Anybody speak French?

The easy way that I use for any non-English statement is a simple cop out - for example: I told her, in French, that I loved her. Problem solved!

It solves the problem for the reader, too. If only a phrase or two is in a foreign language, then most readers probably don't speak it, because, you know, foreign.

Dorothy L Sayers was notorious for using French and Latin in her detective stories and NOT giving a translation. She assumed that anyone reading her stories was educated sufficiently to understand French and Latin.

One of my fave Sayers' stories is that one 'The Entertaining Episode of the Article in Question' which turns on understanding the French language :) I love the exchanges between Peter Wimsey and the Dowager Duchess of Medway:
The deep, harsh old voice pleased Lord Peter. He could see the imperious face and upright figure of what had been the most famous beauty in the London of the 'sixties.
"It's Peter Wimsey, duchess.""Indeed, and how do you do, young man? Back from your Continental jaunting?"
"Just home—and longing to lay my devotion at the feet of the most fascinating lady in England."
"God bless my soul, child, what do you want?" demanded the duchess. "Boys like you don't flatter an old woman for nothing."
"I want to tell you my sins, duchess."
"You should have lived in the great days," said the voice appreciatively. "Your talents are wasted on the young fry."
"That is why I want to talk to you, duchess."
"Well, my dear, if you've committed any sins worth hearing I shall enjoy your visit."
"You are as exquisite in kindness as in charm. I am coming this afternoon."