I Wish.....

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I wish my ex would remarry the fat ugly beast of a woman he is fucking so he would leave me alone ( and i can laugh at their oopma-loompa like children).
I wish 5 months would hurry the fuck up so I could finally be home where I belong, where I'm with the love of my life, where I don't feel so damn powerless..
... that i had hair that had a brain of its own... or at least that could plug straight into MY brain and be manipulated simply with the power of my mind.

oh... and that i could be snuggled in his arms...while we talked about...how perfect my hair is ... :D

*grumbles* i hate bad hair...years :mad:
... SHE knew how we talk about her almost everyday...and know that we owe her the world for her part in bringing us both happiness.
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