A lady in need-closed for DarkWarrioress

Amanda returned her gaze toward the open sea as he spoke. Now and then, she would glance his way. The information Sinclair was imparting were not things she knew, but if her mind had been curious about such things, it all seemed logical enough.

"Ah Captain, the officers and the doctor are assembling in your cabin for the evening meal."

She glanced over her shoulder at the other voice that floated in. Mr. Andrews. The stickler. She turned her head back to the view. The sounds of the ship creaking, the soft rock of the ship as the wind took it out beyond the quay, the slight spray of sea water on her face, her eyes closed briefly. Add the sense of freedom she suddenly felt and there was nothing better.

"you know its funny at times this ship can be be so peacefull. With a happy crew and just out of port, it is diffict to see the ugly side of these men. Now they seem at peace and calm. Then in battle the fears of them come out and they go crazy. A simple 'Sail ho' after a week or so and they dash around like wild men. Oh, they all know their jobs, we have no first timers on board right now, we may as we stop in ports and take prizes. For the mean time I think the first few days should be enjoyable for both of us."

Her eyes opened again and Amanda looked at him, smiling.

“Enjoyable days at sea will be welcome, Captain. Let us hope they are not few and in between.”

"I think we have given the doctor enough time to check your maid. If you like you may retire to you salon to change or you may come as you are, but I think we have made the officers wait long enough, shall we?"

As reluctant as she was to leave the top deck, she supposed he was right. Sinclair offered her his arm and with only a moment’s hesitation, she slipped her own through it.

“I do believe I’ll stop in the salon to check on Bridget and then I shall find my way to your cabin, Captain. I assure you, I won’t be long before I join you and your officers. Thank you.”

She allowed the captain to escort her below and to the salon she shared with Bridget. After he left, Amanda turned toward Bridget. The woman still sported a green hue but she wasn’t moaning anymore or clutching her stomach. A soft touch on the girl’s forehead and Bridget’s eyes fluttered open. Amanda leaned over the girl.

“How are you feeling, Bridget? The captain sent for the ship’s doctor when he heard you were ill.”

“Oh, Milady. I still feel horribly ill but better than I had. Are you here to dress for dinner? I should see to you. Let me get out of this thing and I will----“

“No need, Bridget. I will see to myself tonight. You rest.”

Amanda moved to her trunk, opening it and after sorting through it, chose a simple silk gown of red. She strongly disliked the ruffles and collars the ladies of the times. She always forever glad to avoid being in court. Her mother, bless the dear woman, had insisted on the formalities. Amanda had always felt like she was choking. Upon her mother’s death, she called for her seamstress and had all her gowns remade. Ruffles were left on her sleeves with a smaller amount added to her gowns at the chest. The hint of her well endowed chest was visible, edged further by the lace.

Her complexion was naturally pale, so she saw no reason to add makeup to make it more so. Amanda unbound her hair, pulling her brush through it. She left it to settle about her shoulders and down her back. Her dark red hair was quite the contrast to her pale skin. After donning her slippers, she checked on Bridget again before she left the salon to seek out the captain’s quarters.

Mr. Andrews was gracious enough to escort her to the captain’s quarters. She gave him a small smile of thanks as he knocked on the door, waited a moment for required response before he opened the door for her. Pirate he may be, but he had the mannerisms of a gentleman. She swept into the room, trying not to stare at the space the captain’s quarters had.

“Good evening, Captain. Gentlemen. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long?”
Woman in Red

When Andrew ented his cabin he found his officers waiting for him. "Doctor Khan what is wrong with Lady Blake's maid?" andrew askes. Doctor Khan turned at the mention of his name. " His mild and calming manner bothered Andrew. "Captain, I beleive that the woman is scared to death of the idea of being on a ship. She has never been to sea. I spoke to her and asked her a few questions. Also, the rocking of the ship creates digestion problems for her. I also think her may have a mild case of food posioning. All this thing are working together against her. She may be in her sick bed for some time or it could pass quickly. I'm personally against having women on the ship. A woman is nor designed for sea voyages. I understand I'm just the doctior, But its not in my custom to have women on long journies."

Andrew nods. "I see doctor." Andrew knew that many others share the the doctor's views. He turns to Mr. Watson. "Mr. Watson what can You tell us."

Mr. Watson smiles. "Captain nothing but good news. A couple of the lad found more shot for the cannon in a back store room. Along with 20 turns or good hemp rope. A sealed barrel of dry flour in good condition. I think you all know what that means. Bread and tack for the men. We can stretch it out for a few more days. We can stay out for a week more then before a good 21 days. With fair winds we should make Jamestown easily."

Andrew nods his head. "I have to agree I spoke with Leeds he feels if we stay to the East of the coastal current we should be able to make the 380 mile in about 13 to 14 days."

Andrew looks over at Mr. Andrews. "Mr. Andrews would you please check on Lady blake and see if she needs any thing before dinner." Andrew leaves and returns with Amanda.

