Dear X,

You should be a lot nicer to me than that... though at least now I'm not hungry anymore. I showed my husband blue waffle and he nearly vomited and said he could almost smell it.

Dear RS,

I'll bring you a breakfast of the finest chocolates (or whatever you like) with a vase of peonies and some breakfast champagne to get you loose.



Dear old brother in law
Way to go and ruin Thanksgiving. Its not a big deal that its your moms last one. Way to go for judging us and bitching at my daughter. I applaud my hubby(your little brother) for defending our daughter. He said what he had to say and was the bigger man and walked away. You showed just what kind of "God fearing Christian" man you truly are by running after him and physically attacking him.
Fuck you. When your parents are gone I will never have to lay eyes on you again. You did me a huge favor proved that what I've been telling my hubby all these years was true. You showed your true colors and what you think of me and my kids(who are fucking amazing kids by the way)
Fuck you.
Dear Partially Welsh Litster,

That made me laugh. The Welsh team did not really look impressed, did they? I, however, was quite impressed with the arses on a few of those Welsh boys! So thanks for posting that!

Arse Admiring Litster
Dear Starting a New Challenge Litster,

Good luck tomorrow! I think you'll do great!!

Excited for you Litster
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Dear X,
A "walk" down memory lane in the form of reading your posts at a certain blog site for a moment felt like you were still here. It had me laughing with tears in my eyes.

I miss knowing you're somewhere in the world, even during your long silences, you big Aussie curmudgeon.
Dear X:

I am allergic to n00bs asking asinine questions. Is there an injection for that?


Fearing the Inevitable Epidemic
Is there an injection for that?

I knew I saw the answer to that somewhere
This is as good as I've got.

Dear Slacker Radio,

You've turned my Damien Rice station into complete and utter shit. James Blunt????? Really?

May need to scrap station and start over.


Unsatisfied Pmann
Dear Nurses,

If the smell of your perfume lingers in a room for fifteen minutes after you left, are probably making your patients headcold symptoms worse. If this is a ploy to keep your patients coming back, you're doing it wrong. Please investigate the possibility of using something other than a three inch paint brush to apply your preferred scent.


Your nasally irritated co-worker
Dear X;

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your friendhip. It was unexpected, enjoyable and seeing your smile is the best holiday present I could receive. The time you have taken to just be yourself here and with me is a statement to who you are as a person. Your kindness, flirty nature, smoldering appeal and sense of humor are a part of my time that I am not willing to give up.

Since the holidays are close at hand, I wanted to thank you for the gift of yourself, your time. I've enjoyed getting to know who you are as well as what makes you smile. Enjoy your holidays, this year, your frindship is my present.

Happy holidays to all!
Dear Ex,

You are a douche!

Don't make me send Carmen, Anthony or my new friends Dimitri and Mad Freddy after you! Although I would love to watch that.

Not about to give up Christmas Eve or Christmas day,
I think there is a hallmark card for that. .. . or if not there should be.

Haha, I'll have to check the greeting card section when I go grocery shopping tomorrow. If I can't find one I will make sure to notify Hallmark.
Dear Gravity,

You hurt my mum.:mad:

Dmitri and Mad Freddy, along with some Italian associates, are on their way to, "have a word".:cool:


It's a shame older people don't bounce Litster.
Dear Gravity Hating Son,

Carmen, Anthony and Salvatore are on their way!

Friendly Sicilian Litster