on since the GOP leadership has rewritten the legislation behind closed doors; it’s unclear whether they will vote on a previously released and heavily criticized version of the bill. While it has concerned a few, like Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Lisa Murkowksi who also spoke to Hillyard, Burr could apparently care less. Party lines, baby!


Senator Burr’s unashamed acquiescence begs another question. Is this a lawmaker who will investigate the Trump campaign’s alleged Russian collusion without bias?
Monday, Emperor Carrot crowed about meeting with "victims of Obamacare"

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Marjorie and Kevin Weer, along with their children, Montgomery, 3, and Evangeline, 17 months, were invited with three other families to stand behind Trump on Monday for his remarks from the Blue Room of the White House

Blue Cross Blue Shield, the last Affordable Care Act insurer in the marketplace in South Carolina, restricts most of its coverage to inside the state, meaning the Weers have to fight from year to year to get Monty coverage for his annual visit to a spina bifida clinic in Boston. He was able to get to Boston this year but there's no guarantee he'll get coverage to travel there in the future.

Washington Democrats promised families like the Weers that if they liked their doctor they could keep their doctor, but now there is only one insurer left in the state exchange,...

(Does she understand that the Republicans that she is supporting, are responsible for the roadblocks and interference that trickled down to her and her son ?Did any of these families know that there were Republican obstructionists, that tried every trick in the book to sabotage Obamacare ? That they might have had the help they needed if their state representatives chose something that was not in the A.L.E.c. guidebook ?)


Rejecting Medicaid expansion in South Carolina will forgo over $11 Billion in federal funds

Poor people, once again, will be thrown under the bus,” said Robert Greenwald, director of the Harvard Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation. “If you turn down Medicaid expansion, you don’t just lose, you’re worse off than you were before.”

Greenwald fears for the 284,000 uninsured people in the state currently making less than $11,000. In addition, tens of thousands working poor, who are eligible for subsidized health insurance, would struggle to pay for it while people in similar financial situations in other states would be eligible for Medicaid.

The federal government will pay most of the cost of Medicaid expansion, 100 percent in the first three years starting in 2014 and gradually dropping to 90 percent in 2020. States that opt out of the expansion will be sending tax dollars to Washington for the program without receiving the benefits, Greenwald and others say.


The Witzig family from Washington, Illinois

Andy Witzig, a self-employed engineering consultant, and his wife, Erin, purchase health insurance for themselves and their six children, including youngest daughter Poppy, who has a rare genetic condition that causes her extremely fragile skin to blister easily. Poppy wears expensive specialty bandages every day.

“We actually thought in the beginning (Obamacare) was going to be a benefit to us and we were a little bit excited about it. However, every year it has changed and, at this point now, we can’t get the bandages she needs. She can’t see the doctor she needs,” Erin Witzig is quoted saying in the White House release.


Radogno instigated the secret bipartisan attempt at compromise that became known as the “grand bargain.” She says she’d hoped to be able to resign after getting it passed.

“I will say that I feel strongly that the governor has the right agenda, but it’s not that easy getting there," Radogno told reporters Thursday. "We need fundamental change in this building, but wee need to compromise in order to get there.”

Gov. Bruce Rauner worked to block the grand bargain, feeling it didn’t go far enough in meeting his economic and political agenda. Radogno says that has nothing to do with her decision to leave.


Illinois is beginning a third straight year without a real budget.

July 7, 2017

After more than two years, 16 Republicans split from Gov. Bruce Rauner to help Democrats pass a budget for Illinois

Rays Whalen, a woman from Dayton, Ohio.

The president said Whalen had "loved" her health plan and liked her doctor before the Affordable Care Act went into effect.

"Then came Obamacare," he said. "She could not keep her doctor ... unless she paid an additional $50,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for the birth of her precious little girl, just born."

"The monthly premiums have quadrupled," Trump said of Whalen's family. "Their deductible is a staggering $15,000."



Kasich vs. lawmakers in Medicaid fight: ‘If you break it, you own it’

July 6: The Ohio House of Representatives took up 47 of Gov. John Kasich’s vetoes, but Medicaid expansion was not one of them.