Good evening, Captain. Gentlemen. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long?”

Andrew smiles. A lady in red. What was it his grand father had warned him. AH yes, A lady in red will get you killed dead! So good of you to join us, I see you have change. That dress becomes you Lady Blake please be seated. My officers have given their reports and the news is all good. The doctor thinks your maid will be up in three to four days and be able to attend to your needs in that time. More flour was found extending our time at sea. " Andrew waits for Amanda to sit and takes ihs place. The other take there seat.

"I under stand that roasted chicken and potatos are the meal for this evening!" There is a knock on the door and Finch and several of his helpers brings in the meal.
” So good of you to join us, I see you have change. That dress becomes you Lady Blake please be seated. My officers have given their reports and the news is all good. The doctor thinks your maid will be up in three to four days and be able to attend to your needs in that time. More flour was found extending our time at sea. "

As Amanda took the seat indicated by Sinclair, her eyes went to the doctor and smiled in relief.

“Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate you seeing to Bridget. I can make do without her services for a few days while she recovers. I am just grateful it isn’t anything too serious.”

She was surprised really. This was a ship of pirates and yet, they could hold their own among the gentry if they had wanted to. Amanda glanced around with a shy smile as the captain introduced his officers. She couldn’t hope to remember the names to faces, at least, not yet. However, she smiled politely, inclined her head to each of them as they were introduced. She could even read the unease on some of their faces. A woman, let alone two, onboard the ship was unlucky. She wondered how many of them were instilled in the old ways, the old superstitions. From the looks of their faces, a good many. There was only one female, she was a jealous bitch and they were on her. Time would tell she supposed.

A steaming plate was set before her. To her surprise, it looked quite edible. There was roasted chicken with its skin a crisply brown. Potatoes, roasted in their skin much the same way until she sunk a fork into one and found it very tender. There were a couple other root vegetables tossed in for good measure. The aroma of the cooked food that wafted up to her nose, made her mouth water and she dug in with relish. Amanda was quite content to eat and let the men talk around her, listening to the dinner conversation. Talk was slow at first. The men more than likely self-conscious of her being there. Eventually though, they relaxed and were laughing and joking in no time. Now and then, one would slip and use a word or two that was not meant for a lady’s ears. They would apologize and Amanda would smile and continue eating. She was in their arena now. Their world. The fact they had shown her as much respect as they had, surprised her. Amanda sat back in her chair, pushing her plate away from her.

“Your cook is to be commended, Captain. That was an excellent meal. Thank you for allowing me to join you.”
Bradley Finch

Your cook is to be commended, Captain. That was an excellent meal. Thank you for allowing me to join you

Andrew smiles at her words." You are most welcome Lady Blake, this may be a good time for a story." Andrew watched the faces of his officers. Only the doctor looked interested. "Its about our cook, Bradley Finch. You may wonder how some of us got in to pirate trade. Finch did it by cooking. You see he was 2'nd cook for no less then Richard Cromwell himself. When the royalist retook power they scattered the staff that served Richard. When Richard left power he fled leaving his staff behind. Finch was branded as a traitor to the crown. He fled to Liverpool and talked his way on to the first ship leaving. It happened to be a Dutch ship that was bound for the West Indies. In a storm the ship was blown off coarse and found itself in the Mona Straits. When the Captain stopped at an islan and found he was on Mona. he paniced he was in the middle of the two largest Spanish flotillas in the Eastern Caribean. That being the Santo Domingo and the San Juan." Andrew paused. There was a knock on the door.

"Enter" Andrew said flatly. One of the second shift crew steps into the cabin. "Sorry Captain, there has been a wind shift and Leeds askes for Mr. Watson on the quarter deck."

"Yes very well I can continue the story some other time, Doctor you and Mr. Andrews are free to leave. I will be entertaining Lady Blake by myself." The doctor and Mr. Andrews said their good nights.

Andrew stands and walks over to his sea chest and pulls out a bottle of wine. "I think I promised you a bottle of Merlot. Would you like to get more comfortable?" He askes as he walks over to his bed and sits on its edge.
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The captain’s cabin emptied out pretty quickly. Duties of men aboard ship, she figured silently.

"I think I promised you a bottle of Merlot. Would you like to get more comfortable?"

Sinclair retrieved the promised bottle of merlot after his crew had vacated the room. Amanda turned in her seat to follow his movement and watched him as he sat down on the edge of what looked like a comfy bed. It certainly was better than the hammock where she was sleeping. The gentle slope of her brow arched slightly.

“I’m quite comfortable right where I am, Sinclair. Perhaps it is you who should rejoin me.”

Since she was the only other one present in the cabin, aside from the captain, she had reverted back to calling him by his last name. To emphasize her words, her fingertips pushed her empty wineglass in his direction before she withdrew them and resettled her hands in her lap.

