Isolated Blurts - The HT Cafe Way

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Happy birthday RainShine, you are a heavenly soul sent to us mortals on earth to show us the brightness, and happiness of the world.
What a fox says....

Besides being the recent viral video de jour on BoobTube, this song is currently on repeat in our house - my daughter thinks it's the bee's knees.

After the 583rd playthrough, I'm about ready to "accidently" drop an iPad in the toilet. This hasn't happened yet only because it is too damn adorable watching her and her little brother dance and make all the animals sounds.

What does a fox say when it is drowning?

<<< CLICK TO HEAR WHAT THE FOX SAYS (just don't have your kids about if you don't want to hear it another thousand times :eek:)

Who knew seals go "Ow-ow-ow"?
My daughter is obsessed with this son, too.

She will walk up to me and ask "Mommy, can I ask you a question?" Then she throws her hands in the air and shouts/sings "what does the fox say?!"
There is a little fucker on the loose... She's making me look like a dickhead on my Facebook page. :mad:

She'll keep. Sheeeeeee'll keep.

God she's funny though.
it's another reason i hate it when people bump long-forgotten threads: seeing q's insightful or funny posts.

[raises glass]

i miss you, quoll.

8 more Fridays until Christmas. YIKES! I knew I should have been good this year instead of naughty--it would make life much easier if Santa could just take care of things.

I just got off the phone with a colleague who was crying hysterically over an email and phone call from an doctor's office manager. I have dealt with this particular beast in an earlier incarnation of my career and no doubt she's a bully but gee whiz.
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