The House would need 60 votes to override Kasich’s overide veto.

“I applaud those legislators and all who held off a misguided push to strip health care from hundreds of thousands of Ohioans – for now,” Kasich said in a statement today. “However risks remain. A number of the actions taken by the House today threaten health care access for vulnerable Ohioans including seniors, people with disabilities, veterans and children, as well as Ohio’s hard-won budget stability.

Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the state budget late Friday but not before vetoing a controversial enrollment freeze for the state’s Medicaid expansion that he spearheaded in 2013.


He said the Medicaid expansion has brought “improved access to care, decreased costly emergency room treatment

“Our members are reviewing the vetoes and will be talking about the next step,” said John Fortney, press secretary for Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof, R-Medina.

“As far as the Governor’s vetoes are concerned, there are some provisions that we will need to take a closer look at over the next several days,” said House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, R-Clarksville. “Through the holiday weekend, we will be discussing with the members of our caucus the best possible course of action to take.”

After the Senate added the Medicaid freeze to its proposed budget Kasich’s office said freezing enrollment under the Medicaid expansion could cause 500,000 Ohioans to lose coverage in the first 18 months after the ban went into effect on July 1, 2018. The “freeze could lock enrollees in poverty” and “likely would result in a legal challenge,” according to a memo released by the Governor’s Office of Health Transformation.

Kasich pushed for expanding Medicaid in Ohio under the Affordable Care Act and has spent much of the past week in Washington, D.C., protesting the Medicaid cuts in the U.S. Senate’s proposed health care bill.

You read the far left quotes and sources and the name calling of the left its no wonder no one has respect for communists or fascists. They live in a world of their own where their motto is" "Bring back the Dark Ages, and A Police State is a Happy State". You do now that both the Nazi and Communists call themselves "Socialists" and like you don't believe in a free press or free speech or free election. Queen Hillary, a political person who sells herself for a buck to any nation or company or evil cause and who has no respect for her own followers. This is the kind of leader you call a god. Lies, death, treason and corruption are political policy.

If you really believed anything you have stated on here, that you are against foreign powers dictating our polices (like Russia, China and the dictators of the Middle East did when Obama was in office) or that politicians with dealing with corrupt CEO's, drug dealers, and foreign dictatorships (like the Clinton's being paid over $150 million dollars by the Russians and her selling ore to Russia that you know went to Iran and North Korea) then you would be up in arms crying "foul".

You would be upset with any politician, oh say like Walters who lives outside her district and has made millions of dollars while in office off inside trading, false banking polices, etc. You would even be upset with someone as good as Senator McCain who has had dealing with Soros. This is wrong as Soros is a Nazi and Communists pig who wants to bring the world back into the dark ages. But no. You don't see being lied to by President Obama about his Health Care Law or that it is a complete failure and hurts people. No.

Why? Because what you do say on here is just lies and b.s. and you don't believe it anymore than any educated person would. It is either that or you are brain washed, dumb and so drugged out you can't even see the "colors man".

You really need to study history. The Chinese have to pay most of any salary they make (and their government sends them out of the country as slave labor collecting the money they are paid) (and in Cuba everyone, but the rich party members has to live on $29 a month and food ration cards and Castro is the slum lord). I get a kick out the clowns in Hollywood and Silicon Valley being socialist and somehow thinking that they will be able to keep their big houses and bank accounts and have all the slave labor any royal bastard could want. Hell history shows what happens to them after the take over. Just like what happens to the black shirts and the brown shirts and anyone who brings a dictator to power. They are shot. A gang leader doesn't want members of his gang that put him in power staying around because they might get ideas of their own. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, etc. all took care of their revolutionaries once in power. So you all have a nice time at the target range or the dog park later.

If you think Trump wasn't elected by the people and that all the votes Hillary got were legal, then why aren't you interested in insuring that elections are fair and legal and that all the states help make sure this happens. I have a friend in Chicago that told me how his uncle who is a Ward Boss counts votes. Crooked elections are mostly done in cities run by the Democratic machine. History.

