Inspiration for Sories


Jun 5, 2019
New member here. I have written two erotic novels of 110,000 + words each. I have used an autobiographical approach, meaning I took innocent experiences in my own life and put an sexually explicit alternative direction on them. I spend a lot of effort describing my perceptions, feelings and the details of how the experience made me feel as well as how it aroused me physically. I use my writing to act out my fantasies without actually acting them out. I write to arouse myself not to publish. The sex parts come to me from my MMO (male multiple orgasm) sessions. These sessions which last from 1-2 hours consist of waves of non ejaculatory orgasms. During them I have explicit fantasies of "forbidden" sex acts or sex with people that would never happen or are blatantly inappropriate.
I'm not sure if there is a question here :confused: Are you asking how to find inspiration or just discussing how you do find it?

It seems like the latter to me, so; My stories typically spring from a scene, a snippet, I see in my mind. Often it's something that could be the set-up for more. A stranded and freezing young man on the side of an isolated road, an older single rancher passes him and turns around to offer some help... (the basis of my story; My Father Was A Switchman)

From that I have to build more. But in general, I always have a theme and a general ending in mind from the start. Setting, character building, interior character thoughts/feelings, and a tension arc are important building blocks.

Anyway, I wasn't sure of what you were seeking in your post, just want to make you feel welcome here. If I guessed wrong about your question, please say so and I'll try again ;)