The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 04: Come On In

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Since HP jumped the gun so to speak...

The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 4

Come on in. Take a seat up here at the counter or at a table out in the middle of the room or back in the corner, whichever suits you best.

We serve coffee but remember this ain't Starbucks. It only comes in black. What you do with it after that is you're own problem.

If you play nice the waitresses (If I ever get any) might spice it for you.

If you have a new story you're proud of post a link. Post a link even if you're not proud of it. It'll give everyone something to talk about.

No fighting and no trolling. I'd hate to have the AH Mod toss your ass out of here. Flirting will be tolerated to a point and then you can rent a room out back if you need to carry thing farther.

Thank you and welcome aboard.
Yeah, Tex! Another transformation successfully completed.

Chloe, re your wondering how people on the other side of the border survive through winter, we keep warm by reading your stories. :)
Hmm. Smells like fresh paint and fir trees. It used to smell like coffee and Xander.

The coffee smell will return after we all down enough to float a battle ship. :D

Ah yes, the first fresh pot in a long line is now available.
No scent of teen spirit, I trust.

Meanwhile, much snow has melted but we still can't drive out until tomorrow's trash truck drags a path on our ragged mountain track. Tonight's warmish (*) drizzle hasn't dissolved enough white stuff and strong haven't blown it away. Haven't blown down more power lines yet either but just wait. I hate boiling coffee water over a candle.

(*) Warmish: Ambient is around 41f / 5c but wind chill takes it down to freezing.

EDIT: But that's not what triggers me. I am no longer surprised to check my catalog's Recent Activity list showing someone un-favoring a story and then immediately re-favoring it. But today one person un-faved the same story twice in a row with no intermediate activity. I guess they wanted to make *really* sure it was gone.
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It is a wonder what a fresh coat of paint and a fire hose will do to freshen up a place. :D
I read that as "a fresh coat of paint and a fire".

Wow, a new thread! We'll soon have a tapestry.

Interesting about rose rust.
That's a sweet story about the ashes and the yellow roses.
I read that as "a fresh coat of paint and a fire".

Wow, a new thread! We'll soon have a tapestry.

Interesting about rose rust.
That's a sweet story about the ashes and the yellow roses.

Fresh paint and fire do not play well together.

Tapestry? I think the closest to something textile in here was MP's blanket fort over behind that fake plant. It was fake right? I watered it a few times with leftover coffee. Come to think about it, where is MP? I ain't seen her or her fort in a coons age.

Fresh coffee for the midnight crew.

I may have an idea for that geek thing of Chloe's. I did a quick 775 words to lock the idea down. I don't have any idea where it is going or where it came from.
The ole place looks good, it's amazing what a lick of paint and 40,000 gallons of high-pressure water will do. Slide the pot over this way, Tex, it's been a long, long night in the OR, playing 'whose spleen is this?' with a stream of traffic victims from a bad smash-up in Fréjus-St. Raphael; these idiots around here think it's a hoot to go racing their Lamborghinis and Ferraris around the coast road hairpins at breakneck speed in the dark, they all think they're starring in the next episode of 'The Fast & the Furious', and then we have to clean up the carnage. I was just getting ready for bed 11 last night and my pager went off, cue panic, it's now 10:20 on a lovely sunny morning, and I've just come out of the OR. I'm writing up my clinical and procedure notes now, so I need that coffee to stay awake long enough to get me home; I'm getting too old for this nonsense...
Hypoxia, you should remove or resize that big cartoon. It screws with the browser window.
Ah yes, I love the new thread and then... Hypoxia, make that image smaller... Please.

For now, we will have to write short
And I hate writing short.

Fresh coffee for every one.

Well maybe not Hypoxia until he fixes that post.
Good morning. Coffee please, got it, thanks.

Place looks... well freshly painted, but at least the floor is clean once more.

Well, will try writing again today. I did some yesterday, started a new one about that Russian Ring necklace, about 300 words. Then switched over to my at work story. It's up to 7,000 words now. Oh well.

Y'all have a great day.
Space for the cream. I'm not sure if that is an English thing or HP being kinky.

In any case, I had a nice nap until the telemarketer called. It is supposed to rain the rest of the day and most of tomorrow. Gray and gloomy.

Fresh coffee or hot chocolate? The burning question.
I had a nice walk this afternoon. It cleared my lungs and got my legs burning a little. The scenery wasn't great, but I didn't pick the route for scenery.

Now back to quantifying water supplies on obscure little streams.
Space for the cream. I'm not sure if that is an English thing or HP being kinky.

Fresh coffee or hot chocolate? The burning question.

There are times when I like cream in my coffee, particularly if there's a slug of Rum or Brandy in the mug. Following some real throat trouble, I had to be a bit cautious with hot drinks, and real black coffee did my guts no favours at all.

But as it's late, can you fix me up with a cup of Tea please?
Your new place dried up nicely, Tex! Any new features in this new thread? Did it come with a liquor-licence this time?

I've placed the final dot in my first "One day" story draft. I'm in love, and I hope my wife won't find out about it. I do wonder if my characters still look that good after the bits and bytes dry up; if so, then I might consider paying a close look at 'Weird Science' and see if I can reproduce their steps in creating 'Lisa'. My wife might not be supportive, though. Maybe I do have a story for 'Geek Pride' after all. If only I had time and Chloe's speed...

Laurel never answered me back on the liquor license so I hung up my Licker license. Maybe no one will notice. The good stuff is still under the counter in the cabinet on the end. Help your self.

The only person with Chloe's speed, is Chloe on speed.

Fresh coffee for the evening crowd.
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