Your "sources" on here are as correct as the Communist Nazi News Network (CNN) stories and the Misquote Socialist Nazi Bull Comics (MSNBC) and the other networks. Remember all the stories before the election and their polls? Still they keep on trying. They know the American people don't believe a word that comes from them like the words from the leftist on here, but they broadcast overseas Communist Terror Programs against Human Rights and Civil Rights to countries control by Socials fools in order to undermine our country. Undermine free speech and the free press and yell lies loud enough and long enough (like this Russian b.s.) and some fool is going to believe it.

But you people are entertaining if an insult to your up bringing. But it is a joy to get you upset as you can't take the truth or people giving you your own medicine. It's fun getting your goat. Why knows one of you may even find out you have a brain and suddenly say "Man, I'm a fool. No wonder my folks put me in a home."
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What we have come to expect Emperor Carrot's visits, outside of the White House, is false promises

What would a rally be, without some of Emperor Carrot's lies ?

"We've achieved a historic increase in defense spending to get our troops the support they so richly deserve."

— Donald Trump on Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 in a speech



Washington Post has a list of Emperor Carrot's false statements

6:31 p.m. on July 24 to 8:09 p.m. on July 25

29 Trumpian false or misleading claims

Truthiness is so much better than plain, unvarnished truth!

Have a fact!

The United States is already exporting energy, and has exported more than it has imported since 2015. Led by the hydraulic fracturing techniques, the United States and the rest of the world have been in the midst of an energy revolution that began nearly 15 years ago.


gsgs comment-

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that the "protesters"that are led out of the Trump rallies, are performers, paid by Emperor Carrot ? What would a rally be, without a protester to hate ? No interruptions of the main event with Emperor Carrot and Malevolent Melania. But, daughter-in-law Laura Trump must wait, while tge crowd's attention is drawn away.

Emperor Carrot's snake oil-

"If I get what I want, it will be the single biggest tax cut in American history,” Trump said. “We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world. And this will really bring it down to one of the lowest.”

That is what will pull places like the Mahoning Valley out of economic slumps, Trump said.

“We will have growth, we will have everything we’ve dreamed of having. It’s time to let Americans keep more of their own money.”

The president is promising a “new era of growth, prosperity and wealth.”


Bitter reality in Ohio

Mahoning Valley is facing challenging times because of the troubling developments at the General Motors Lordstown assembly complex and the uncertainty surrounding the Air Force Reserve base in Vienna

The third shift at GM’s Lordstown complex has been eliminated and that the number of employees is now down to about 3,000.

More than 1,000 auto-related jobs were lost as a result of the third-shift elimination.

Demand for the Chevrolet Cruze has decreased, resulting in an oversupply. Production has been halted intermittently for several weeks because car buyers are switching to SUVs and trucks.


Another Secret Squirrel Good Ol Boy's Club ?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — White House economics aide Gary Cohn, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, issue a joint statement -


The group is no longer considering the adoption of an import-based tax system in order to lower rates without possibly causing the deficit to balloon.

House Republicans had essentially proposed a border-based form of taxation on companies' imports, a measure that retailers vigorously opposed on fears it would lead to higher prices and lower sales revenues.

"The goal is a plan that reduces tax rates as much as possible," the statement said.

That's a vaguer commitment than the White House goals announced in April. Among other items, the goals included lowering corporate tax rates to 15 percent from a top rate of 35 percent, as well as reducing the number of personal tax brackets from seven to three: 10 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent.

"Today's threadbare joint statement shows Republicans continuing to flounder instead of inviting bipartisan progress on real tax reform for hard-working Americans," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Emperor Carrot has no trouble talking out of both sides of his mouth, to the people that are not his "true friends"(billionaires).

Trump said-

"I’m going to start explaining to people: When you have an area that just isn’t working like upper New York state, where people are getting very badly hurt, and then you’ll have another area 500 miles away where you can’t get people, I’m going to explain, you can leave. It’s OK. Don’t worry about your house.”

