Are you dominant or submissive


It seems to me that society is more accepting of a submissive woman than a submissive man. It seems that there are a lot of men who like submissive women , but very few women like submissive men.
Submissive All the Way

I don't know where it comes from but it's always there.

I hide it most of the time but its there and reveals itself in all kinds of little places..... but it never goes away.

And I like it
After doing a lot of soul searching, I'm pretty sure that I'm a sub, but not as submissive as I first thought.
Outside of bed I can be assertive and combative at times, but in bed I change completely and am a total pleaser. I still enjoy being touched, but making others feel good makes me feel good.
Submissive, very much so. I have tried to be dominant but it's not who I am and I didn't enjoy it. I embraced who I am sexually and it doesn't matter if I'm with a woman or a man, I am 100% submissive
Dominant, always have been. when I was in my 20s, had no idea there was any such thing as a BDSM community so tried to hide it thinking it was a passing fad.

Suit wearing Dom, have been a Dom for the last decade (god that made me feel old lol). I am impact mostly however enjoy a primal aspect as well. However I do view partners as equals, and require what the scene now calls an "alpha sub"
Submissive sexually. Loud mouth feminist. Kind of a pain slut. Very taken.