Handmaid's Tale files

"...National Review’s Mona Charen, who was loudly booed for criticizing the Republican Party’s selective indifference to sexual misconduct during one of the last panels of the conference. “I’m disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women who are in or party, who are sitting in the White House,” she told a shocked audience. “This was a party that was ready to endorse—the Republican Party endorsed Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama even though he was a credibly accused child molester. You cannot claim that you stand for women and put up with that.” The shouts in response to this and, minutes later, her denunciation of CPAC speaker Marion LePen—“I think the only reason she was here was that she was named LePen And the LePen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi”—led to her being escorted out by three security personnel."


The NeverTrumpers and whatever “principled” religious conservatives are left in the movement have self-deported. The kids, the Sheriff Clarkes and Gorkas, Hannity and company—CPAC is their party now. So too is the GOP.

A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been officially recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups


Male supremacy is a hateful ideology advocating for the subjugation of women.

Male supremacy misrepresents all women as genetically inferior, manipulative and stupid and reduces them to their reproductive or sexual function — with sex being something that they owe men and that can or even should be coerced out of them. Driven by a biological analysis of women as fundamentally inferior to men, male supremacists malign women specifically for their gender. Their thinly veiled desire for the domination of women and their conviction that the current system oppresses men in favor of women are the unifying tenets of the male supremacist worldview.

Though male supremacy lives in a coalition of online spaces, its most established proponents are two hate groups: A Voice for Men, a men’s rights website started by the violently bigoted Paul Elam, who has described men as “indentured servants to a malicious matriarchy,” regularly talks about the world as gripped by “misandry” (hatred of men) and called for October to be renamed the “Bash-A-Violent-Bitch Month.” The other is Return of Kings, founded by pick-up artist Roosh V., who advocated for the legalization of rape on private property (then claiming unconvincingly it was satire) and wrote that the path to saving Western civilization is repealing women’s suffrage.


February 24, 2018

Wonkette noticed

The Women of CPAC have conveniently forgotten about all of the women that fought for the right to vote, education, work, freedom from sexual harassment in the workplace, medical research directed toward women's bodies. The Liberals and Feminists fought the battles.

At the close of the panel, one young woman asked how to respond to other women who accused anti-abortion women of selling out or betraying their gender. The women sighed and scoffed, each noting their deep offense at such implications. After all, they weren’t victims, but it was clear throughout CPAC that they surely felt victimized.


If the conservative women of the IWF and the CBLPI are strong, independent and not in need of the government, then the women on Wednesday’s “Are Conservatives Serious About Defunding Planned Parenthood?” panel were in dire need of government intervention. Exactly why the Trump administration and Republican Congress hadn’t yet defunded Planned Parenthood was the question posed to Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union and National Pro-Life Center; Catherine Glenn Foster, CEO of Americans United for Life; Kelly Marcum, from the Family Research Council, and Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America, sought to answer.

The answer was straightforward enough: Republicans don’t have the 60 votes in the Senate required to stop Medicaid reimbursements from being distributed to Planned Parenthood. The women were torn over whether or not the Senate should just change its rules to allow the fifty vote threshold.
Tax dollars pay for suites pretending to provide medical care, when they are really religion-based anti-abortion traps, and for religious institutions that fail to help teens navigate the reality of sex and reproduction.

After CPAC, the Extreme Religious Right gets Planned Parenthood's share of tax payer's cash - No medical care guaranteed.

It should come as no surprise then that on Friday, a day after the panel, the Trump administration announced that it would emphasize Title X grant applications from faith-based organizations, as well as organizations that advocate abstinence-only education and “natural family planning.” The new rules will make it easier for crisis clinics and other faith-based organizations to obtain federal grants while simultaneously erecting more barriers for organizations like Planned Parenthood.


Educated women resist everything proposed by the Trump administration. Giving doctors legal permission to lie to pregnant women was a betrayal. Killing off Planned Parenthood health clinics robbed women of good medical care for reproductive internal organ problems (malfunctions, malformed organs, dysfunctional organs, and cancer. Breast exams, and cancer detection. Medical treatments for hormonal dysfunction.) Women started dying from pregnancy problems, horrible birth problems.

Serena William's pregnancy almost killed her- Did her fame and fortune save her ?

The hospital would have won a shitstorm, if they killed her.

They did not want to listen to her. Planned Parenthood listened to women.

Educated young women compete with men for education, jobs, and resources. They are especially successful if they are supplied with information about sex, sexual reproduction, disease prevention, and birth control. Since birth control is not foolproof, the availability of abortion services is an important resource.

Uneducated young women, with no access to sex education, soon become ill or pregnant. Too young, too inexperienced, too poor, overwhelmed with responsibility for a baby. Not much of a threat to Trump and his trolls and goons.

The Trump administration cut more than $200 million of funding for teen pregnancy prevention programs

Where is the 200 million dollars going to be spent ?