In other words, Trump isn’t promising to bring manufacturing jobs back to places where manufacturing used to thrive. He’s saying that all those people who are out of work need to move to other states to find work.

"Wait until they (Emperor Carrot's fan club) find out he wants them to get in new skills (at their own expense), board up their houses and move across the country to work for lower wages."


Emperor Carrot stood on the stage in Ohio, with Malevolent Melania, and said "Don't sell your house."

"I said, those jobs have left Ohio. They’re all coming back. They’re all coming back. Don’t move, don’t sell your house,” the president told the cheering audience.

"We’re going to fill up those factories or rip them down and build new ones,” Trump said, adding later, “After years and years of sending our jobs and wealth to other countries, we are finally standing up for our workers and for our companies. ... We never again will sacrifice Ohio jobs and those in other states to enrich other countries.”


Emperor Carrot made a big announcement about Foxconn-

The deal might fall through, as it did, the last time Foxconn made an announcement.

"The 3,000 jobs Foxconn says it will create in Wisconsin aren’t the kind of manufacturing jobs that so many laid off auto and steel workers have been clamoring for."

It is not likely that there will be low paying jobs moved from cheap labor countries. Unless, Emperor Carrot is promising to supply Foxconn with American workers willing to accept a Walmart employee existence. Welfare supplements, food stamps, and camping out in the factory parking lot...

Donald Trump kicks off GOP debate by saying American wages are 'too high'

November 10, 2015

Neil Cavuto's first question at the Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee was about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and it went first to Donald Trump. Trump said he wouldn't raise the minimum wage, and the reason is that America "is a country that is being beaten on every front." The problem, he said: "Taxes too high, wages too high, we're not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. "

Since Inauguration Day, Emperor Carrot has now parted with his chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, national security advisor, press secretary and communications director, among other less senior aides.

"Nuclear range bonkers."

“Nuclear-Grade Bonkers”: Senator Slams “Skinny Repeal” Bill in Powerful Floor Speech

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., compares the latest repeal bill to “healthcare system arson.

JUL. 27, 2017


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called it a “disaster taking place on the floor right now."


"On Thursday, Senate Republicans wrote a bill over lunch that would reform one-sixth of the American economy."


(The White House transformed, into Hall of mirrors, all reflecting Emperor Carrot.)

Amoral President...
Emperor Carrot has lost the ability to maintain a semblance of normality in front of the world, at large.

"This is not normal."

- everyone that has accepted that civility, consideration, respectfulness, intelligent and informed judgement, appropriate and law abiding behaviour are guide posts for a mature adult citizen

Like so many of Emperor Carrot's promises, the promise to "be more Presidential," was a deceptive and empty promise.

Emperor Carrot defends his ugly and irrational behaviour as being "presidential," as he is sitting in the Oval office in D.C., acting as our president.

An operative is sent out to parrot words, to the world outside of Emperor Carrot's alternative world

Kellyanne Conway: ‘He's The President-Elect. So, That's Presidential Behavior, Yes"

Which forces us to circle back, to look at what Emperor Carrot's defintion contains.

If it were possible to extract a coherent statement out of Emperor Carrot, it might ressemble this-

"I am the president, therefore, everything I do and say, is presidential. It does not matter to me, that almost all of the presidents that came before me, conformed to a code of conduct that was above reproach.

gsgs comment- Something about this week's chaos reminded me of the old McDonald's hamburger commercials.

A group of adults, in costumes and masks, providing distraction, while employees are getting on with the actual work.

The restaurants must serve, the trucks must deliver, the beef cattle must be medicated, the chickens must be tormented, the fish must be taken from islands too poor to defend themselves, the vats of pink goo must be attended, GMO laws must be amended, energy companies must be placated, manufacturing must be offshored, lawsuits must be avoided, costs must be minimized, bribes must be made, politicians must be bought. Investments must be made. Lawyers must be paid.Waste must be dumped.

The big question, is who the "corporation," behind the "entertainment"...

(We have the usual suspects, and their conspirator groups.)