What was he thinking? Why in bloody hell would she sit on his bed of all places? Granted, there was no other place to sit other than in the chair she was currently in, but his bed? The cabin seemed to have gotten small all of a sudden. Perhaps she should just get up and walk out. That might be the right thing to do. The best thing. But Amanda wasn’t known for doing all the right things, all the time. Sinclair irked her and why she didn’t know. There was just something about him.
pirate or prisoner

Andrew nodds and looks at Amanda. He kicks off his boots and they drop to the deck. He raises his feet a puts them on the bed and crosses them.

"I see we are back to Sinclair and not Captain." He smiles and continues to look at her. Then pulls the stopper on the bottle with his teeth and spits it across the room. "I think you have a few misconceptions in you very pretty head." He raises the bottle to his mouth and takes a long pull on it.

"The first, is that you think you have bought passage on a ship going to Barbados. The second, is you think your a passenger on a ship going to Barbados. The third and this is imporant, you think we a nice friendly pirates ship going to Barbados. The only thing you got right is that, this ship with the grace of god, fair winds and a willing crew get to Barbados."

Andrew places the bottle on a leadge over his head. Leans forward and pulls his shirt off. Then leans back against a pillow that rests on the bulkhead.

"Let me tell you your options. Better yet lets reveiw a few things. One, your on a pirate ship. A 24 gun pirate frigate at that. One of the fastest ships on the water today. With a full crew, which we will have when we pick them up in Nassau, in a month or so, time will tell. We will then start taking prizes. And move deeper in to Spanish territory. We will stop in Dutch ports and sell our prizes. Making our way south and enter French waters and take more prizes. Finally, about six months or so from now we will stop in Barbados. Only be cause the Govenor of Barbados is the only one that has enough gold on hand to redeem the bonds you gave me. Now whether or not you are still on board this ship, at that point is a matter of debate."

Andrew reaches over his head and grabs the bottle and rests it on his lap. "Now my dear Amanda, you may join me in my bed as a member of my crew, as a pirate. Or, you can return to your salon as a prisoner. Because as I told you back at the Dragon. There are only pirates and prisoners on this ship. You decide what it will be. And prisoner food is what is left over after the crew eats. Not what the officers eat. And in a week it will not matter"
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Her head was in a tailspin. Folding her arms over her chest, she leaned back in her chair as she regarded him.

“Your true colors coming out, Sinclair? And damn straight we’re back to Sinclair instead of Captain.”

She almost spit the words out furiously. Amanda was barely hanging on to her patience.

“In front of your crew and officers, I see the need to conform, but alone with you?” Her brow crept a little higher.

“It’ll always be Sinclair. “

Her eyes raked over his naked torso with contempt. With a clinical eye, she had to admit that he was a decent specimen of manhood. Her eyes returned to his face as she stood up abruptly, her jaw set in a stern line. One hand slid out of sight as she stepped closer to his reclining form. Cold steel flashed as the interior lighting of the cabin caught it, its deadly point finding the precious vein in his neck and pressed inward just slightly.

“Let me make one thing abundantly clear to you, Sinclair. I am not sleeping with you to simply become part of your crew. I have no intention of becoming your private little whore either, Mister Sinclair. Nor will I become one for your crew. ”

Captain or no, her distaste was evident and clear in her blue eyes. Her actions would probably get her confined to her salon if not worse for holding the captain at dagger point, but she simply didn’t care. No man was going to take advantage of her until she wished it to be so. Nothing set off her temper quite so quickly than ultimatums. Amanda was glad for having strapped on a dagger to her inner thigh. It was proving to be quite useful.
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“It’ll always be Sinclair. “

The red headed woman with blazing blue eyes moved with amazingly fast speed toward Andrew and drew a short silver dagger and pressed it to his neck.

“Let me make one thing abundantly clear to you, Sinclair. I am not sleeping with you to simply become part of your crew. I have no intention of becoming your private little whore either, Mister Sinclair. Nor will I become one for your crew. ”

Andrew forces himself to relax and find an inner strenth.'Oh great another Countess Margereta Delonga scenario- a crazed woman with a knife he thought to himself. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the knock on the door would come. Amanda had not passed the test. The crew would know that niether she nor her maid could be trusted.

"Amanda dear, not to put too fine a point on it, some what like your blade at my neck. You have not thought this through have you?" He pauses and swallows still feeling the cold blade against his skin. "You will be put in irons and they will beat your sick maid then rape her and put in the lower fo'c'sle. There is almost no air down there. Its the worst place on the ship. They will take turns beating her and raping her. Then sell her as a slave to some planter.She will die in a few short years a broken hatefull woman. She has the most to loss. Think of Becka back in Neiw Amsterdam. Who will she blame? The faceless men who raped her or the woman who put her in that situation? You brought her along. She will hate you!Yes, you can stab me and maybe you wish to kill me. But Amanda, you and your maid will loose!"

He let that set in for a second. Then came what Andrew had been waiting for. The knock on the door. "Monkey?"