Family Research Council’s Kelly Marcum, celebrated the Trump administration’s commitment to “sexual risk aversion,” referencing a November initiative from Health and Human Services to “improve teen pregnancy prevention and sexual risk avoidance programs.” The initiative included funding of $10 million to teach “sexual risk aversion,” the right’s preferred term for abstinence-only education (HHS’s abstinence-only initiative came just months after the administration abruptly cut more than $200 million of funding for teen pregnancy prevention programs)

Killing programs based on evidence, research, and reality-that had good success rates


September 7, 2017

The Department of Health and Human Services recently slashed $213.6 million in federal grants to 81 organizations across the country working on evidence-based approaches to decrease teen pregnancy rates.

For many of the programs, TPP supplies a majority, if not all, of their funding. Without it, roughly 580,000 students will lose access to high-quality evidence-based sexual education.

Thirty-seven senators and 148 representatives wrote to Health and Human Services Department Secretary Tom Price, calling the cuts “a blow to bipartisan efforts to prevent unplanned teen pregnancies” that would have a devastating “ripple effect across communities.”

Many speculate that HHS’s real motivation is antipathy to anything connected to comprehensive sex education. Price is a strong proponent of abstinence-only education, and Valerie Huber, the new chief of staff to the department’s assistant secretary for health, was until recently president of a national abstinence education organization.

When is art, not art ?


The incredibly famous 30,000-year-old Venus of Willendorf is one of the oldest pieces of art in existence and a cultural treasure almost beyond imagining. And you know what else? She is too hot for Facebook.



Facebook Censored a Stone Age Nude Sculpture, Venus of Willendorf
An Italian woman’s post featuring the 30,000-year-old artifact was removed late last year; last month, the museum that houses it called out the social network.

Benjamin Sutton

The Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, which houses the Venus of Willendorf, has brought the incident to the attention of a wider public and criticized Facebook’s reaction to the Paleolithic artifact. A January 9 post on the museum’s Facebook page, calling attention to the censorship of Ghianda’s image, proclaims: “Let the Venus be naked
Jezebel + The Root + Women’s History Month = JezeRoot

Today 1:45pm

We shouldn’t need a Women’s History Month.

We also shouldn’t need a Black History Month or a Hispanic Heritage Month. Considering the long-standing contributions of women and people of color in our society, it’s both lazy and insulting to shoehorn our national recognition into 31-days-or-less pockets. Instead, we like our history like we like our society—fully integrated.

And we’ve decided to make this integration literal. We at Jezebel and The Root will use this poor substitute for a proper American-history lesson as an opportunity to talk together about women’s issues. JezeRoot is real for the entire month of March. And it’s here just in time not to tell you, yet again, about Betsy Ross stitching together a flag or to go into typical fare about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (who is mad problematic).

Instead, we’re going to spend Women’s History Month talking about the women whom society would like you not to talk about. Society’s so-called bad women. “Women of ill repute.” Women who not only have had to fight for fair pay and equal treatment, but who also had to fight just to be considered women.

Thanks to a patriarchal, racist, white supremacist society hell-bent on keeping all women in their place, full human rights are a luxury that very few women have been afforded, particularly women of color, domestic workers and sex workers. The women in these roles are not just oft forgotten but also represent key facets of our society that are erected, sustained and felt most acutely by women: child care, sexual freedom, civil rights and immigration.


The 'Me Too’ Campaign Was Created By A Black Woman 10 Years Ago
Activist Tarana Burke created the movement as a way to connect with survivors.
Rosa Parks had her day of honor in the Captiol Rotunda in Washington D.C. She is forced to share her honor, with a man that lacked honor.

Billy Graham has the Extremist Religious Right to thank, for his last publicity event. His grifter organization became the third leg of a three-legged stool, that allowed the 1% to rain shit down, on all Americans not included in the "protected zone."

Rosa Parks died, October 25, 2005

She is the first woman and only the second African-American to receive the honor, usually reserved for Presidents, soldiers and politicians.

Rosa Parks died at the age of 92 at her home in Detroit, Michigan. Rosa Parks refused to relinquish her seat to a white man aboard a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

She was sitting at the back of the bus, which was a non-white section. The rules of white privilege demanded that she give up her seat to white citizens, no.matter where she was seated. The police arrested her when she refused to give a white man her seat.


October 31, 2005

Politicians, celebrities and thousands of mourners honored civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks Monday at a memorial service in Washington, D.C. Her remains lay in honor in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol over the weekend, a first for a woman.

Rosa Parks was arrested and convicted of violating the state’s segregation laws. Her act of resistance led to a 13-month boycott of the Montgomery bus system that would spark the civil rights movement and inspire freedom struggles all over the world. The bus boycott would also help transform a 26-year-old preacher named Martin Luther King Junior to national prominence.

Rosa Parks paid for unintended consequences of that day. She asked the police office why the police (and the bus operator) was allowed to push minorities around (for the convenience and comfort of white citizens.)

