In a Sunburned Country Story Event: Official Support Thread


Literotica Guru
Apr 14, 2015
Hi everyone,

After receiving Laurel’s approval for this (thanks a million, Laurel), I’m stepping up to organize another themed writing event for later this year that I hope many of you will enjoy writing for.

"In a Sunburned Country” – Erotic Tales in an Australian Setting

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me!

As many of you may know, I’ve actually been to Australia a couple of times, I’ve got cousins in Adelaide and it’s a country I love. The people, the landscape, the climate, that amazing accent, slang to die for, great food, some of the best wine in the world, some of the loudest drunks I’ve ever heard, totally sick jokes, totally tasty kangaroo steaks (sorry Skippy ‘ol buddy), ice-cold beer (the way it should be), a relaxed lifestyle, a couple of the most livable cities in the world. What’s not to like? Well, except for the snakes and the spiders and the crocs. Gulp!

I’ve always liked Australian authors, books and films as well. The Man from Snowy River. Gallipoli. Crocodile Dundee. Muriel’s Wedding. Picnic at Hanging Rock. Seven Little Australians. The Harp in the South. The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith. We of the Never Never. The Thornbirds. Voss. Cloudstreet. Jasper Jones. Puberty Blues. Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence. A Town Like Alice. There’s a gazillion more. Not to mention Aussie musicians and bands.

But screw literature. We’re all here together on Literotica to write and read erotica. Preferably outstandingly hot erotica. And so, with a “Go Live” date of November 6th, 2018 (Melbourne Cup Day in Australia), here we go with the "In a Sunburned Country – Erotic Tales in an Australian Setting” Writing Event on Literotica.

Something to get your blood racing, your heart pounding, your appetite for things-Australian whetted (and don’t blame me if you end up wanting to visit the sunburnt country, it’s not my fault it’s an amazing place to visit – and my commission from Tourism Australia is already banked, thank you).

So, without further ado, are you interested in writing a story set in Australia? I’ll be contacting a number of authors who I know have written stories in an Australian setting or who are in fact actually Australian coz there’s a good few Aussie’s here on LIT but this isn’t a “by invitation only” event. This is for any author on Literotica who would like to step up to the wicket and “give it a go, mate.”

It’s not a competition. There’s no prizes. This is for the sheer joy of writing and you’re all invited to the party. I’m aiming to get as many writers on Literotica as I can to write a story for this event. Doesn’t matter if you’re great, not great or your writing just totally sucks. Whatever. All welcome. Just do it, mate! Give it a go! Write! As long as it’s set in Australia, we’re good!

Category? Whatever you like. Story? Whatever you’re interested in as long as the setting is Australian. Sex with marsupial aliens? Outback Cocky’s? Romance? Humor? Sweet American-Chinese girls and Seductive Australian Surfers? Sydney Gay Pride Week? Cricket? (Okay, that’s a game that stumps me, fair suck of the sav, mate). You go for it, sport. Go ahead. Write it.

Our “Go Live” Date is Tuesday November 6th 2018. Melbourne Cup Day. The Melbourne Cup is held on the first Tuesday in November and for those who’ve never heard of it, well, it’s one of the most famous horse races in the world.

Date for submissions is from Monday 29 October to Monday 5 November, 2018 – that’s four months away. Plenty of time for you all to come up with a good story in an Australian setting. So get cracking! Rattle those dags!

Administration Type Things (No Rules Here, Mate. Fair dinkum!)

1) Open to all authors to submit stories in any category as long as it’s an Australian setting.

2) Submissions for consideration should be a "single shot". That is, no serial or chapter submissions for the purposes of this particular effort.

3) It’d make it easier and simpler for Laurel and me if you all saved your stories and submitted them between Monday 29 October to Monday 5 November, 2018, with a drop dead date of Monday 5 November. You can in fact submit beforehand if you want but it’d be easier if you saved it for that one week window before the event.

4) Please include the following note in the "Notes to Admin" field on the submission field: " In a Sunburned Country event." If you don’t include this, it’s not getting onto the Event Page coz it won’t be identifiable.

5) You should also include a story tag that says, "In a Sunburned Country Story."

6) All normal rules posted by apply.

On the day of, we'll create a "story page" with links to all the participating tales, which will be published en masse on Melbourne Cup Day! (Tuesday November 6, 2018).

I’m afraid I can’t offer any help with editing, but if you have any questions about the event, please post them on the “In a Sunburned Country” Event Thread in the Authors Hangout.

Thank you all for participating, and I’m looking forward to a totally outstandingly bonza event.

If you do decide you’d like to participate, please post here, along with a tentative title for your story – I’ll do updates summarizing participating authors and their proposed title at regular intervals between now and late October. And I know there’s a lot of author’s here on Literotica who don’t visit the Authors Hangout so I’ll be reaching out to them as well – and you’re all welcome to do the same. In fact, I’d appreciate it if you would.

Laurel will be posting an official announcement on Monday 9 July or thereabouts.

In. Probably. I've got a side project in progress that's set in Oz that seems like it would be perfect. I'm co-writing it with another author, so if they agree, we're in.
I'm contemplating breaking open my closed sr71plt list to contribute a hetero piece with the tentative title of "Journey through Desolation."
I'm contemplating breaking open my closed sr71plt list to contribute a hetero piece with the tentative title of "Journey through Desolation."

In. Probably. I've got a side project in progress that's set in Oz that seems like it would be perfect. I'm co-writing it with another author, so if they agree, we're in.