"Amanda on the other side of that door is a very large man with a crossbow. There is a six inch iron bolt with a brass cap at the business end. He will not miss. It will enter from the back of your skull and you will be dead before you blink. " Andrew let her think for a minute.

"Amanda I know your angry that is evident. But if we are caught by the French or Spanish they will hang you by your pretty neck anyway. Doesn't it make sence to get something out of it in the mean time. It will be six months till we get to Barbados. Six months think about that. The lad knows we have to pick up the rest of the crew in Nassau. We don't have the supplies to make it all the way. If you don't like the deal you can get off the ship any time you like. First port if you like. You have my word. You and your maid can get off any time you like. But now you have to decide before he opens the door. He will kill you. This is a loyaly test. They exspect it, Do you think they would let a stranger into the Captain's cabin with out knowing if they could trust you?"

He pauses. Waiting for the click of the door opening.

"Join my crew, and live, at least a little longer. " his eyes locked on to her.
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Amanda could have cut the tension in the cabin with her dagger. She stepped closer and leaned down until her lips almost touched his ear as she whispered.

“Oh Sinclair, how you underestimated me. I am not stupid enough to even consider an attempt on your life. This is… well… consider it a personal warning, hm?”

She drew back slightly until their eyes met. Her ears were attuned to the door and waiting for an inevitable click. In the meantime, the dagger was swiftly withdrawn and repositioned in its private sheath. It still did not set well with her that it was expected of her to crawl into bed with the captain. In fact, it made her anger seethe below the surface. Instead she turned, intent on making her way back to the chair she had deserted in the first place. Her eyes were warily fastened on the captain’s door. If someone where going to come barging through it, then they damn well were going to find her sitting in her chair instead of reclining on the captain’s bed.

Loyalty be damned. They could find another way to test hers. Well and true she was woman, but she wasn’t going to be labeled as the captain’s whore. Sooner or later they were going to have to fight and it was there, she would prove herself. Glancing over her shoulder, Amanda arched a brow at the reclining captain. Derision was clearly seen in her eyes.

“You may test my mettle in other ways, Sinclair. Loyalty, however, is earned. As is respect. Both will be given when they are earned. Until then, I rather not be labeled as the captain’s private whore. “

Her eyes flickered back to the door and she nodded toward it.

“Call him in.”
Tobas von Klisroenberg

Andrew had escaped death once again. He watches as Amanda put away her dagger and slid back into her chair. "ISLAND!" He calls out.

The large German from Brenen slowly opens the door looking down the shaft of the specially made bolt. The crossbow is German and a special design that Tobas von Klisroenberg himself built for his own use. Tobas is the largest white man in the crew. While not the tallest nor the strongest. He was a wrestler in his former Brenen home. As a butcher he had made a living during the day. By night he was in beer halls wrestling for a few marks. One night he snapped the neck of a drunken patron. The law came and took him away. He was found guilty of murder and sentenced to a prison ship heading for an African colony. His ship was taken by pirates and he was set free. Several years later, he was in New Amsterdam and met Andrew. Andrew was looking for crew for a raid against the Spanish in the Triadad area.
Tobas took his work seriosly. THe Captain's word was law. In his mind not to obey the captain should cost you your life.

"Donke mien Captain, Island is correct." He says and lowers the crossbow. Still keeping an eye on the woman. "Is there anything else my Captain?" Tobas asks.

"Yes, please see to it that Lady Blake's maid is checked on at a regular basis, the doctor is concern for her health, maybe a stroll on the deck would be benificial. Some fresh air might be just the thing she needs. You will see to that, Tobas. Oh, Lady Blake would you like Tobas to escort you back to your Solan or would you rather stay?"

occ:[Side note-Tobas is a RANDY BOY(Gay)]
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Amanda glanced quickly at Sinclair and rolled her eyes. The look on his face said it all. He had hardly escaped death and well he knew it. She sat back in her chair and strove to look relaxed as the captain’s door opened and Amanda found herself staring up the shaft of a lethal arrow set in a wicked looking crossbow. It was only when Tobas lowered the weapon did she truly relax even though she was quite aware of man’s eyes still watching her while he spoke with the captain.

Amanda reached out to pick up her goblet by the stem as she listened to the captain give Tobas instructions.

“……Oh, Lady Blake would you like Tobas to escort you back to your Solan or would you rather stay?"

Amanda was admiring the cut of the crystal goblet. Leave it to pirates to acquire some of the best stuff. She glanced and over at the captain, hearing her name leave his lips. She silently considered, then tilted her head slightly to one side as she turned her attention onto Tobas, giving him a charming smile.

“Thank you, Tobas but I believe the captain mentioned something about a merlot he wanted to share with me. I’m sure I can find my way back to my salon later.”

She twirled the goblet’s stem between slim fingers and deliberately looked upon the captain.

“I believe I’ll have some of that merlot now, Captain.”

She held out the goblet toward him with a challenge in her eyes.
David van Der

"Tell you what, there is a new man from Neiw Amstrerdam, he doesn't make for a very good pirate he is to smart, I think he is educated. That's fine for a Captain or an officer not for a seaman." He paused and looked at Amanda. "And since your maid is sick he will take her place, for now."