The answer made to Rosa Parks was the Law, was the Law. Segregation laws. The law was challenged, and fought.

Religion and politics join the fight against legalized injustice. Slavery never ended. It just hid behind masks, and false impressions. It is still alive, and hiding behind a mask in 2018.

Billy Graham was paid handsomely for perverting religion. We have Billy Graham to thank for Jerry Falwell Sr.and his son, Sarah Palin, and that weasel, Ralph Reed.

Falwell tells Rolling Stone. "I think that's just the leadership trying to tell the people what to look for in a president. I think the people are smarter than that, and I think they've figured out you can't trust career politicians." As for Trump saying "things that are offensive," Falwell adds, "this is not a race for the pastor-in-chief, it's the commander-in-chief. I think it's obvious to the vast majority of rank-and-file Christian voters."

While many prominent evangelicals have withheld an endorsement, others began to line up for Trump in the spring, something Falwell depicts as the leaders belatedly following the grassroots. David Lane, the founder of the American Renewal Project, which focuses on restoring America's "Judeo-Christian heritage" and recruiting pastors to run for office, wrote to supporters in early May, "I'm going to choose to believe that Donald Trump can be one of the top 4 presidents in American history." Ralph Reed, who led Christian Coalition in the Nineties, and now runs the Faith and Freedom Coalition, told the New York Times that evangelicals "love a convert." (Reed and Lane did not respond to interview requests, nor did the Trump campaign.)



His influence as a moral and spiritual leader in 20th century America was such that one historian (Grant Wacker) said Billy Graham could confer "acceptability on wars, shame on racial prejudice, desirability on decency, dishonor on indecency, and prestige on civic events."


Christian preachers are in the religion business for the money. Thus, the more souls won for Christ, the more money goes into their pockets and the more their family run religious business empires expand. Where the once small time broadcast evangelist used to need some money to get on TV, now with huge ministry overheads fueled in part by personal lavish lifestyles, especially where all family members live the lives of millionaires, many must get on TV to get even more money (many needing over several million dollars a month just to survive).

Ironically, William (Billy) Graham's family is no exception. With three generations of Grahams now part of a full-time money making Religious Industrial Complex with Billy Graham's great grandson (Billy Graham IV’s son), Billy Graham V born with silver spoon in his mouth. This extended family is walking their streets of gold here and now, or as the late Reverend Ike used to preach, “Why wait for a pie-in-the-sky in the sweet-by-and-by, when you can have it now with ice-cream on top of it!”

So consider Billy Graham's net worth of $25 million or the onetime yearly salary of his son, Franklin Graham’s $1.2 million salary plus.

Debunking Christianity


In the eye of history, the reflection reveals what our Founding Fathers meant by Equality.

Why are we forced to tolerate a corrupt buffoon, that has been raised to the level of ruler, by the ruling class ?

The same answer that was given to Rosa Parks-The Law is the Law. The law itself, can be corrupted in innumerable ways.

Look at Harvey Weinstein. Would you force Rosa Parks to give up her seat to him ?Would you force her to share her honor with Donald J. Trump ? President Barak Obama did not oppose The Law. Whatever it was, that he knew when he left office, and walked out of the White House, he still conformed to the letter of The Law. He did not take the law into his own hands, and bar the doors to the scoff-law traitor.

I am hoping that I will be alive, to see President Obama share the honor with Rosa Parks.
"...in the wake of recent civil rights and environmental protests where activists blocked roads and highways as acts of civil disobedience, Republican lawmakers in several states proposed bills that would protect drivers who caused injury or death to someone blocking a roadway, as long as they exercised “due care.” Floated in Florida, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Texas, these bills were written with a clear wink and nod toward those who would disrupt protests with their vehicles. None passed, but the intent was clear: To suppress unpopular speech with the threat of state-sanctioned harm.

On campuses, it’s clear the most dangerous attacks on free expression are coming from state lawmakers. Last year in Wisconsin, the GOP-controlled Assembly passed a bill that would suspend or expel University of Wisconsin students who disrupted campus speakers or presentations. Gov. Scott Walker supports the measure, which is based on a proposal from the conservative Goldwater Institute in Arizona, and backed by Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing advocacy group.

Critics say the statute is too broad and opens student dissenters to harsh sanction for anything that can be labelled disruptive, from a silent protest and walkout to a pointed question that elicits applause. “Instead of protecting free expression, this new policy will have the opposite effect – threatening the First Amendment rights of students and suppressing constitutionally-protected speech,” said the ACLU of Wisconsin in a statement. “Giving controversial figures the right to speak – which the ACLU supports – does not mean denying students the right to protest them.”


Pundits like Weiss, Chait, and Brooks fundamentally misunderstand the real threat to academia. They choose to evaluate student protests as if they are happening in an ahistorical vacuum. But, as in the case of Sommers’ lecture, these student protests are better seen as a symptom of wealthy, conservative donor influence that has transformed our campuses over the last few decades. Obfuscating this fact only concedes more ground to the right’s mission.