Ronald McDonald, resident clown
Mayor McCheese
Officer Big Mac
Grimace the Evil
-thief of milkshakes and beverages
The Hamburglar
-thief of hamburgers
Captain Crook
- thief of fish sandwiches
-thief of pancakes
-group of thieves of french fries
- visitor from another universe,
only wants fair exchange trade
The source close to the White House said this: “Juxtapose Anthony and Priebus — who is Trump going to like more? Who is Trump going to listen to more? Who is Trump going to want to represent him?”

Still, even without Priebus or Spicer, Scaramucci is entering a White House full of potential landmines. Bannon had cautioned against his hiring because he wanted a communications professional in the role instead, for instance, and that was before the whole sucking-his-own-cock thing.

“This isn’t a normal presidency,” the source said. “Trump always likes shiny new toys. Anthony will be the golden boy for the next couple of months.


gsgs comment-
This weekend, Boston PBS featured a roundtable discussion. What cropped up, was Emperor Carrot's preference for having the people around him, at each other's throats.

Perhaps, they would be too occupied to go after his own throat ?
/end gsgs comment

It became known, that it was Scaramucci that was using the insulting nicknames for Reince Priebus."Reince Penis” and “Rancid Penis." So, who was using Penis, and Little Penis, to insult Priebus ? "Little Marco," was one of Emperor Carrot's favorite insults to Marco Rubio.

Scaramucci made the rounds on television and at donor events, supporting Emperor Carrot's campaign.

Scaramucci assumed that he’d be put in charge of the public liaison office, a job that Valerie Jarrett held in the Obama administration.

Priebus, according to a confidant of both Scaramucci and the president, told Trump, “He (Scaramucci) played you.”

“How’s that?” Trump asked Priebus, according to the same source, who has spoken to several people within the White House about the conversation.

Ultimately, Scaramucci was not offered the job.

(For how long, did Scaramucci know that it was Priebus that sided against him ? His raving to the New Yorker magazine journalist,

Scaramucci then parodied Priebus: “‘Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months.’”



Scaramucci sensed an opportunity.

Donald Trump Jr. found himself in trouble for holding a meeting with several people close to the Russian government the previous summer.

Scaramucci told everyone he spoke to that day, including the president, that he was sure the person who divulged details of the meeting was Priebus.

July 26, 2017 Scaramucci tweets an accusation

Scaramucci Appears to Accuse Priebus of Felony Leaking, Calls for FBI Investigation

"leak of my financial disclosure info"

Scaramucci claimed he wasn’t accusing Priebus of leaking in his original, now-deleted tweet.


It later became clear that Scaramucci’s financial disclosure form had not in fact been leaked. It was released after a public records request by the Politico website.


Ten days later, Scaramucci was named the new White House communications director. The announcement noted that he would be reporting directly to the president — an unusual move that leapfrogged over the chief of staff.

Priebus balked, insisting that Scaramucci report to him. But Trump overrode his chief of staff.

How was the news broken, that Priebus had been ousted as chief of staff ?

From Air Force One on the tarmac in Washington early Friday evening, as it cinematically poured, Trump announced that Priebus was gone. Taking his place would be Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.


President Donald Trump announced that he fired his chief of staff, Reince Priebus. He tweeted, "I would like to thank Reince Priebus for his service and dedication to his country. We accomplished a lot together and I am proud of him!"

Trump revealed the news on his personal Twitter account, first saying, "I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff. He is a Great American...."


But, Reince Priebus had already resigned ?

It emerged that Mr Priebus, 45, had offered his resignation the day before, following a public spat with Mr Trump's new Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci.

Mr Trump had broken the news on social media - apparently as he was flying back from an appearance on New York's Long Island where he was accompanied by Mr Priebus .


Mr Priebus insisted he had resigned, and had not been fired.

“The President wanted to go in a different direction,” Priebus told CNN.

Comey's Shock May 9, 2017

The firing — the first dismissal of an FBI chief since 1993 — caught Comey by surprise as he spoke to FBI agents at an event in Los Angeles.

“He was caught flat-footed” when the news flashed on television screens in the room, a senior FBI official told reporters before Comey headed back to Washington.