"Don't fall in love with him my dear or I will have to throw him over board!"Andrew says with a smile. He turns to Tobas. "Tobas have David come in and serve the wine for us. He will look after Lady Blake. Have him move his hammock to Solan A. So he can be near, if Lady Blake needs anything."

Tobas looks at Amanda. "Yes my Captain, he will make for fine toy for her to play with, he is not much of a man!" He smirks at her. Turns and walks out with his crossbow on his shoulder. Then he laughs. "No not much of a man all."

Andrew grabs the bottle of Merlot and takes a pull. " Yes, David will do quite nicely for you. And it would be good for the crew to see you escorted on the deck. It will reassure them."

A few seconds later there is a knock on the door. "Enter!"

A tall very thin young man with short blond hair and fair features opens the door walks in to the cabin. "You sent for me, sir." he askes, clearly shaken to be ordered to the Captain's cabin.

"Yes David, you will be a servant to Lady Blake while her maid is sick. You will can start by serving her this wine!" He hands David the bottle. Then you can stand in the corner till we need you!"

David turns to Lady Blake and pours the wine into her crystal goblet. "It will be an honor to serve you My Lady. I saw you several times in Neiw Amsredam. I hope Annette finds work, I hear she is with child!"
It was happening all too fast and before she even truly knew what was going on, she found herself strapped with a new servant. Someone to fill Bridget’s place. The only problem was, he was a he! How was he going to be a help? It wasn’t done to have a man buttoning up her dresses or helping her with her stockings. Well, yes, there was a time and a place for such things but as she wasn’t about to indulge in such instances for time being. Before she could even strike a coherent thought in her head, the giant of a man, Tobas, left with a smirk and his crossbow resting on his shoulder. Amanda found herself staring at his retreating back, blankly. What on earth had possessed Sinclair? Turning her head with the intent to counter his words, she was forestalled by the opening of the captain’s cabin door again, this time a young man with short blonde hair entered. As Sinclair handed him the bottle of wine, she simply remained mute but his words made her snap out of it.

"It will be an honor to serve you My Lady. I saw you several times in Neiw Amsredam. I hope Annette finds work, I hear she is with child!"

It had been bad enough that Sinclair had sprung a male servant upon her, but this David’s words? The unexpectedness of them? Almost rendered her speechless. Amanda raised the filled glass to her lips and drank deeply. Inhaled sharply after she swallowed before she gave David a sharp look.

“What? Annette? Pregnant? Are you sure?”

She waved him away as he went to refill her glass. It was still half full and one glass was enough for her. Amanda didn’t even wait for David to reply before she was glaring at Sinclair.

“Captain, it is right good of you to loan me David here, but it just will not do. No offense to you, David,” she shot the latter a quick apologetic look, “but there are just some things a lady requires a female’s help with.”

She returned her look to the lounging captain and felt in that second, she could have easily removed the bottle of merlot from David’s hands and bashed Sinclair over the head with it. How dare he?

“I will manage on my own, Captain. It would also be better if David remained in the Salon he shares with the other men. Having him sleep and reside in our small quarters (such as that may be) would be….. disquieting.”
“I will manage on my own, Captain. It would also be better if David remained in the Salon he shares with the other men. Having him sleep and reside in our small quarters (such as that may be) would be….. disquieting.”

Andrew smiles. "You are quite right. And there are thing that David as a man, should not be doing for or with you. That is granted. David will be your escort your personal cabin boy if you like. If you go on the deck, David will escort you."

David saw that the Captain's goblet is empty. He poured the last of the bottle into it and carries it to Andrew. Remembering that Lady Blake had spoken to him. "Yes, my lady quite sure. Who the father is that is a debate about town. My last employer Mr. Dresser beat several of the boys when he heard they may of been the father of the child. But the smart money is on Karl the baker's helper. We think he put the bun in the oven, you might say."

Andrew sips the last of the Merlot listening. He is half amused and half annoyed. This was town gossip, something he never bothered with nor had interest in hearing. But David fit the position of cabin boy just fine. His fine palor manners seemed to fit the job.

Since Amanda would not sleep with him with out a fight. so be it. David would be with her when she left her cabin. The crew would understand that. It would tell them that she was welcomed on board, but would have to be watched. And David would serve that purpose.

"Well it is settled them, David will move in across the hall from you. When you leave your cabin David will be with you. He will not enter your cabin unless you bid him to do so."
Sinclair’s words held her attention. Now this was acceptable to her. Amanda inclined her head toward with a slight tilt and raised her glass to him in a brief salute. Her eyes flashed to David.

“Karl….” She mused a moment before lifting her glass to her lips to polish off the merlot still residing within, “that would be a good bet. She was quite smitten with him that last I knew of it. Does his parents know? I would hope so. I would like it if Annette and her child were cared for. Well now….”