"...it’s not just private money injecting libertarian ideals on campuses. In recent years, conservative state legislators in Arizona have appropriated money directly from the state budget to fund “freedom schools” within Arizona State University and University of Arizona, both public schools. Programs at both universities fold in initiatives funded by the Koch network."

Take Florida State University, which in 2014 came under fire when the Center for Public Integrity’s Dave Levinthal obtained documents showing that when the Charles Koch Foundation was considering donating millions to the university in 2007, they wanted certain strings to be attached. This included partial control of faculty hires and assurances that Bruce Benson, a libertarian economist, would stay on as chairman of the economics department for three more years.

Benson told the Center for Public Integrity that the documents were only the “early stages of discussion” before any deal was finalized. But as Levinthal wrote at the time, the funding agreement that started in 2009 “has earned Florida State $1 million through April, according to the university. Until it was revised in 2013, an advisory board would consult with the Charles Koch Foundation to select faculty members funded by the foundation’s money.”

I've read that book from cover-to-cover, and it's nothing compared to Orwell. Nothing. Nada. Zero.

This book aint got nothing on thought crimes and think speech.

And before anybody says it, yes... it was a college assignment. 'sigh' I didn't know about SJWs back then.

Someone asking you to refer to them as "she" instead of "he" is so far removed from a state sponsored creation and destruction of words that it renders your concerns meaningless. Showing every human being basic respect and common decency should be a reflexive human behavior.

Orwell was a warning against the evils of authoritarianism, which can come from both the left and the right.
The Wall that the Extremist Right Wing celebrates, may be more about keeping people in, by force. Next step- A fence between every state.

They have set up rape camps for wild horses. Good practice sessions on how to remove women from a supportive community, and isolate them.

Helicopter chases after horses, earned a paycheck. Chasing women and children over rough terrain will not bother them. They left a trail of dead horses and suffering foals behind them.

A squalling human baby will be left with its dead mother.
Killing access to sexual health, contraception, breast exams, cancer checks- because no family planning allowed in Nebraska

Nebraska Republicans voted to block federal funds to family planning clinics because they hate women


their ongoing efforts to completely take away reproductive autonomy from women, they are at it again—this time by allowing states to take public funds from community health centers and other organizations that provide family planning services. Though this was policy that the administration enacted back in April 2017, Nebraska is getting dangerously close to making this policy a reality, which could result in the closure of Planned Parenthood and other clinics around the state.

Should this bill become law, it would mean that women would not only not have access to abortions, but they’d also be unable to obtain basic services related to their reproductive health such as birth control, well woman exams and prenatal care. But this will not just impact women. Planned Parenthood, for example, offers a variety of services to men, transgender and gender non-confirming persons as well. And only a small fraction of their services are related to abortion. This will harm the health and well-being of many Nebraskans. Of course, that doesn’t matter to Republicans.


The funding for Planned Parenthood’s Lincoln South Health Center, a clinic where Brooke Thomas gets birth control shots every three months to deal with excruciating pain, is at risk. The Nebraska Legislature advanced a budget bill Tuesday evening that includes language that would deny Planned Parenthood and other local family planning clinics public funds. In a 38-6 vote, lawmakers voted to block federal Title X funding to clinics that perform, counsel, or refer abortion services.

In practice, legislative bill 944 jeopardizes the health care Thomas and many like her receive. This money pays for Thomas’ Depo-Provera hormonal shots. If she were to go to her primary care doctor, she’d have to pay up to $150 for her shots — a cost she can’t afford.

Title X is the country’s only federal family planning program that provides reproductive health services to low-income people, and largely benefits people of color. These funds are competitive grants and currently 13 providers in Nebraska — which serve thousands of patients through dozens of clinics statewide — are the subrecipients of the Title X grant.

President Donald Trump made it easier for states to exclude Planned Parenthood by rescinding an Obama administration rule that protected abortion providers’ public funds from conservative governors and legislatures.

Paper ? Christian Religious Right Extremist don't have to show some slut-whore bitch a paper that tells her she has rights, resources, and choices, available to her!/end Blazing Saddles quote reference

As of 2017, half the states in America send money directly to anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers. The first lie they tell, is that they are an abortion clinic.

Uhmmm- Yes. A woman in California currently has a right to see that information. Especially, in a Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center. By law, it must be posted where she can see and read it.

But, that may change this summer.

The Legislature was concerned that there are 200 “crisis pregnancy centers” in California that hinder the ability of California women to receive accurate information about their reproductive rights and to exercise those rights. The legislative history explains that crisis pregnancy centers “pose as full-service women’s health clinics, but aim to discourage and prevent women from seeking abortions” in order to fulfill their goal of “interfer[ing] with women’s ability to be fully informed and exercise their reproductive rights.”

