Star Trek... The Starship Columbia's story



HI, The Starship Columbia needs a crew! If interested in filling the ranks please PM me with your Character information. Be as Detailed as you wish with your background. All Positions available...

The cold, blackness of space came to an end in a little spot of it’s existence when the outer hall lights of the newly commissioned Nx-02 Columbia came to life. It was the second warp five engine starship that starfleet had under it’s belt, it’s
first intended mission was to be used to continue to chart and explore the unknown element of deep space, however that mission changed when the Enterprise encountered some very nasty and dangerous species on their way to the Klingon home world. It was this fact finding mission that put the construction plans of the Columbia into action. The Columbia was armored better, weaponized for combat and still had the ability to conduct starfleets intention of exploration, it was just made a little safer for the crew this time.

Admiral Forrest walked into his office with the heavy scent of coffee trailing behind him. It was one of those mornings that screamed the urgent need of coffee to make the day go better, however this was his third cup since leaving the Vulcan bureaucracy meeting and it wasn’t helping one damn bit. He didn’t believe there was such a remedy in existence that could take the edge off when dealing with the them, maybe he could get the medical division working on that solution as soon as possible.

He placed his cup down upon the desk with a thud, and a slight curse slid across his lips as the mini typhoon created a coffee tidal-wave that capped the rim of his coffee cup and crashed upon the desktop. “Damn!” He muttered outward before the chime of his office door brought his gaze up from the mess to the entryway. ‘It better not be one of them!’ his inner spoken words were directed toward the Vulcan race. He was in no mood to put up with any of them at the moment.

“Yes!” he spoke a little higher toned than normal, allowing fore warning to the unlucky one that had to come and see him this soon after the treacherous staff meeting. He didn’t want to seem like a bearcuda to the vistor so he took his seat behind his desk and cleaned up the coffee mess before the doors could open up allowing access to the unlucky one…