Amanda got to her feet with a swish of her dress, gathering one side of it up in her hand as she set the glass on the table.

“Your arm please, David. I find myself getting rather tired and would like to check on Bridget before I go to sleep. Captain, thank you for your hospitality and the merlot. You were right. It was a good vintage.”

Very little gave away the fact she was simmering below the surface, still angry with the captain for even thinking she would simply jump into his bed. Why, they were very little more than strangers and there was little he had done at this point to endear himself to her. Moving to meet David, she slipped her arm into his.

“So tell me more about yourself, David. How did you end up on Captain’s ship?”

Their steps took them to the captain’s door, pausing as she waited for him to open it for her. He accomplished this and she stepped through with nary a backward glance to the insolent captain. She waited for David to join her after he closed the captain’s door behind them. Her arm returned to his as she waited for him to speak up. Perhaps David had been a good choice to play lady’s maid for the time being.

They took their time leaving the rear of the ship where the captain’s quarters were located and it seemed like all too soon they were at the salon she shared with Bridget. David left her there with the promise to be ready to escort her to the morning meal and hopefully a turn topside afterwards. Amanda smiled and thanked him before turning into the salon she shared with Bridget. Her maid still looked a little ill but much better than before. Stepping behind a screen set in one corner of the space, Amanda changed into something less restricting to sleep in. The dagger however, remained strapped to her inner thigh and would continue to be so. Getting into the hammock proved to be a little tricky, having never been in one before and Amanda managed it finally without too much mayhap. At least, she hadn’t let the thing dump her unceremoniously on the floor or worse, on her head. Settling in while it gently swayed, she drew her hands up and behind her head as she studied the ceiling over her head. It didn’t take long for sleep to claim her. It had been a long day but she was finally on her way.
ship routine

The next two days passed quickly.The ship fell into a dailly routine. The weather is mild with a few passing rain showers that refreshed the water supply everso slightly.

Andrew sees Amanda on deck escorted by David. They had had a minor falling out about the maid Amanda had left behind but by dinner time all seemed forgoten. The food freshness is slipping and Finch informs the Captain that the salted foods from the supply barrels will be served at the next meal. This is not the greatest of news, though exspected.

On the third day out about mid watch the sharp eyes of Fisk sees a dot on the horizion that start to grow. "SAIL HO!" He pauses to get his berrings "Five points to port. Mr. Andrews has the duty and is talking to Leeds the Navigator about a possible wind shift. When one of the crew reports to Mr. Andrews.

Mr. Andrews looks up and see Fisk pointing toward the Port side. "Can you make her out Fisk? What are her colors?"
A minute or two passes. Before Fisk replies. "A three master with blue flag atop.

"A frog!" Mr. Andrews says aloud. Sound the bell action stations. Mr. Andrews sees Tobias and sends him to notify the Captain and Mr. Watson. Tobias knocks on doors as he rushes to the Captain's cabin.He knocks.

Andrew as a routine is studying tidail charts at his sea desk. "Enter". Tobias opens the door and steps inside. "Captain, frog sail five off the port side and closing. " Tobias states quickly.

"What colors are we flying?" Andrew asks looking up from his desk.

"Dutch as ordered Captain." Tobias replies.

"Have Mr. Watson stand by with our black flag at the ready." Andrew states calmly. "And notify the rest of the crew that there may well be action. Have the furnaces turned on."

"Yes Captain, It shall be done!" Tobias rushes out of the cabin. As he passes Salon B David sticks his head out. "Whats happening?"he asks.

"I'm going ta be fucking me some frog ass tonight, milk sop!" He laughs as he rushes by.
David closes the door and looks at Amanda. "I think we are going into action!"
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The following two days seemed to have passed easily enough. Their diet had changed up as the fresh food became used up. Amanda never had a more heartfelt wish than to have fresh foods introduced back into her diet. Such was the way of life aboard a sailing vessel however.

There was commotion outside their door. Amanda spared a glance at Bridget and gave the girl a reassuring smile. David had opened the salon door to see what was going on. Tobias’ words floated through the opening. When David turned around, Amanda was already retrieving her sword belt and weapon and was in the process of buckling it on.

“I think we are going into action!”

Amanda paused, casting a look over her shoulder at her temporary “handmaiden”.

“Then might I suggest that you scurry along and prepare as the rest of the men are doing? I am fine here. Bridget is safe and I certainly will not require an escort topside.”

Her sword buckled into place, she moved to David’s side as she opened the salon door again and gently pushed him out of the room.

“I’ll see you topside anon.”

Not giving him time to say anything else nor protest, she shut the door quietly, securing it before turning her attention to Bridget. The girl was definitely looking much better these days. Amanda’s stride took her to the girl’s side.

“You will be fine in here. Do not answer the door to anyone but me or one of the crew, Bridget,” she gave the girl’s shoulders a squeeze, “I’ll be back as soon as I am able.”

Bridget looked frightened but to give the girl her due, she nodded her head.