The First Amendment burden on the crisis pregnancy centers is minimal: they are just required to post a notice on their walls. Their employees need not utter any words. The notices are entirely factual, informing patients about the existence of state programs. The required signs do not advocate anything. Requiring unlicensed facilities to disclose this fact to patients is just another way of ensuring that patients have full and accurate information.


Every building that is dedicated to a Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a reason for the Extremist Right Religious to rejoice. They are getting closer to their goal of joining with business, industry, and politics, to exploit the revenue stream of pregnancy.

The Christian hospital, the Christian doctor, the Christian nurse have purchased the legal right to lie to pregnant women, about their pregnancy, their health, and their fetus. There is no lie that is to horrible, too damaging, too traumatizing, or too hateful to tell.

The fetus is the Christian's magic talisman, that promises a White Christian Supremacist nation.

The manufacturers of medical equipment, medical supplies, look forward to exploiting the opportunity to get rich, and contribute to the Christian domination of the law. Taxpayer's dollars will purchase many fetus detecting and fetus recording electronics. As it is, vaginal torture wands and the recording equipment are purchased as required by law.

The Circle of Christian Wealth will profit, thrive, and dominate. International conglomerate corporations care little about quaint local customs. Privatised prisons are happy to fill their cells with punished women, if the government is paying. Christian politicians, Christian judges, lawyers, and law officials are happy to contribute to criminalizing abortion, when their stock investments pay off.

Everything to Know About the Supreme Court Case on Fake Women’s Health Centers

March 18, 2018

The Supreme Court is preparing to hear a case that could have major implications for the future of abortion rights. National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, better known as NIFLA v. Becerra, concerns the legality of a California law that requires faith-based, anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers inform clients about abortion services.

In Jackson, Mississippi, Center for Pregnancy Choices, a CPC, opened just 100 yards from Jackson Women’s Health Organization — the state’s only abortion clinic. In 2012, governor Phil Bryant signed a TRAP law designed to close the state’s last remaining clinic; in 2014, Bryant gave a speech in which he said that “[his] goal is to end abortion in Mississippi”; and just last summer, he signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. While judges have blocked the attempted legislation so far, and abortion has not yet “ended” in Mississippi, a new threat has moved in on Jackson Women’s Health Organization, literally across the street: The Center for Pregnancy Choices, an anti-abortion center with a mission “to offer a viable alternative for women who are in crisis pregnancy situations” opened on April 22, just 100 yards away.


Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center CPC

October 2015, California — which has more than 300 CPCs — passed the Reproductive Fact Act, which requires CPCs to provide comprehensive information on reproductive choices, including abortion. Just days after the law passed, multiple clinics began to sue then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, claiming that the law violated their First Amendment rights.

NIFLA, which filed its first legal challenge in 2016, is a public interest law firm that counsels Christian Crisis Pregnancy Centers around the country.

Xavier Becerra is the current California Attorney General Xavier who is defending the law.


The Legislature was concerned that there are 200 “crisis pregnancy centers” in California that hinder the ability of California women to receive accurate information about their reproductive rights and to exercise those rights. The legislative history explains that crisis pregnancy centers “pose as full-service women’s health clinics, but aim to discourage and prevent women from seeking abortions” in order to fulfill their goal of “interfer[ing] with women’s ability to be fully informed and exercise their reproductive rights.”
February 16, 2018

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) colluded with the national hate group Alliance Defending Freedom to rescind Obama-era Medicaid funding protections for Planned Parenthood and other women’s health centers, according to a letter written by Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

In the letter to HHS, Representative Cummings asks that the department provide documents related to the January 19 decision to allow state Medicaid directors to terminate qualified women’s healthcare providers from state Medicaid programs without cause. He is also asking that all communications between the HHS and Alliance Defending Freedom are shared by February 26.

His request came after a whistleblower turned over documents to the Democratic Minority on the committee. While it is common for departments to receive input from outside organizations on proposed rule changes, it is uncommon to meet with designated hate groups. In his letter to the HHS, Cummings stated that the information provided from the unnamed whistleblower reflects-

an apparent “clandestine effort to tip the scales of justice in favor of states that are targeting Planned Parenthood in violation of federal law."


Highest rate of infant mortality in the United States.
Second highest rate of child mortality.
Maternal death rate in Mississippi exceeds birth related deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Yet, Mississippi passes a law that restricts abortion of a fetus.

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country on Monday. House Bill 1510, the Gestational Age Act, bans abortion after 15 weeks of gestation and makes no exceptions for rape or incest

The law goes into effect immediately.

Jackson’s Women’s Health, Mississippi’s only abortion clinic, said they would sue, and made good on that promise soon after Bryant signed the bill.


he bill, called “The Gestational Age Act,” bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, just before the end of the second trimester. The law contains exceptions to the ban in cases of fetal abnormalities and medical emergencies, including a threat to the woman’s life or serious risk of physical impairment, but not in cases of rape or incest

Senior vice president of the Center for Reproductive Rights Lourdes Rivera called the bill “dangerous and unconstitutional” and said that her organization “is prepared to answer any attempt to undermine 40 years of Supreme Court precedent with the full force of the law."

Mississippi has long had some of the most strict abortion laws in the country. The state has a “trigger law,” which would immediately make abortion entirely illegal in the state should Roe v. Wade (the constitutional decision that made abortion legal in the US) be overturned. The state also requires women seeking abortions to undergo an ultrasound and wait 24 hours between that and having the procedure.

Crisis pregnancy centers aren’t confined to Texas. Nationwide, there are about 2,500 such centers. In Texas, Virginia, South Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania … indeed, in 34 states, CPCs get taxpayer money to tell their lie.

The money is diverted from federal abstinence-only programs, from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, from funding that used to go to Planned Parenthood centers, and in Texas, even from an environmental quality program.

Mike Schofield and Matt Krause, two Republican state legislators, successfully moved $20 million from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to Alternatives to Abortion.

Crisis Pregnancy centers aren’t new. The first one was launched half a century ago in Hawai’i.


Punishing whore slut bitches in America

To the surprise of nearly no one outside the Texas Republican Party, this plan appears to have been a massive failure

The Christian Anti- Choice organization that promised to fulfil the role of reproductive health care provider, failed.

Texas took back the funding. (Four million dollars in grant money.)

In an April letter to state Rep. Jessica Farrar, the Texas HHS said that the Heidi Group "has partnered with healthcare providers across the state to offer quality women's healthcare services." Supposedly these providers would then bill the state through the Heidi Group, but in practice very few women actually received any health care this way. Trusting a bunch of Christian right activists who disapprove of most forms of sexuality to manage the health care needs of sexually active women was not, it turns out, such a great idea.

Rates of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are on the rise. Texas health officials report alarming "clusters" of HIV transmission popping up in 16 areas of the state. The rate of second-trimester abortions, which are more painful and expensive, is on the rise as women in the state have more difficulty getting contraception and early-term abortions. Texas now has the worst maternal mortality rate in the developed world and has fallen behind the rest of the country when it comes to the decline in teen births. The state's Medicaid system is straining as the number of births to low-income women rose, in part because they lack affordable or convenient access to contraception.


Heather Busby, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, said in a news release that the group's failed contract "demonstrates just how far Texas will go in putting politics over people" when it comes to reproductive health.

"There was nothing in The Heidi Group's operations or history to indicate that this non-medical organization was even remotely qualified to provide reproductive health care," Busby said.

Last edited:

Here is a nasty little item, that will be used as an excuse to hurt women, punish women, deny women.

The ages old accusation-

Not really human, but a demon posing as a woman. In league with a demon, possessed by a demon, influenced by a demon.

For the Christian God/god is male, his son, also a God/god. A human woman, the mother of a God's/god's son, made into some variant of deity, but not a Goddess/goddess, because women are never counted as equal to males.

The tale of the Ages, that the blame for everything is to be placed on a woman's back.

The first lie, and the first dissembling.

Because the truth does not really matter, in religion, Because winning is everything, in religion.

The teens of America cried out, in gathered masses. "Do not allow us to die in mass murders."

Religious leaders in America pronounced the teens demons.


Ralph Reed, a longtime conservative Christian activist who leads the Faith and Freedom Coalition, recalled “a thrice-married billionaire from Manhattan” was considered an unlikely ally when the Republican presidential primaries began.

With little effort, Reed ticked off a list of stances and actions Trump has taken that have drawn praise from evangelicals, including his video address to the annual March for Life — the first time a president has appeared on screen at the event. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush called in by phone.

Other actions Reed cited included an executive order easing enforcement of the so-called Johnson Amendment, which restricts political activity by churches; signing legislation to give states the right to end funding of Planned Parenthood; nominating conservative judges, including Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court; and moving toward withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Iran, which Reed called “a dangerous and bloody regime committed to the destruction of Israel.

Reed said that if the allegations involving Trump and Daniels are true, he would be “profoundly disappointed.” But he said that for those in the faith community, the actions he cited “all rank far higher in their concerns than an unsubstantiated allegation that is over a decade old.”


President Barak Obama

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."


Hillary Clinton-

I’m not like Donald Trump who says ‘I alone can fix it.’ I’ve never quite figure out what it is he alone can fix...

We’re going to keep working toward an AIDS-free generation, a goal that I set as secretary of state, and with your help we’re going to pass comprehensive gun laws…

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right ?

The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people — now how 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.

In the light of the recent exposure, of Orange tRump's sex encounters with porn stars while married...

In the light of the White House support of Roy Moore...


In the light of all Republican politicians, that indulge themselves in strip clubs, lap dances, prostitutes...

