H.O.T. -- "Rise of the Crazies" (closed)


Really Experienced
May 3, 2015
Host Only Thread

This thread is intended for the Host's use only, please.
Other related threads are:​

In Character Thread
Post your role play posts here.
No stand alone OOC posts please!

Out Of Character Thread
Anything you want to say to your fellow writers,
say it here.

Recruitment Thread
If you wish to join, look here
If you have a character who needs another character
to "play with", post that idea here.
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Birth, Death, Rebirth, Death Again, Rebirth Again

"Rise of the Crazies" has an interesting history:
  • Birth: I began it as a D&D style game, then...
  • Death: ...found out I didn't want to write it as such.
  • Rebirth: Another writer was very interested in doing it as a game and took over...
  • Death Again: ...only to quit roleplaying.
  • Rebirth Again: And here we are, with me writing it not as a game but as a combination of 1x1 and Group Role Plays.
Some of what you may see here might look familiar while some of it might seem brand new. That's because the writer who took over for me made some alterations to my original concept; then -- when I took over again -- I kept some of the original ideas, kept some of his alterations, and also made some new alterations myself.

If you are a reader who was following either of the previous versions, it would behoove you to forget everything and start over.

(aka TNNG)
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The Virus and The Crazies

How This All Began:
  • 2002: The US Army's Biological Weapons Program (BWP) begins experimenting with a rabies virus.
  • 2014: Inadvertently, the BWP creates the most dangerous virus in the history of the planet:
    • Its incubation period -- the time between exposure and the appearance of the first symptoms -- is over eight weeks.
    • Its communicability period -- the time during which the infected can infect others -- begins two weeks before symptoms appear, meaning infected people can affect others before knowing that they themselves are infected.
    • It is transmitted in a number of ways, from droplet contact (coughing, sneezing) to direct physical contact (touching, sex) to oral (kissing, sex).
    • Although standard attempts are made
    • Although it won't be known for another 6 years, it kills 90% of those infected.
  • August 2020: A civilian BWP Doctor with radical ideas about how to save the planet intentionally infected himself with the virus.
  • September 2020: Before his symptoms appeared but after he was certain to be infectious, the Doctor began a cross country trip in an effort to spread the disease to its fullest.
  • His goal is to reduce the wear and tear on the planet -- global warming, resource depletion, chemical poisoning -- by killing off most of the human population.
  • October 2020: An three week long man hunt by the FBI endsThe first cases begin appearing across the United States.
  • Within weeks, cases begin appearing in other countries.
  • By December, as the CDC announces the virus has reached every country in the world and is sending thousands to hospitals across the United States, Canada, and
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