Well, that's great. Three of us in the first hour or two! And Pilot resurrected! I'm honored :cattail:
I'm contemplating breaking open my closed sr71plt list to contribute a hetero piece with the tentative title of "Journey through Desolation."

Pilot. That title would be spot on for almost any train journey in Oz.:D
Pilot. That title would be spot on for almost any train journey in Oz.:D

Bingo. It will be from Melbourne to Sydney--some of the most desolate hours of my life and we'd done it during the day so we could see the countryside. That was satisfied within the first ten minutes after clearing Melbourne.
Bingo. It will be from Melbourne to Sydney--some of the most desolate hours of my life and we'd done it during the day so we could see the countryside. That was satisfied within the first ten minutes after clearing Melbourne.
Here's a challenge for ya, mate. Set it on the Sydney-Perth run, and see if you can make the Nullabor interesting ;).
A RoadTrain through the outback. It's been a while since I've been to Australia but.... An idea is peculating.
Being resident in the chosen land, I'll have to give it a whirl. Fucked if I know what, though.

If a whole bunch of foreigners are coming to town, the obvious thing that comes to mind is a drop-bear feeding frenzy - so many easy to spot folk in bright shirts and sunglasses, helplessly lost...

... okay, got it. Drop-bears come in both sexes, right, and don't only need to eat...
Does post-apocalyptic road rage, Mad Max-style, count as Australian? Otherwise I know precious little about the Lost World. Except xelliebabex. She's cool. :)

(yeah, kangaroos and koalas and Ayers Rock and that thing about Aboriginee kids being given to immigrant families, but that's hardly Lit-worthy)
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Like EB I am a resident so practically all my stories are set in Oz. So I will offer up some support advice to anyone wanting to set their story in Queensland or Northern NSW. I spent a lot of my childhood in Far North Queensland and it is the most magnificent place, so I visit often. I dislike Sydney and I have never been to WA so can't really help there anywhere else is fine though. :)

I'm going to Darwin and the Kakadu next week so I may be able to wrestle a plot bunny from a croc, to go all Bindi Irwin, we will see. Though I am mainly going to escape the awful winter we are having.

One small factoid that might help writers is the further north in Australia you go the stronger the accent becomes, the more tropical the weather is, cyclones etc. and the more racial unrest there is.

If your looking to do some research on young singles and B&S Balls in outback towns may I suggest the movie "Spinout" (Trailer, that will at least point out the difference between a ute and a pick up)

Happy writing all I am looking forward to reading the stories in this one.

Thanks for the organisation Chloe :)
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Thanks Chloe for the invite!

I'm really bad at writing for themed contests because it takes me too long to put a story together, but if anybody who is entering wants an Australian beta-reader/editor I might be able to help out.
Quintessential Australiana, absolutely.

Sorry, EB, my Sarcast-O-meter isn't calibrated properly.

The first Mad Max movie definitely takes place in Australia, the others probably in the same timezone. If all else fails, by doing a "Planet of the Apes" style sweep around the burnt-out skeleton of the Sydney Opera House, I could tie the story to Australia much in the same way people tie "outdoors on a hot summer day" to the Summer contest :)
I'm IN! I've already been working on a story heavily dependent upon an Australian park.... so its tentative title is "Australian Wood".

I'm a expert on messing up American/Oz spelling and lingo, too, if anybody wants help.
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The first Mad Max movie definitely takes place in Australia, the others probably in the same timezone.
The last one was going to be filmed out near Broken Hill (where Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome were filmed) but that year's cyclones pushed rain much further south and west, and the landscape was too green.

You can't get that big black Falcon V8 Interceptor anywhere else on the planet, though - brutal looking cars, when occasionally you still see them.
OK, count me in. Too soon to consder even a working title, but preliminary bunnykin thoughts involve a shipwreck.

Thank you, Chloe.
The bulk of my exposure to Australia consists of the Crocodile Dundee movies, Monty Python's Philosophers' sketch, and Rescuers Down Under.

I think readers would be best served by me backing away slowly and saying, "Good luck," to everyone who does participate. LOL
I'll give it a go. I've been to Australia several times - but only to Sydney and Melbourne. And a touchdown in Perth for a couple of hours on the way back to London. Oh, and I sailed the Sydney-Hobart many years ago, but, strictly speaking, that takes place in the Tasman Sea off Australia.
Bingo. It will be from Melbourne to Sydney--some of the most desolate hours of my life and we'd done it during the day so we could see the countryside. That was satisfied within the first ten minutes after clearing Melbourne.

I've done that drive many times. It doesn't have much to recommend it, unless you find a scenic detour.
Interesting bit of trivia, the best leather for a braided bullwhip is made of kangaroo leather.

And I'm in.
One small factoid that might help writers is the further north in Australia you go the stronger the accent becomes, the more tropical the weather is, cyclones etc. and the more racial unrest there is.

And the less well dressed we become.

Check into a $80/night dive in Melbourne and your host is dressed to the nines. Check into a $300/night joint in North QLD and count yourself lucky if your host is wearing shoes.
And the less well dressed we become.

Check into a $80/night dive in Melbourne and your host is dressed to the nines. Check into a $300/night joint in North QLD and count yourself lucky if your host is wearing shoes.

I'm reliably informed that one of the government offices in Darwin had to remind staff that they were expected to wear something over their underpants.

Speaking of Darwin, if anybody is short of story ideas, I recommend browsing the NT News: