"Not All Men" is an appropriate response to rampant feminist anti-male phobia

You're laughable. Or you would be if you weren't so...no wait, you're laughable. Because you're impossible to take seriously. You're a pathetic man-child who undoubtedly lives off Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew and never gets out of his parents' basement and never went on a date in his life and turned into a bitter fuckstick because no woman would have you. (I suppose the next thing you're going to tell me is that you're actually CEO of a Fortune 500 company, married to four Playboy Models you can fuck any time you want, and have eight advanced degrees and speak four languages. Whatever you have to tell us to convince yourself your 'causes' are legitimate.)

You can't even force me to laugh. What the fuck makes you think you can force me, or anyone else, to become an MRA? Or a feminist? Or a conservative? Y'know, since I'm evidently all of those things when I am actually none of them.

Do the world a favor, round up your MRA 'friends,' and take the cause in your signature to a military base in Afghanistan. See how long you fuckers last.
We've no interest in forcing you to be a MRA.

We're going to force you into the dustbin of history.

And as for whether you're a feminist
You want women to stop being in fear of men, to stop hating men, and to stop wanting to punish men? THEN CLEAN HOUSE. Take care of your own. When a man does something wrong, call for a punishment far harsher than he deserves. Drawing and quartering. Lynch men who are guilty of harming women. Refuse to support men guilty of harming women. Be harder on them than women are. And be harder on yourself than women are on you. Demand perfection. And it's going to take every man who doesn't want to harm a woman to stop those who do. #YesAllMen
is what a FEMINIST would say.

And this
You want whites to stop being in fear of blacks, to stop hating blacks, and to stop wanting to punish blacks? THEN CLEAN HOUSE. Take care of your own. When a black person does something wrong, call for a punishment far harsher than they deserve. Drawing and quartering. Lynch blacks who are guilty of harming whites. Refuse to support blacks who are guilty of harming whites. Be harder on them than whites are. And be harder on yourself than whites are on you. Demand perfection. And it's going to take every black person who doesn't want to harm a whites to stop those who do. #YesAllblacks
is what a WHITE SUPREMACIST would say.

You're just like a white supremacist but FEMINISM. Same bigotry but with high heels and not a white sheet.

And you didn't answer BotanyBoy's question you weak pathetic insect.

Who are you going to attack to stop the violence there psycho boy?

Who have you ever taken steps against to pre-emptively stop domestic violence? Or are you all fucking bullshit internet white knight talk, Sir Donkey Hote?

As for Afghanistan we can shut down the military. BY REFUSING TO FUCKING ENLIST. Remember the Vietnam war. MRA-predecessors fragged officers and cost America the fucking war.

That's what happens when you fuck with men. We get mad and destroy civilizations. Wouldn't be the first time we did that.

I think it's time you used the ignore function now.