Kim K & Kayne to have a baby.


Literotica Guru
Jun 3, 2003
Won't this mess up Kim's divorce.....since she's still married to Kris Humphries.
Won't this mess up Kim's divorce.....since she's still married to Kris Humphries.

I don't think so, they've been legally separated for a bit now.

I just don't understand why she'd want to have a baby now. Seems like a bad idea.
WTF maybe the Mayans were right but off by a few weeks or months.

This is a sign of the Apocalypse.

This is the last thing we need: these do self-absorbed assholes procreating.
Pretty girl, but gross. Her sisters look like monkeys

specially Kourtney, i can't stand her style an attitude, it stinks!

her man is funny shit gota love him when he's around the whole fam, he'll make you laugh.
specially Kourtney, i can't stand her style an attitude, it stinks!

her man is funny shit gota love him when he's around the whole fam, he'll make you laugh.

which one is Kourrtney? the big amazon married to the basketball player? The show cracks me up, Kim is the famous one, the one everyone wants to see, NOT the sisters yet, there they are.....personally, I like the mother the best
What court in the world isn't going to know that she's an attention whore? For that matter what idiot would marry her without knowing the same? Previous knowledge comes into play.

Also, she had to get pregnant to hang on to a rich one who can give her even more publicity. She's not dumb, whorish but not dumb.
She'll never lose the baby weight.

LMFAO. God I hope you are right. I think that is what they call poetic justice. "Look at me! I'm famous for being a pretty slut with a big ass." Unfortunately, with her cash, she can hire trainers to be back in the same shape in weeks. Real women have to work extremely hard to get back in shape after childbirth. (My hat is off to the real women. I just shake my head @ the Kartrashians)
She's going to look even grosser than ever.

Hairy Armenian Mulatto child...ewww!

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