While wearing the Chritian cross, standing in the Christian church, crying about Christian marriage, and fighting abortion and LGBT- all the while depending on Child Molesting preachers and parsons for campaign money donated by churches...

In the light of the internet gag order...

In the light of the selling of the internet, to the highest bidders...

In the light of Facebook selling everyone for a price...

New season of Handmaid's Tale due to begin, April 2018

Will an episode approach the subject of pregnancy slaves, used for illicit purposes, hidden from sight ?

Every women capable of pregnancy is forced to tolerate rape. The rapists know it, at some level. The assistant to the rapes, knows it. The victim of the rapes knows it. This is not sex work. The victim is imprisoned, and the sex is non-consensual.

The men want a taste of the world, that they threw away. They grow sick and tired, at the altar of the Upper Class Elite Madonna, and her raped servant. They want to abuse the whore. Their world allows no whore to exist.

A chance to walk on the darkside, and betray everything. Moral, upright Christian family-man ?Pure in thought and deed ? Law abiding, honorable, respectable ?

They build themselves a club house where they are able to laugh at "Miss Grundy." The club house/speak easy is where all Miss Grundy's rules about respecting women, protecting women, and caring for women, do not apply.

Drinking, drugging, and fucking women that pretend to be prostitutes.

They construct a secret club, where they are able to twist the knife of the double standard into women's guts.

No pretense of duty and religion. No false front of love, dedication, affection. But, the women forced into men's playhouses must fake sexual attraction, sexual hunger, sexual fulfillment. Or, be shipped off to a death camp. Or, perhaps murdered. The women that they have chosen have failed to give birth. Their lives are not protected by a physical ability. They have no worth, other than their ability to do physical labor.

What is the 2018 American emergency solution
for economic disaster, of the last resort ?

Sex related work.

Who is a sex worker ?
Women and men.

SWOP-USA Suggested Policy Position on Sex Work & Decriminalization
Sex work is work, and sex workers’ rights are labor rights. The criminalization of the sex industry exacerbates violence and exploitation against marginalized sex workers, severs them from vital systems of support, and pushes instances of sex trafficking further underground which puts their lives at greater risk for violence. We support sex workers’ fight for the full decriminalization of selling sexual services and buying them as well as policies that protect the health and safety of all people in the sex industry.

Sex workers deserve the same rights afforded to other workers including the right to form unions and publicly organize for better working conditions. Sex workers should feel safe in reporting abuse that is inflicted on them and their communities without fear of retribution by law enforcement and with immunity from prosecution for engaging in their work. We stand in solidarity with the sex workers’ rights movement by rejecting labor exploitation and calling for the recognition of the basic human rights of all people in the sex trade.


The Republicans seek to take the sex worker's right to exist, away.

Sex workers are independent minded. They do not conform to the Christian religion. Therefore, they must be silenced. Hypocrisy of politicians, and the double standard of Christian men do not operate well when the voices of sex workers speak in public.

Republicans are cutting off resources to sex workers.



Republicans Vote To Silence Victims

For some, it will mean increasingly restrictive terms of service—banning sexual content, for example, or advertisements for legal escort services. For others, it will mean over-reliance on automated filters to delete borderline posts. No matter what methods platforms use to mitigate their risk, one thing is certain: when platforms choose to err on the side of censorship, marginalized voices are censored disproportionately. The Internet will become a less inclusive place, something that hurts all of us.

Big Tech Companies Don’t Speak for Users

SESTA/FOSTA supporters boast that their bill has the support of the technology community, but it’s worth considering what they mean by “technology.” IBM and Oracle—companies whose business models don’t heavily rely on Section 230—were quick to jump onboard. Next came the Internet Association, a trade association representing the world’s largest Internet companies, companies that will certainly be able to survive SESTA while their smaller competitors struggle to comply with it.

Those tech companies simply don’t speak for the Internet users who will be silenced under the law. And tragically, the people likely to be censored the most are trafficking victims themselves.

When the Department of Justice is the group urging Congress not to expand criminal law and Congress does it anyway, something is very wrong.


The Internet we know today is possible only because of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which prevents online platforms from being held liable for their users’ speech, except in certain circumstances. FOSTA would punch a major hole in Section 230, enabling lawsuits and prosecutions against online platforms—including ones that aren’t even aware that sex trafficking is taking place.

The array of online services protected by Section 230, and thus hurt by FOSTA, is vast. It includes review sites, online marketplaces, discussion boards, ISPs, even news publications with comment sections. Even small websites host thousands or millions of users engaged in around-the-clock discussion and commerce. By attempting to add an additional tool to hold liable the tiny minority of those platforms whose users who do awful things, FOSTA does real harm to the overwhelming majority...

The law meant to protect victims, is cutting resources away from victims, and putting victims at risk.

April 2017, Donald Trump signed legislation that rolled back Obama-era protections that required states to pass along family-planning grants to healthcare organizations regardless of whether or not they provided abortions. Planned Parenthood’s access to funding was further eroded in February of this year when the Department of Health and Human Services rewrote Title X’s grant guidelines, favoring religious groups (like crisis clinics) and abstinence-only education.


