Inocent Man With Pakistani Woman


Oct 1, 2017
It's story about a 45 year rich innocent blackman named Mr bull. he has God gifted physic. But this feature becomed punishment for him. Problem was this no woman can tolerate his physical power singly. Because in every round of intercourse every woman discharged 4 to 5 time before he discharged one. During intercourse after 2 to 3 round every Women reacheded almost to death. while Common woman scattered in 10 to 15 deep stroke. So he called 4 to 5 women daily for fill full his sexual need. Since long he was seeking a woman to marry who singly handle his size and physical strength. Due to good fortune 7 year ago he meets one. Who belongs from Pakistan. Her named was Erum. She was so beautiful as his queen of dreams. Not only this she got sexiest curvey body too as he need. Because of using 4 to 5 woman daily basis. He understands at one glance that Erum has ability to accommodate to handle his size and physicalal strength. She was different from other woman. Her speciality was that she was strong from inside while her body appearance was like a woman. However some parts of his body were filled with flexible woman flesh. Which makes more attractive of her charming body. Unfortunately she was already married . And she loved her husband and family very much. Regardless this he proposed her to marry with him. But she was a smart woman. So she refused his marriage proposal. But she agreed to slept with him monthy basis with her husband Mr Khan permission. Since then whenever Mr bull wants he call her where he was at that time in any place in any country. Or some time he went to Pakistan himself for fulfil his sexual need. Since now with her intellect Erum stripped 15% of Mr Bull total money. Not only this now her husband became the owner of Mr Bull company here in pakisan. Now Apart from those day when Erum and Mr Bull are together. Every night he fuck 4 to 5 woman daily. Because it was Mr Bull sexual compulsion so he thinks he is innocent. He has another problem with him that he was crazy to make women pregnant. This habit made him father of thousands of children all over the world. His business were spread worldwide. And often he goes to those countries. And he could not lived without women. But he has a good habit too. That was is he never sleep with virgin girl. Because he did not want to face other trouble. But making woman pregnant he could not complete this desire with Miss Erum. Because during 7 year of long period he fall in love with her. And making him fool Miss Erum know very well.
So Mr. Khan allowed his wife Erum to have sex with Mr. Bull, and some how she got 15% of his company: a company that has assets (properties, stocks, bonds) worldwide. Mr. Bull also has fathered a lot of children because he has a compulsion to have lots of sex, and I presume what makes it easy for him to have sex with all these women is that he's very physically attractive—God's gift to women—as well as presumably rich.

Btw (i.e. by the way), by "discharge" you mean orgasm?
in English


اوج لذت جنسی‏‎ ‎(oj lezat jensi‎),

نَشْوَة‏‎ f ‎(našwa‎), هِزَّة اَلْجِمَاع‏‎ f ‎(hizzat al-jimāʿ‎)

Sorry, nothing yet in Urdu.

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