“You will be careful Milady, won’t you?”

Amanda smiled and hugged her again. Being careful was not something one did in a fight but Amanda knew what the girl meant and what she needed.

“Of course, Bridget.”

Another brief squeeze to Bridget’s shoulders then Amanda was hiding her locks under a bandana, tying the ends in a knot at the base of her skull. At the door, she gave the girl a reassuring look before she opened it and stepped out into the small walkway, closing the door behind her. She pressed herself against the closed door as men rushed by her. When the walkway cleared, she moved toward the top deck, her heart pounding in her chest, her hand tight on the hilt of her sword.

The French. This should prove interesting.
False Colors

When Andrew reached the quarter deck he saw Mr. Watson has the glass up to his eye watching the ship.

"What do you make of her Mr. Watson?" Andrew asks trying to stay calm.

Mr. Watson pauses before answering. "She's a carrack of some sort charging hard, Captain!"

Mr. Andrews hands Andrerw his glass and Andrew tooks a look."Why would a French carrack charge a frigate flying the Dutch flag? Andrew asks allowed.

"Because she's not French!" they both say at the same time. Thdey look at each other. Andrew raise his glass agian.

"Roll out the guns Mr. Watson I know who they are....it the San Pedro ."

Mr. Watson looks at the Captain. "The Spanish raider, this far north.?"

Mr. Andrews leans forward "Captain we only have crew for 15 guns, sir!"

Mr Watson watches the ship close. " She's is trying to intercept us sir. We can out gun her if we put all our crew to the port side and keeper there."

"That sound good I'd bet she has 200 to 250 men on her. We would be out numbered 3 or 4 to one. Mr. Watson have the men fall in on the port guns only. Andrew looks to Leeds the man behind the ships wheel. keep that ship to our port side stay with the wind. If you think she will try to cross us stay port and we will make speed. Don't let her get close."

Mr. Watson gave the order and most of the crew rushed to the port guns. The rest took to the rat lines.
Andrew watched as the guns were rolled out and the gun captains crouched and raised a hand, touch stick at the ready.
Mr. Watson tunred to the Captain. "All port gun ready, Captain!"

"Two shots cold and we raise sail Mr. Watson the can can not trade shot with a Spanish 200 man crew. Even if we demast her she will overwhelmed us."

The carrack drew closer and her gun ports opened and her guns are being run out. Just as the guns were half way out. The flag of Philip and Isabela is sent up the rear line as the french one came down. "

"FIRE!"Calls out Andrew. "Fire" responds the gun captain. 13 guns on the port side belched fire.
Amanda was just coming up on deck when the ship rocked from the firing of her guns. She almost lost her footing but latched onto the mast just in time. Smoke billowed and rolled across the deck. What little crew they had, were running about, either getting ready and prepared to be boarded or to board. Two crew members came running past her and she heard one of them mention the Spanish. Spanish? Wasn’t the ship French? Her eyes caught movement, watching as the French flag came down and another rose. Well, that answered her question. Her eyes roamed the deck. How could she help? Where could she help. She’d be more in the way than a help. Where was Sinclair? Through the smoke and the rocking of the ship, her eyes scanned the deck and finally located the captain up on the quarter deck. She had no place there. They were outmanned, even to her inexperienced eyes, that was obvious. So, how was Sinclair going to handle this?

Sailing on a pirate ship was the last thing Amanda had expected to do, let alone join its crew. The guns boomed and roared beneath the deck at her feet. Glancing upward, shielding her eyes from the sun, she saw the men up on the ratlines. While she wasn’t afraid of heights, she was afraid of getting her limbs tangled up in those lines. No, far better for her to stay upon the deck and while there was an impulse to run to the port rail, she resisted it. The other ship was soon going to be firing their cannons as well and the chance of splintering wood flying was a good one.

And if they were boarded…..

Well, that was a wait and see proposition.
The carrack had been on the downward side of the roll when the iron shot plowed in to two of the six guns on the carracks starbaord side. When it rolls to the top of the wave. It fires its two remaining guns high sniping two rat lines.

Leeds watches the Spanish take a straight and true coarse. "Mr. Watson
I think we can get a bow shot on her take out a mast or the fore sheets."

Mr. Watson looks to Andrew. "Captain hay I suggest a bow rake and raise our sails and get out of here!" Andrew looks at the crew rolling out the guns. "Come abeam of her, keep the wind. We will fire and make for James town This is not the fight we want. There will be other days and other chances!"

Mr. Watson looks at Leeds. "Bring us 15 degrees to port to fire. After we light them up, hard to starboard!" Mr. Andrews hearing the plan runs down the port stairway to the port side gun captain. "One shot and get your boys in the rigging." Steven looks to his brother at the end of the gun line and gives him a set of signals worked out long ago. Thomas nods he understands.

"It seems the Captain wants this last shot then we hit the sheets." he states calmly.

Leeds feels the wind brush his cheek. And he turns the ship slightly to port. Though not a true bow rake it did focus most of the guns on the bow of the Spanish ship.