A not-so-lovely tale, about Jared, Ivanks, and Orange tRump's intentions.
This week, in 2018

The Atlantic hired a man that advocated violent murder of women that had abortions.

Erin Gloria Ryan wrote-

The Atlantic should be embarrassed that those with hiring power were so horny for buzz that they evidently forgot how to use Google for two weeks. They should be embarrassed that they brought on a controversial writer without knowing all that much about him, and that they weren’t prepared to defend that writer when other people brought up the ways in which he is controversial. They should have known better.

That’s all taking The Atlantic editors at their word about their ignorance. The other option, of course—that they did know about this and still thought it made sense to bring Williamson on—is even...


Williamson’s deadly solution for women who’ve had abortions wasn’t just an aberrant tweet. In a 2014 podcast, the liberal watchdog found, Williamson repeatedly and forcefully defended his view that those women should be executed.

He described current methods of execution—like lethal injection—to be “too antiseptic” and suggested that the state administer more “violent” forms of capital punishment befitting the “violence” of an abortion.


After 14 days, one column, and a few damning resurfaced podcast clips calling for the mass lynching of women who terminate their pregnancies, The Atlantic has decided to abort Kevin D. Williamson’s contract.


Atlantic magazine got their buzz, and we had a glimpse of what hides beneath a facade.
Make no mistake, TAL, TRL, and TLC are each rabidly anti-choice and would prefer a world in which abortion is no longer accessible. They've each worked successfully to ensure that becomes the reality for Texas women, resulting in a broken and dangerous landscape not just for abortion care, but for women's health care in general. Thanks to their activism and political influence, the number of abortion clinics has been sliced in half and lifesaving and preventive health programs have suffered drastic drops in patient care. Religious freedom watchdogs at the Texas Free*dom Network caution that it would be "very misleading" for anyone to suggest that one group is any more moderate than the other. (An important reminder that the enemy of our enemy is not always our friend.)

"The truth is Texas Alliance for Life and Texas Right to Life are both extremist organizations dedicated to the same extreme goal," said TFN's Dan Quinn, "taking away the freedom of individuals to decide for themselves what health care services, including abortion, they want and will get.

"Their fight is over the tactics and politics of reaching that goal. That the fight has evolved into open, scorched-earth warfare says a lot about the state of politics on the right in Texas today. There are few things more fascinating, and depressing, than watching extremists fight over who can be the most dogmatic and cruel."

Idaho state Sen. Bob Nonini, a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, is attempting to walk back comments saying that he believes the death penalty could be a potential punishment for people who have abortions.

Republican lieutenant governor candidate Bob Nonini says women who get an abortion should be punished if it is ever criminalized in Idaho, adding that the punishment should include the death penalty.

NBC, ABC, CBS, could not possibly approach this subject, on daytime TV

So, they ran Paul Ryan's face, and Paul Ryan's speech, all day long.

A bill was passed, and signed, in order to hurt and punish women.

"...the pragmatic result will be to harm the livelihoods of sex workers and force people in sexual labor into more coercive and dangerous situations.”

Sloppy, careless, lazy and uncaring effort for a very serious issue.

It will not and cannot help victims.

It will create more victims.

Trump-Supporting Republican scum are happy with the results. They are now free to victimize slut-whore-bitches, and punish them

Trump Signs FOSTA Into Law, Ignoring Sex Workers' Warnings and Putting Their Safety at Risk

April 11, 2018

Sex worker advocates and internet freedom activists have warned that it will result in sweeping censorship, as well as shut down online platforms where sex workers advertise and vet clients from the safety of their own homes.

The bill has also contributed to a hostile political climate that has led sex worker advocacy organizations to reconsider whether it’s legally safe to continue offering harm-reduction services. Amid all this, Backpage, a popular venue for sex workers to advertise, was seized and shut down by the Department of Justice.

Sex workers have been reeling as they see popular online ad venues and resources for vetting clients taken away overnight. Now, with the bill actually becoming law, we’re about to see its disastrous impact in full force.


On ednesday, President Trump signed House Resolution 1865, commonly known under the acronym FOSTA, or Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act. The bill makes websites liable for what users say and do on their platforms, and gives federal and state prosecutors and attorney generals greater power to prosecute, in criminal and civil court, sites they believe are hosting sex trafficking ads.

Many advocacy groups have come forward to denounce the bill for undermining essential internet freedoms and endangering the lives of consensual sex workers.

Backpage owners and staff have not been charged with trafficking, but rather with money laundering, and violation of the Travel Act for facilitating prostitution.

Sex workers have lost community, a safety network, and assurance.

Adults have lost privacy.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act currently prevents web platforms for being held liable for their users’ speech. Platforms that could be at risk for censorship include social media sites, review sites, and discussion boards.
