Looking for an Editor


Nov 14, 2007
I'm looking for an editor for a rather long Loving wife type story. It is around 10,000 words depending upon how you estimate size.

Content includes wife sharing, lesbianism and voyeurism. It's category may need to be changed to group sex, but I'm still considering that.

I would like an editor's opinion about the changes in perspective that I used and my use of them. Grammar help is always appreciated of course, especially with my treatment of dialogue. Basically, I'm open to any help you can give me. My ego is not going to get tweaked by your critique.

A female editor might be best, as part of the story is written in first person from woman's point of view, something I've never attempted before.

Trying to pick names off the volunteer editor list has not been fruitful. Only one reply and he was kind enough to let me know that his job was overwhelming him at the moment and did not have time.

Any takers?

I would be interested in reading what you have and offer some opinions. It would be my first time doing any editing. Email if interested.