"Fire!" Andrew calls out. There was no need to repeat the order. The cannons bucked. The shots are away and Leeds wastes no time in turning hard to starboard.
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Amanda was fascinated with the by-play of action on Sinclair’s part. Her heart was still thundering in her chest. Would they be boarded or wouldn’t they? Would there be a fight upon the deck or would the Red Horse manage to escape? A quick glance around and realizing she wouldn’t be missed, Amanda slipped back below deck, moving toward the salon she shared with Bridget. Her maid would probably be scared and worried about what was going on topside. She paused long enough to give a brief knock on the door before calling out.

“Bridget, it’s Amanda. I’m coming in.”

Amanda opened the door and slipped inside. Her maid was struggling to get out of her hammock, a look of sheer terror on her face. The lady rushed to her maid’s side, offering a hand to help Bridget out of the hammock. The girl gave a faint smile and a soft thank you.

“My Lady what is amiss? Are you well? You are not hurt anywhere, are you?”

Amanda shook her head, “I’m fine, Bridget. We have not been boarded nor have we boarded. It seems Sinclair is going to try and outrun them. They aren’t French. They are Spainards.”

“What is going to happen to us, My lady?”

Amanda smiled, reassuringly.

“Absolutely nothing. We are going to be fine, Bridget.”

I hope.
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Andrew turned as the Red Horse sprintes away. The crew has wasted no time getting to the canvas and freeing the sails. With the the Horse under full sail the Spainard could do little. The last broadside had knocked out two more cannon forward and sheared away the bowsprit. One of the iron balls had hit the fore mast taking out a health chunk of it. It had not yet fallen, but Andrew figured it was only a matter of time. In the very least it could not of been used.

Andrew turns to Mr. Watson" Not a victory Mr. Watson, but not a loss either. Extra portion of rum for those that go below decks. And add a quarter share to Fisk in the accounting. He does good work up there."

After a half hour Andrew looks back at the Spainard. They had managed to get several sails back up. They are moving at half their earlier speed. "Next time my friend you will not be so lucky."Andrew states out loud.
“My Lady,” Bridget’s voice interrupted Amanda’s pacing, “listen.”

Amanda stopped in the path she was wearing across the floor. Her head was slightly tilted. Her eyes found Bridget’s.

“No cannons and I don’t hear any fighting. Bridget, will you be all right down here? I’m going to go topside again and see what is going on. I will come back and let you know.”

Amanda slipped out of the salon and made her way back topside. The Spanish ship was in the distance. She glanced around. The ship seemed to be back to normal. Moving to the rail, she peered out to sea. There would be no fight today, not with the Spanish ship at least. Idly she wondered if the men would get an extra ration tonight in reward. She turned, looking toward the quarter deck, curious to see if Sinclair was still topside or if he had retreated to his spacious quarters.
As the carrack slips farther and farther away. Andrew knew the danger of this exchange is over. He returns to his cabin. In his sea chest he finds another bottle of wine. He pulls the stopper out and pours a half glass. There is a knock at the door.
"Enter" he calls out.
Mr. Anndrews opens the door and steps inside.
Andrew looks at the man."Yes?"
"I have my report Captain. Two ratlines were hit. One gun carrage was damaged two men injured by flying splinters. They are minor injuries and the doctor says they should be available next watch."

Andrew looks relieved. "That is good news. I'm sure our Spainard friend did not get that lucky."

Mr.Andrews relaxes some sencing the Captain's remark. "Fisk reports at least ten dead and a score or more wounded. That and they lost four cannon. Next time they see us they will not be so eager to engage.They must of though we were a green crew."

"Quite right Mr. Andrews. I thank you for your report. And Mr. Andrews have the officers eat with the men tonight.And heavy on the plaise. Mr. Andrew tell the lads I said very well done!"

Mr. Andrews leaves and shuts the Captain's door.

Andrew kicks off his boots and lays on his bed. Take a sip of his wine."Fine job, but no booty!"

Then there was a knock on the door. Andrew looks up. I wonder who this might be?
She had a few questions for Sinclair and seeing how he was no longer up on the quarter deck, she went in search for him. Luck was with her. She ran into Mister Watson. Literally.

“My apologies. I should be watching where I’m walk----“

Glancing up, she noticed that the person she had run into was Mister. Watson.

“Not exactly who I was looking for but maybe you could help me, Mr. Watson. I’m looking for the captain and not having an ounce of luck. Would it be a good guess that he is in his quarters?”

Amanda had taken to wearing her trousers and billowing shirt for their journey, except, of course, when she was invited to dine with the captain and his men. Only then would she don a dress. She had shed her sword in the small quarters she shared with Bridget, who was, looking much better every day. She and David were engaged in a friendly parlor game of cards. Amanda had left them to it.

Getting an affirmative from Mr. Watson, Amanda thanked him and head off toward the captain’s quarters and knocked softly on the door.